Oh, my! Now, the pint is that I believe you are!
Oh, my! Now, the pint is that I believe you are!
One thing I learned from being in the Marines. There are no atheists in a foxhole.
Since thou has shown humility I shall answer your request in part, The sun known as Sol is indeed connected to your world more than people realize and is what determines your position in space/time/dimension. When the prophecy of Revelation 9 is fulfilled which is linked to the prophecy's of the sun darkening as sackcloth. This can be understood by looking as the sun as part of what causes the shift on earths dimension, the sun itself acts as projector sending waves of light upon earth which are at specific frequency when the time comes of the opening of the pit its effect upon sun changes the sun and the sun projects a different type of light upon earth.
When this actually occurs the effect on sun is to darken and when it is seen after the three days by mankind again it will be red like blood, this then means the moon will shadow the suns light and appear as blood also which is also in prophecy. Dimensional access is determined by the frequency of light of the world when the shift occurs the earth will be on a lower frequency which is aligned with underworlds of Hades this means what normally is prevented to interact in full manifestation can then gain entry. It is during that time that the great tribulation and it great suffering comes upon all mankind.
My connection to God is within for we are One in Spirit, whom I am is revealed in the day of closing not before, some are gathered early and shall be sealed before the tribulation but only a few will be chosen for were righteous enough rest world will endure the tribulation and many will forsake God during it but those whom endure unto death in faith shall be brought up in the closing the day of burning and Resurrection of the righteous. If you seek God live a selfless life, reject the ways of world and what people tell you is the truth and seek the truth through spirit discerning what is available by man. The greatest tool you will find is the words of Jesus Christ by applying them directly into your life and living it to best of your ability, know this isn't easy people will turn against you, you will own very little and will struggle and suffer for sake of your faith but in doing so you are true righteousness. Overcoming sin will set you free but it is a impossible task without aid of God but if any can they shall see the kingdom of God for can not remain in this fallen Babylon. Forgiveness to be put into effect requires repentance, repentance is change a persons heart must change and in doing so their actions and mind. Forgiveness does not remove karma so live your life in kindness unto others never harming another or speaking or thinking bad things against them, instead be of service to them in goodness. I promise you if you do these things you will discover the mystery of God and shall find yourself counted as those chosen.
This skin suit is suppose to be a part of your whole being. Its like the skin for the soul and spirit. What do you think about intelligent design?Hello donnann
I spent three years in the 82nd airborne field artillery, my dog tags specify "NONE" under religion. I spent 8 months in desert storm and dug many a fox hole but not once did I seek your gods presence, Even when we crossed that line in the sand and executed fire missions a god never enter into my mind or thoughts. I have been an atheist my whole life and I have never felt a presence of a higher power.
I have had thousands of out of body experiences and astral journeys through out my life, I have dealt in the dark and the light but still nothing has given me any reason to believe in a higher power. I believe in an after life or the freedom of this skin suit and I believe in her your earth soul object(Gaia) she is the reason for all the things you feel and see.
I recently went through a spiritual awakening where my soul ascended within me during the beginning of October, I watched as a force came up behind me and filled my veins with light to prepare my body for Powessy.
I still do not believe in a one higher power or creator.
So before you start making assumptions about something you clearly know nothing about due to your blind thoughts and religious views stop and think you just might be wrong.
I would just like to add that I respect those that are willing to look at all sides, many of the responders to this thread have at least kept an open mind to those things that lie beyond there scope of understanding.
This skin suit is suppose to be a part of your whole being. Its like the skin for the soul and spirit. What do you think about intelligent design?
hello donnann
I think it is the same question only without the word god. Why is it so hard to believe there is no god? Why is god necessary for people to feel they have a purpose? I think the reason we are here is because we were the strongest. Look to nature and you will see no weak links other then the stress man has put on it? The biggest problem with people is they do not see the billions of years it took to create the system that lies just in front of them or how many times it took for evolution to get it right.
I think a self-created universe with minds is more miraculous than any miracle recorded in all the religions of the world. A universe with minds that have beliefs, intentions, and aims must necessarily have a Mind with beliefs, intentions, and aims. Why is it so hard to believe there is a God?
God and the gods exist. Why is it so hard to realize this. You would never lose individualism. God and his female counterpart always existed. They created the GODS which are archangels and their female counterparts. Then they created this universe as a mirror image of the heavenly universe.hello Ahanu
I then have to ask, if that reality that you hold is so appealing, then why does it not apply to this reality? Is this a break from oneness? or a test to see if we can be one with the collective of minds. Who decides the beliefs and intentions of this mind, is their a hierarchy involved? Have you looked into space, we live on a little rock the size of a piece of sand within an ocean of sand, and this is the best we could do, how sad is that. All a person has to do is look around and see that everything is supported by everything else, there are no special supports from a higher domain or mind acting on these environmental structures. Man continues to destroy these supports where is the mind as this happens, can I speak to it I have a lot to say and being part of it is not on the top of my list.
