
They are Sons of God running errands for their Father, when not cohabiting with daughters of men. What can they do other than taking themselves lightly?

Fairies also have wings. No?
They are Sons of God running errands for their Father, when not cohabiting with daughters of men. What can they do other than taking themselves lightly?

Fairies also have wings. No?
lol errands. Different angels have different functions based on their order of creation and relationship with god. An example is Gabriel who is the messenger of god. There are Archangels then there are angels. Archangels are firstborns of all creation and are the heavenly princes.
Angels can fly because they take themselves so lightly.
G.K. Chesterton

Thought for the day from
lol angels are made up of more light than human beings and do have wings. They are bigger than human beings as well. Giants in comparison.
My impression is that angels do not take themselves lightly at all. Quite the opposite. I'm fairly vague on what Chesterton was trying to say. Even as a quip it makes no sense!
Angels take themselves lightly....but we shouldn't. They fly into our lives, assisting us, guiding us, providing us nudges in the right direction wheter we grok it or not...

Angels in human form...not always knowing what they do...plenty of angels in this forum.