Is there life elsewhere in the universe?

I have just explained how I came to that information and lining up behind the New Scientist you just called me a lier without any attempt to verify the validity of my statement. I guess most people need to wait to get on the bandwagen til something becomes common knowledge.
I love you too

Who are you talking to?
no one can tell you what life is -so first tell us what life is.... QUOTE]
For the benefit of my study into telepathy and reincarnation the Creator gave me answers to some of my question, among them where life comes from. Acording to him life is being created by supenovas and dispersed by supernova explosions. (Ch.36)
It never occured to me to ask what life is, although come to think of it, should have. Are we mere sophisticated machines or is there more to it?
no one can tell you what life is -so first tell us what life is.... QUOTE]
For the benefit of my study into telepathy and reincarnation the Creator gave me answers to some of my question, among them where life comes from. Acording to him life is being created by supenovas and dispersed by supernova explosions. (Ch.36)
It never occured to me to ask what life is, although come to think of it, should have. Are we mere sophisticated machines or is there more to it?

I believe that the current state of the universe is due to the fall and loss of it being immortal elements.
yup, continual steady progression since the dawn of homo sapiens....we've gradually become less like the animals we evolved from...
Um, I'm not sure that is a good thing. I have always seen animals as being far more socially evolved than humans have ever been! And they remain more evolved than we will ever be.

Tell me any animal on the planet that has genocidal wars; that has made it their purpose to destroy the planet for wealth, or even that have family spats that end in a member dead (it happens but it is the exception not the rule)!

Humans are the 'animals' on this world.
I do believe you don't have to look far in the animal kingdom for your human behaviours of genocide....for territory and is what our ancestral traits came from...

we've just honed the behaviour...
I do believe you don't have to look far in the animal kingdom for your human behaviours of genocide....for territory and is what our ancestral traits came from...

we've just honed the behaviour...
It only exists because of the fall. The animals are extentions of us and products of the fall also. In eden the lion laid down with the lamb, they were not even carnivirious.