Common Figure of Speech/Colloquial Language?


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Whenever the three days and three nights of Matthew 12:40 is brought up in a "discussion" with 6th day crucifixion proponents, they frequently argue that it is a common Jewish idiom for counting any part of a day as a whole day. I wonder if anyone knows of any writing from the first century or before that shows a phrase stating a specific number of days and/or a specific number of nights when it absolutely couldn't have included at least a part of each one of the specific number of days and at least a part of each one of the specific number of nights?
Whenever the three days and three nights of Matthew 12:40 is brought up in a "discussion" with 6th day crucifixion proponents, they frequently argue that it is a common Jewish idiom for counting any part of a day as a whole day. I wonder if anyone knows of any writing from the first century or before that shows a phrase stating a specific number of days and/or a specific number of nights when it absolutely couldn't have included at least a part of each one of the specific number of days and at least a part of each one of the specific number of nights?
a thousand years is one eternity. A day can be a thousand years or just a day.

Do you know of any writing as asked for in the OP?
What are 6th day crucifiction proponents?

I can stretch the 3 days....(even though he was in the tomb less than 40 hours) but where does three nights come from...he was only in the tomb Fri and Sat night....according to the stories,

re: "What are 6th day crucifiction proponents?"

Those who say that the crucifixion took place on the 6th day of the week.
I don't know about you, but religious apologists...trying to prove every jot an tittle as fact in order to facilitate their belief is the wrong way to go about things...

Of course this is just my opinion.
What are 6th day crucifiction proponents?

I can stretch the 3 days....(even though he was in the tomb less than 40 hours) but where does three nights come from...he was only in the tomb Fri and Sat night....according to the stories,
Friday, Saturday then resurrected on Sunday. That is three days.
yes....less than 40 hours....friday night in the tomb, all day saturday, and gone by early sunday morning...

where are the three nights?
It represents a sign. The sign of Jonah. The sign is resurrection of the human body. There is union of human spirit , soul and body which makes the human body immortal. Jesus can at will raise up his human body to his prehuman self to reveal who he is. This is a form of resurrection. One can only be raised up to its true self. There is a number that exists for each one of us and that number is each persons highest truest self. So through jesus resurrection , union of spirit soul and body, we are saved. This is why someone cannot attain being something they are not. The number is unbreakable and unchangable.
Even the hairs on your head are numbered. This includes the true color.

re: "What are 6th day crucifiction proponents?"

Those who say that the crucifixion took place on the 6th day of the week.
You do know that the cross is an ancient egyptian symbol representing the union of body soul and spirit correct?

re: "You do know that the cross is an ancient egyptian symbol representing the union of body soul and spirit correct?"

No, I do not know that. What I do know is that your last 3 posts have absolutely nothing to do with my request in the OP.
You do know that the cross is an ancient egyptian symbol representing the union of body soul and spirit correct?
It took place on friday. Resurrection on sunday which is why christians typically go to church on sunday.
friday night....saturday night equals three nights...becuase the number is unbreakable and unchangeable?

seriously?? that is your answer??

Christians took Sunday because Jews had saturday as the sabbath....we had to have our own....and then the Muslims took Friday...because Saturday and Sunday were already taken....

Now all our calendars start on the first day of the Saturday is the Sabbath....when he rested...
friday night....saturday night equals three nights...becuase the number is unbreakable and unchangeable?

seriously?? that is your answer??

Christians took Sunday because Jews had saturday as the sabbath....we had to have our own....and then the Muslims took Friday...because Saturday and Sunday were already taken....

Now all our calendars start on the first day of the Saturday is the Sabbath....when he rested...
I stand by what I said. Christians typically go to church on sunday cause that is the day jesus rose from the dead. Just because jewish people had saturday has nothing to do with sunday service. Catholics have mass on saturday or sunday and even during the week.
back to three nights....please name the three nights he was in the tomb...
Christ died around three in the afternoon on Friday and was entombed shortly thereafter. The Resurrection occurred by dawn on Sunday. Thus he was in the tomb less than nine hours Friday (by the modern reckoning), twenty-four hours Saturday, and less than six hours Sunday--at any rate, far less than the seventy-two hours that comprise three full days and nights.
Is there a contradiction here? No, because the ancient Jews counted as a whole day any part of a day, so "three days and three nights" (which means the same as "three days" in modern usage) could be as little as twenty-four hours plus a few seconds on either side--if there had been, back then, clocks that could register seconds.
In our way of reckoning things, from lunch time today to lunch time tomorrow is one day. Ancient Jews would have counted it as two days because it includes parts of two distinct days.Was Christ really in the tomb for three days? | Catholic Answers
I'm not disputing the is a portion of three days....I am disputing the nights....please provide a link for three nights being implied somehow how ancient jews spoke this way (hell I'd never know when to meet them at the movies)

But while we are at it...where do you find 3 pm he died?? I'd like to hear your whole synopsis....

Passover feast? breakin bread...telling Judas to do what he must...time in the garden...the arrest....the trial....the carrying of the cross and stumbling and beating and crucifiction, time on the cross...and dead by 3 pm?