connect with Jesus

Hello friend,

Personally I believe that inquiry or unbiased investigation, like being scientific,
is an EXCELLENT discipline.
I have been pragmatic all of my life.
I understood that believing everyone and everything is being gullible.
I KNEW that GOD had to have an intelligent, verifiable way.
Verification is the foundation for acceptance, even in the scientific community.
The only ones who do not like probing are the Sons of Darkness
who killed and will kill to keep deceit and inhumane acts quiet.
They teach that GOD is omnipresent
BUT they never intelligently connect with the fact that he sees them and that he is no FOOL.

I appreciate your inquiry.

As a person who agrees with civility, here is something to ponder.

The Character of GOD:

[5] And the LORD (#2 = incarnated Jesus) descended in the cloud,
and stood with Moses there,
and he proclaimed the name (character) of the LORD. (#1, Our wise, invisible, + + + + Father)
[6] and the LORD (Jesus #2) passed by before Moses
and proclaimed,
The LORD (our Father),
The LORD God (= Lord GOD elsewhere),
and gracious, (well refined)
longsuffering, (patient in the face of provocation by evil acts)
and abundant in goodness/ kindness etc. and truth, (FACTS)
[7] Keeping mercy for thousands,
forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin,
and who will by no means clear the (premeditated) guilty

Since Christ ALL sins are forgiven except ONE.

Keep well.

Your questioning TESTS the work of the Spirit in me.

Keep in touch.

I care.
I hardly believe anyone here thinks your participation has been an intrusion, Aup. Though I am not an atheist (despite Tea's comments to the contrary), I shall miss your posts. You should do as you think best for yourself of course....
I doubt that as well, Apu, and I'm sorry for that one G-Knot, I know you're not, it was mostly playful.
GK, Tea, I am not leaving Interfaith, I will be there in Belief and Spirituality sub-forum, leaving only Abrahamic religions sub-forum for the moment.
Well, different people have different views - 'Tunde tunde matirbhinna'. Matas (opinions). Look at our Hare-Krishnas (Chaitanya), Madhvas (Madhvacharya), or Shuddha-Advaitists (Vallabhacharya)! They are respected parts of hinduism.