connect with Jesus



Hello everyone,

The Grace of GOD our Father and of Our LORD Jesus Christ to all.

I am looking for an opportunity to share an experience
that I had with Jesus, our >> living, >> working and
>> enlightening Shepherd... PLUS >>

I relentlessly prayed and studied the Apostles Writings
and obeyed as well as I could
while asking Jesus, the Savior, to help me.

As I learned I did to my best.
I did not ignore but I asked Jesus to enable me.

After some time Jesus graciously did
and he taught me some things that I am free to share.

Everyone who has acted on the Teachings has happily benefitted.

Jesus is available, as many things to us,
if we approach him >> directly and >> legally.

Some people have labelled the edification as Gnostic
but it is all from the Bible, only a better understand is given.

Jesus is available but our approach is in error.

I would like to share this information.

Is it ok to do so?
Everyone is welcome, but you should know that lots of prophets have wandered through this place and the people here will probably give you a hard time for it. Good luck to you and take care.
Everyone is welcome, but you should know that lots of prophets have wandered through this place and the people here will probably give you a hard time for it. Good luck to you and take care.

Thank you for your kind words.

The truth about Christianity is that it is not blind faith but verifiable.
Submissiveness, in little things, and not debate is the key.
As Gentiles we do not truly understand the Israelite nor his religion.
That is why we are called 'a foolish people' by Moses and quoted by Paul
but it does not have to remain that way.

Jesus is our teacher also.

I appreciate your caring self.
The truth about Christianity is that it is not blind faith but verifiable.

"Verifiable" usually means a physical checking with an empirical source? Is this what you mean?

Submissiveness, in little things, and not debate is the key.

"Submission" is usually used in terms of giving up to a superior. Is this what you mean?

As Gentiles we do not truly understand the Israelite nor his religion.

Are you referring to Jesus (the Israelite) and Christianity (his religion)?

That is why we are called 'a foolish people' by Moses and quoted by Paul but it does not have to remain that way.

I understand Paul says this in Romans. But where does Moses use this phrase? There really is not such usage in the fifth book of Torah, more like "one who has no perception of ethical and religious claims and therefore disgraceful". And it is very contentious that Moses wrote that.
Jesus is available, as many things to us,
if we approach him >> directly and >> legally.

Okay have to admit this caught my eye! Is there a way to approach illegally????
Hello friend,

Good hearing from you.

FOOLISH: means foolish in the
>> knowledge of GOD and of >> his ways.

Gentiles not having the Israelite opportunity, at that time,
would obviously be unlearned/ foolish about their God…..
Gentiles being ‘foolish’ now are for entirely different reason/ reasons.

Deut.32… Moses:
[21] They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God
they have provoked me to anger with their vanities
and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people
I will provoke them to anger with a >> foolish (unlearned) nation.

Rom.10… Paul:
[19] But I say, Did not Israel know? First Moses saith,
I will provoke you to jealousy by them who are no people
and by a >> foolish/ unlearned nation I will anger you.


1 Tim.2
[7] Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles
in faith and verity. >> (actuality)

To put it simply.
If the Spirit of GOD comes into, then you know
and you cannot SHUT up about what is happening.

2 Cor.13
[5] Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
[6] But I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates.

1 The.5
[21] Prove (verify by doing if you have to) all things (Doctrine). Hold fast that which is good.

[2] Be not conformed to this world: >> (Jesus called their world, evil)
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, (by obedience/ submission to the Doctrine)
so that ye may >> prove what is that good,
and acceptable and perfect, will of God.

[16] Jesus answered them, and said:
My Doctrine is not my own but his (the Lord GOD) who sent me.
[17] If any man will do >> (obey/ submit to) his will

then he shall know >> (by experience/ verify) of/ about the Doctrine,
whether it be of God 9the Lord GOD), or whether I speak of myself.

From my personal experience:
The Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, being in a person,
is no passive and short term experience.


I mean submission to the Doctrine that was sent from GOD through Jesus and the Apostles.

[17] Your (Isaiah’s) children >> shall make haste. (to obey)
Your destroyers (of the Doctrine)
and they (others) who made you waste (a ruin) shall go forth >> (be excluded) of/ from thee.

The Spirit gathered them by having them obey the Apostles.

1 Pet.1
[2] Elect according to the foreknowledge of GOD the Father, through:
(1). sanctification of/ by the Spirit (of GOD),
(2). >> to obedience << (submission to the Apostles)
and (3). sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ:
Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.

1 Pet.5
[5] Likewise, you younger, >> submit yourselves unto the elder.
Yea, all of you be subject (submissive) to one another and be clothed with humility:
for GOD resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.
[6] Humble >> (submit) yourselves therefore,

under ‘the Mighty Hand of GOD’ (= Jesus), so that he may exalt you in due time. (in this life)


A true Israelite is a GOD fearing/ respecting person,
who is a people person,
who rejoices and does good to others.