To believe in a god is to say, that I have no purpose other then to breed have kids be good and die then live in a place of gold streets and reside with my family for how long exactly?, or is my purpose to be born, praise him for this gift, live a life of unknowing constantly questioning the godly design? or will I float into this big brain structure and lose my individualism? Why would this mind allow so much deception if it was so powerful it could create universes.
People are scared when they look to the darkness that lies beyond life to the point that they have created gods and belief systems to help them cope with this issue.
God and the gods exist. Why is it so hard to realize this. You would never lose individualism. God and his female counterpart always existed. They created the GODS which are archangels and their female counterparts. Then they created this universe as a mirror image of the heavenly universe.
How about an uncreated universe? What makes you think that there is a universe and that some 'beyond-the-nature' being created it? What I see is an ocean of energy. You and me are all part of it, all the living things and the non-living. This energy (atoms, which are just forms of energy) creates our brain, gives us mind, and as per its training/evolution mind perceives the existence in various forms, humans, animals, vegetation, and non-living things; though what exists is universal, just a sea of energy. That is, in Hinduism, known as 'maya', illusion. Mind creating things which are not there, and not seeing what actually is there. God/Gods/Goddesses are not essential for us to wrongly perceive a universe and participate in it. (Perhaps the idea is not presented well, but do catch the wind?)I think a self-created universe with minds is more miraculous than any miracle recorded in all the religions of the world. A universe with minds that have beliefs, intentions, and aims must necessarily have a Mind with beliefs, intentions, and aims. Why is it so hard to believe there is a God?
How about an uncreated universe? What makes you think that there is a universe and that some 'beyond-the-nature' being created it? What I see is an ocean of energy. You and me are all part of it, all the living things and the non-living. This energy (atoms, which are just forms of energy) creates our brain, gives us mind, and as per its training/evolution mind perceives the existence in various forms, humans, animals, vegetation, and non-living things; though what exists is universal, just a sea of energy. That is, in Hinduism, known as 'maya', illusion. Mind creating things which are not there, and not seeing what actually is there. God/Gods/Goddesses are not essential for us to wrongly perceive a universe and participate in it. (Perhaps the idea is not presented well, but do catch the wind?)
What is a none observer? Of course, we make observations and arrive at conclusions. But it requires some efforts to erase our biases and arrive at the right conclusion. I too do not believe in one or many divine Gods or Goddesses, I am a strong atheist 'advaitist' (believer in non-duality) Hindu. I believe only in 'physical energy' as the sole constituent of all things in the universe, forming the universe under four fundamental forces and gravity (add more forces if these five are not all). Don't take me for a mystic... because to me this suggest that all things are illusion except for an acceptable interpretation by the none observer. I am not verse in the Hindu religion as you so I may not be understanding this correctly please take no offense. I do not believe in in a one divine god, ..
How about an uncreated universe? What makes you think that there is a universe and that some 'beyond-the-nature' being created it?
Powessy told donnan:"So before you start making assumptions about something you clearly know nothing about due to your blind thoughts and religious views stop and think you just might be wrong."In the above quote powessy shows us he believes people can have different degrees of knowledge. He says there is something donnann "clearly knows nothing about." He believes donnann lacks some knowledge about a topic, or we can even say he believes donnann is ignorant about a topic (donnan's comment being "there are no atheists in a foxhole"). Since degrees of knowledge exist, a supreme degree of knowledge must also exist. This is undeniable."Therefore, it becomes evident that there is an Eternal Almighty One, Who is the possessor of all perfections, because unless He possessed all perfections He would be like His creation."-Abdu'l-Baha
What is a none observer? Of course, we make observations and arrive at conclusions. But it requires some efforts to erase our biases and arrive at the right conclusion. I too do not believe in one or many divine Gods or Goddesses, I am a strong atheist 'advaitist' (believer in non-duality) Hindu. I believe only in 'physical energy' as the sole constituent of all things in the universe, forming the universe under four fundamental forces and gravity (add more forces if these five are not all). Don't take me for a mystic.
A civilization that had billions of more years to advance then us, does this make them god because they hold more of the answers, no I don't think so.
If I present a test to a thousand people, the test result's should form the standard bell curve. The test will show that the participants knowledge of the test will range from not good, to average, to getting them all correct. So by your logic then, the one that scored the highest would be god, is this your thinking.