Fair warning, I'm casting a wide net because I'm not sure where you are. Just pick out the discussion that is relevant to your point.
I will try to be more specific so such a net is not necessary.
I really don't know where to start here, I think we will have to go back and forth before we find common ground on this one. I'll start.
You seem to use the word 'religion' to encompass a lot of things, which makes it hard sometimes to understand what you actually mean. To start somewhere I'll assume, for now, that you mean the many different organisations that have existed over the years. I will further assume 'down the wrong path' means 'the world is flat'. And yes, people belonging to such organisations had the wrong idea about such things until they were proven wrong. And I'm totally with you that during periods such organisations would gladly ignore new findings because..maybe they were prideful, or didn't understand, or they were more interested in stability then being correct. I don't know and probably never will.
My definition of religion is simply any group or groups that worship a god or gods. A god is any being that is said to have super human capabilities and that requires men to follow them for any reason, period.
I will further assume 'down the wrong path' means 'the world is flat'. And yes, people belonging to such organizations had the wrong idea about such things until they were proven wrong. And I'm totally with you that during periods such organizations would gladly ignore new findings because..maybe they were prideful, or didn't understand, or they were more interested in stability then being correct. I don't know and probably never will.
So in that way, yes, 'religion' has constantly been down the wrong path.
Here is where we differ on this conversation and I think is the real core of my problem. The bible was created and written by men, it tells of great and outlandish stories all of which have never been proven or reproduced in any way shape or form, I can procure many examples if wished. There is said to be 124000 prophets all messengers of god so what happened to the messages? how did so many messengers mess up gods divine words? Why is it that so many people that say they are the messengers of god have been so completely wrong, forget pride and misunderstanding this is god we are talking about and the holiest of men recanting his words. I wonder how many people have died because of these rantings and beliefs instilled by these holiest of men.
But this is true about science as well. Theories are assumed to be correct until proven wrong. They always explained the world better then the ideas before, but our understanding has never been complete, it might never be. But they are not the same, they aren't interested in the same things. Religion have components of science within it, but it concerns itself with a great many other things as well. Religion as an organization reflects the people it's made up of. Science on the other hand is a lean and mean system only concerned with building an understanding of the physical space we occupy. It is single minded and very good at what it does.
Science has indeed had it's ups and downs but like you have said they are only theories till proven wrong. It is not my intentions to defend science I only used it to verify inaccuracies written in the bible by supposedly the holiest of men. Science is focused, but I believe religion is even more so in its practice. Science is far from single minded it covers many fields and intertwines itself into our everyday life, pharmaceuticals, plastics, electricity, anatomy, physics, space, agriculture and many many many more this is far from single minded. Religion is very single minded it establishes belief into a single god and the preaching of words from a not in your best intentions bible. The bible can tell me about love and hate but when it comes to facts there are just none to be found. how is it that a single verse from the bible can be used for any occasion, this tells me that allot of time has been spent writing and rewriting the words so to have no meaning at all. I have heard the same words uttered at a funeral as it was at a wedding, do the words of the bible hold no specific purpose or meaning.
I don't think so, how does a book put a twist on something?
I speak of hind site here when one looks back and see's a clearer path that should have been taken. I realize this is a fact of all things but we are not talking of all things it is the almighty religion and god that is in question. the bible tells that homosexuality, divorce, atheism, greed, killing is a sin but now the church has embraced it, is this not a twist, how about stoning, well almost everyone to death for some reason or another but now we accept and forgive. If the words of the holiest of prophets are ignored and the bible is the book to follow, which words are we then to follow if all the words of the bible are ignored.
Nope, I think you just don't understand my point. The group I was talking about wasn't unaware. Being unaware assumes there is a correct way of seeing things, and my point was that there isn't always one.
I see where you are coming from here but isn't this where translation comes forward. Archeologists for decades have been studying ruins and hieroglyphics to study the nature of earlier man. This allows us to understand with a high amount of accuracy the meanings and thoughts of these early groups even with limited letters or symbols. I believe even though these groups had limited writing abilities the ski would have still been blue. When a new word has been discovered in today's age typically it is a word that is used most common, regardless of others knowledge of said word and still becomes a word despite others unawareness of it. I realize there are many languages but aren't languages developed to establish communication and to describe things around them. It is difficult for me to believe there is a group ever, that had such a limited vocabulary as to not define the color blue. Perhaps a desert dwelling group may have never seen purple or red before and did not necessary need to define it, but the color blue is seen in all cases regardless of your origins.
I don't understand the point you're trying to make, and it might be because I don't understand this part?
this discussion now has set parameters untethered to past ideologies or beliefs
This is only referring to this new civilization, the one that has had all persons removed that would not conform to the fact the ski was blue.
'The parameters are clear they are the set of rules put down by the keepers of the blue ski, and
Past ideologies are those who had different beliefs other then the ski being blue.
I don't think it's silly at all, and think it is very natural to try and appease the powers that you are at the mercy of. I understand why it wouldn't make much of a difference, but I have thousands of years of accumulated knowledge at my disposal.
This is simply were we differ and is the reason we will probably never agree in terms of this discussion. I will never bow or appease to any power regardless of what it is ( just don't tell my wife I said this)lol. I will not be a goat or sheep I am ME. I request no mercy nor do I request anything that I can not do for myself, so were does he fit in.
No matter how natural it is for you and me now, don't you think people in two hundred years will laugh at our silly notions of time and space. They still work fine for the lives we live.
Times are always a changing, I encourage change. I continue to evolve my thinking and continue to search for answers to this existence just none of them so far have lead me to believe in a god. Perhaps in two hundred years some sciency guy will break the bible code and find all the answers to the universe and the address to your so called god, I still would not care to be part of that. The bible though was written to be fact, at the time it was written, How do you evolve with these words and still believe in them as if they were gods. If god is all powerful shouldn't his words be followed to the letter, what kind of followers do not follow if indeed they believe.
Well this is just an unnecessary statement that a matter of opinion and perspective since it is completely unprovable. You only prove your prejudice here.
"God is not observed, and it is not even felt or necessary..."
This is not prejudice but a conclusion of my observations, how you take this statement is solely on you, it is not preconceived or directed towards anyone or any group. I am a true believer that the words of the bible help maintain a healthy society as long as they are interpreting the words and there meaning correctly. There are always lessons to be learned from all men and of course the bible I just tend to see them as lessons and only take from them knowledge that will see me evolve my understanding of life.
Here you assume that religion holds that god exists over our head. The organization that lives in your backyard might. But I don't know how relevant that is to discussion on religion as a whole.
I again do not assume where you or anyone else will point to when asked where god is. Some believe god is in everything some say he exists in their hearts and others say he awaits them in heaven, what is the right answer? If the words of god are so mighty and the answers are so clear this question should not be difficult to answer. Is it not relevant to know where your god awaits you? As for the organization in my back yard if they are to remain there they must be at least able to tell me where the blue ski is, and if they choose to believe in god they better have at least a clue as to where he resides or they will not be there for long.
Sure, but I don't understand why that is relevant?
Surly you see the relevance in this statement it addresses the fact that you are aware of a blue ski and it's location, but are not aware of the location of your god.