Kindest Regards, Excaliburton.
For a full discussion of Paul's family links to the Herodians, please read "Paul as Herodian" at
Wasn't Eisenman one of those pseudo-scholars that wrote Holy Blood, Holy Grail? I don't think I would take his brand of sensationalist "scholarship" too seriously. It's kinda like taking articles in the National Enquirer paper to heart.
Madonna can only marry Big Foot just so many times...
Given the choice between Eisenman and Paul, I'll stick with Paul, thanks.
The point I was making was that Paul's claim to be a Benjamite was false.
Traditionally and Biblically, Benjamin was one of the surviving tribes that composed Israel circa 1 AD.
The Herodians were not a religion, and they were not Jews; they were the ruling family of the Herodian clan that ruled Judaea, named after King Herod.
So what is the issue?
Even *if* Paul could be associated with the ruling party, it does not make him a criminal, and it does not lessen his ability to carry the Good News forward to the Gentiles. In fact, I can see practical reasons as to how this relationship could actually be beneficial.
The Herodians were not Benjamites but Edomites, descendants of Esau, the person whom God said He hated in the book of Malachi.
Ah yes...Good ol' Esau...the twin brother of Jacob. Considering the promises G-d made to Abraham and to Israel, I think I would be a bit cautious with the term "hated." Perhaps it would do well to consider the Strong's. I'll leave that for another, just going on faith at this moment.
Besides, there is another lineage being overlooked here. One to which Paul, I feel certain, has no relationship with. There are descendents of Cain, Kennites, who were "adopted" so to speak into the house of Judah, during the second building of the Temple in the Ezra / Nehemiah period. Initially they were brought in as grunt labor, but over time they worked their way into the Temple service, and by the time of Jesus held considerable rank within the Temple body politic.
Herodians as scapegoat??? Politically maybe, but spiritually that's a red herring, intended to throw the unsuspecting off the trail...It has absolutely nothing to do with Paul's abilities or place with G-d through Jesus' ministry.