Jesus was an Israelite and so were his Apostles and converts.
He was the image of his Father we can conclude about his Father.
Jesus before his incarnation is not well known by Gentiles.

I speak a lot from experience.

Jesus is available.

We should take advantage of the opportunity.

Jesus did not die for the sins of the world and went to sleep.

Orderliness and submission to simple things gets us connected.

Grace to you and yours.

The only time that anyone knows for sure is to 'enter like a child.'

God's rules are not debated by certain people.

Jesus talked about the "Strait Gate.'

All else is illegal and not effective.

That is the reason why I myself could no make the connect until I used it.

I speak from experience and I want to share.
I had to make simple attitude adjustments also.

I have a file with the things that Jesus taught me.

If you are interested I will send it to you.

I send it to large and small Denoms.

If you act on it then you will experience what Paul and the others are writing about.

Until then, it is not righteous judgment to consider them to be liars.

We must do our part.

I will send my file to anyone.

It is to help all.

That is a Savior does.

Take care my friend.
I thought so. Sorry religion is never empirically verifiable. Your use of "foolish", "submission", and "Jesus" are interesting, even traditional in modern versions of Christianity... but they are far from the meaning most Christians and Jews and Muslims use them.
Hello my friend,

The Sheep ae followers/ obedient.
We care about what Jesus said not what other people say.
But we are respectful of them/

[27] My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

[22] But be ye >> doers of the word, and not hearers only,
deceiving your own selves.
[23] For if any be a hearer of the word,
and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:
[24] For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.
[25] But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer,
but a >> doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

God is not a respector of persons.

Until we DO we cannot KNOW.

It is Not my LAW.

I testify and that it works and that Jesus will meet with you.

Jesus is never alone.

Consider things my friend.

Take care.
straightgatesheep said:
Everyone who has acted on the Teachings has happily benefitted.
You mean that you know of, although 100% is an admirable percentage.

I relentlessly prayed and studied the Apostles Writings
and obeyed as well as I could
while asking Jesus, the Savior, to help me.
It doesn't guarantee that you have reached the end of your journey. If you can be wrong once you can be wrong twice; and how do you know you have arrived at the end? I think you must admit that there could still be more rocks ahead.

The truth about Christianity is that it is not blind faith but verifiable.
Lets not debate that, because it would derail what's really important. In addition to blind faith, truth and Christianity, even the topic of the nature of 'Faith' as Jesus teaches it is debatable. There are between three and a thousand books written on it.
Submissiveness, in little things, and not debate is the key.
Do you mean like the way that the Quakers ideally operate? You could explain this in more depth, because it is a practical matter. Implementation is a challenge when there is no debate. I agree that debate tends to get ugly and develop a life of its own.
As Gentiles we do not truly understand the Israelite nor his religion.
...I certainly don't...but do they? They are constantly debating it.
That is why we are called 'a foolish people' by Moses and quoted by Paul
but it does not have to remain that way.
Deut 32:21 is technically not about Christians, although perhaps Paul is applying that to Christians when he proposes to make Jews 'Jealous' in Romans 11:11 . Is that what you mean, or do you actually mean that Moses is envisioning Christ and Paul & Christians when he says this ?

Long post. You don't need to reply to my post. I will just read the your response to the other long writers as if I am included in it.
You mean that you know of, although 100% is an admirable percentage.

It doesn't guarantee that you have reached the end of your journey. If you can be wrong once you can be wrong twice; and how do you know you have arrived at the end? I think you must admit that there could still be more rocks ahead.

Lets not debate that, because it would derail what's really important. In addition to blind faith, truth and Christianity, even the topic of the nature of 'Faith' as Jesus teaches it is debatable. There are between three and a thousand books written on it.
Do you mean like the way that the Quakers ideally operate? You could explain this in more depth, because it is a practical matter. Implementation is a challenge when there is no debate. I agree that debate tends to get ugly and develop a life of its own.
...I certainly don't...but do they? They are constantly debating it.
Deut 32:21 is technically not about Christians, although perhaps Paul is applying that to Christians when he proposes to make Jews 'Jealous' in Romans 11:11 . Is that what you mean, or do you actually mean that Moses is envisioning Christ and Paul & Christians when he says this ?

Long post. You don't need to reply to my post. I will just read the your response to the other long writers as if I am included in it.

Thank you.

If I had to reply it would have been much.

Many have bouced around, read books, asked people >>

It is part of the search.

The answer is through the Strait Gate entrance.

It's easy, and then you experience what the Apostles are writing about.

When it works for you and you tell others then you will remember your reactions and it will help you to be patient with them.

Real existence is Body and Spirit functioning and God with you
like he was with David.

