alter-ego's in da house...
When MTV first broadcasted "Prodigy - Firestarter", i was like wthell mate wtfs that? Was the coolest sh8t ever.. Sleeping and waking up with Music for the Jilted Generation at those times.
Then came a genre that has nothing spectacular in it filled with JLO, Destiny's Daughters , those latinos and a lil bit Pink stuff in it. Eminem 'is' kinda original actually, then R&B's unstoppable increase on the lists.
2 weeks ago was in Prodigy's concert for their new album with 4-5 thousand 'fans'. I'm calling fans, cuz i thought their latest album Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned couldnt attach itself to lists succesfully.
And for today after watching No Doubt's Gwen's Video "What You Waiting For" i asked myself what will the future music be?
I personally, think that asymmetrical beats and rhytms among with syntheszers will take the leading part for our bach ears. Speaking of classical, oddly enough Verdi's "Dies Irae" and Richard Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" is among the first ones that shouldnt be listened while driving.
Yeah, what is your music taste likes? Any idea where our music is heading to?
Best time fav. is:
Anhtrax "Attack of the Killer B's"
When MTV first broadcasted "Prodigy - Firestarter", i was like wthell mate wtfs that? Was the coolest sh8t ever.. Sleeping and waking up with Music for the Jilted Generation at those times.
Then came a genre that has nothing spectacular in it filled with JLO, Destiny's Daughters , those latinos and a lil bit Pink stuff in it. Eminem 'is' kinda original actually, then R&B's unstoppable increase on the lists.
2 weeks ago was in Prodigy's concert for their new album with 4-5 thousand 'fans'. I'm calling fans, cuz i thought their latest album Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned couldnt attach itself to lists succesfully.
And for today after watching No Doubt's Gwen's Video "What You Waiting For" i asked myself what will the future music be?
I personally, think that asymmetrical beats and rhytms among with syntheszers will take the leading part for our bach ears. Speaking of classical, oddly enough Verdi's "Dies Irae" and Richard Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" is among the first ones that shouldnt be listened while driving.
Yeah, what is your music taste likes? Any idea where our music is heading to?
Best time fav. is:
Anhtrax "Attack of the Killer B's"