I could send you the info. and you try it and see the amazing results.

EVerything other than that is everybody opinion.

Jesus and his Apostles were not talking about opinions.

Many are realizing that faith only is a dead end.

Now you may see why people could not easlly BELIEVE.

Forget peoples books.
Read what the Apostles taught after his death and resurrection.

Take care.

I mean good but GOD regards respectful children.

The Israelites Iam referring to are the Apostles and converts.
Gee, so becoming a Christian makes one an Israelite? How does that work? Seems like Christians throughout history have taught and believed just the opposite (look up the blood libel and the historical tracing of Jews by blood).
Gee, so becoming a Christian makes one an Israelite? How does that work? Seems like Christians throughout history have taught and believed just the opposite (look up the blood libel and the historical tracing of Jews by blood).
Hello my friend,

They were called Christians but their God was the Israelite God who also had a Father.
[8] Arise, O God (of Israel), judge the earth: for you shalt >> inherit all nations. (Gentiles also)

1 Cor.10
[10] Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
that ye all speak the same (ONE) thing,
and that there be no divisions (be ONE) among you;
but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same (ONE) mind
and in the same (ONE) judgment.

One people were being led by one Spirit.
Reading a library of books with men’s perspectives is not the answer but we have done it and they have cashed in.

[16] Let the Word of Christ (not men’s speculations)
dwell in you richly in all (spiritual) wisdom;
teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

After Christ, the Apostles had the Word.
Don’t give up
Ask the HARD questions like:
Why would Jesus die for the sins of the world and then no one can find him?
Why is the Savior not saving?

Read the Apostles writings and you will discover that they were talking about a happening thing
that was supposed to continue from generation to generation.

When a person finds Christ he expends GREAT efforts to help others.

Ever hear about the war between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness.

Jesus is the leader of the Sons of Light.

Keep well friend,
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When a person finds Jesus, he abuses others who do not agree to his views with such words as foolish, unlearned, etc. Jesus should have taught them some civility.

Thank you for your input.

It is a PATH of Instructions, correction, learning, knowledge etc.
It leads to connection with God and Christ like the Prophets.
There are also secret matters.
[23] O LORD, I know that the >> way of/ for man is not in himself.
It is not (naturally) in man who walk to direct his steps.
[24] O LORD, >> correct me but with judgment (goodness)
not in thine anger, lest you bring me to nothing.

[5] Trust in the LORD (Jesus) with all thine heart;
and lean not to >> thine own understanding.

Honestly offence is not meant but it occurs.

Whatever, is said is taken differently by differernt temparements.

You will see that occuring in your own life;

and people respond: "You misunderstand me."

My apology to you but the same words caused a different response in me.

You could use synonyms saying the same things if you like.

John the Baptist was at one extreme and Jesus was at another.
Some people rejected both.

Matt.11..Jesus said:
[18] For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say,
He hath a devil.
[19] The Son of man (Jesus) came eating and drinking, and they say,
Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber,
a friend of publicans and sinners.
But wisdom is justified of/ by her children.

This is called unappeaseable.

We followers take a more compliant attitude.

We know who our teachers are and their source.

Again I apologize if I inadvertently caused offence.

Here is a smile for you. :)

Your email was the first that I read today.

The joy in me helps to strengthen me
and to have more care for the enrichment of others rather than anger

It is illogical for us to be uncivil and to call others to an uncivil Christ. :)

My sincere very best to you and yours.
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:) Smile accepted, but not anything else. Here is a return smile. :)

We start, as learners/ disciples.
Our Father wants to be children to him.
Then we get GIFTS >>>>
Our experience is real and encompasses our entire life.

I am not a CHURCH Christian.
They dead end and hurt people.

We are taught, by the Spirit of God, to know deception.

I desire good for you but I truly don't know what will appeal to you.

When you reach a stage in life,
that you desire a Savior/ helper then Jesus may make sense.

How to connect has been obscurred by centuries of Church.

He has helped me with that.

It is easy to connect and is called God's graciousness.

Maybe you mistake me for a "pew person"

Keep smiling >>>

Take care.

May he take you by the hand.
Oh thanks. But I am an enlightened person and do not need any help. Being an atheist I manage on my own. But as you said, someone might take me by hand when I die. Near-death experiences indicate that. I hope it would be my first girl-friend. :)
Hello friend,

I don't recall saying 'when you die.'

I mean, now, in this life.

It's GREAT happenings.

It must be experienced.

A happy people.

Take care.
Taking by hand happens only when one dies. It is physiological - accumulation of carbon-di-oxide in brain. Great happening for me was when I abandoned the vestiges of superstition, Gods and Goddesses. :)

p.s. - I accept that your experiences must have been different. Think, I should say Good-Bye and Fair-well. I generally do not intrude in this forum.