From Findhorn to Esoteric Christianity to Catholicism ...

Roger Buck

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Have posted a few little things now and thought it might be good to give just a little background to myself.

I'm 50 and now live in Ireland. (Although I am an American and grew up mainly in Oregon - but have lived in 9 countries in all.)

My early spiritual quest was entirely New Age. I lived from 1986-1988 in the Findhorn Community in northern Scotland and devoted myself to things like A Course in Miracles and Alice Bailey.

Later I came to see that, for me, these approaches were having a disincarnational, dehumanising effect.

Esoteric Christianity in the form of both Rudolf Steiner and Valentin Tomberg's masterpiece Meditations on the Tarot helped me shift my focus. This was only after 20 years in the New Age ...

These days, I am a practicing Catholic - meaning I go to Mass daily and confession regularly ...

I am not sure how much I will post here.

But if I do, it will probably be mainly on the Christianity forum, which, if I may be frank, seems a bit bogged down in both the kind of New Age interpretations of Christianity that I myself shared for 20 years . . . as well as the kind of baggage that my fellow Americans usually bring to Christianity.

(It took my living in France, Spain and Ireland to really see the latter clearly.)

This already may seem overly-contentious. I don't wish to be uncharitable or disrespectful. Please tell me if I am.
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Hello and welcome. Nothing uncharitable or disrespectful far as I can see. And Findhorn! Wow is that a memory from another age, it seems. I remember the story well, or, at least the story that was made available by its proponents and its opponents. Never had the opportunity to visit myself.

I recall at the time Findhorn was big news that if they could grow sumptuous gardens on essentially barren ground, what an amazing thing! Even way back then though I also wondered if there was anything mystical about it, or a reasonable scientific explanation that wasn't being considered.
Thank you, GK. As to Findhorn, I guess I feel it's a little both. There would be some degree of "scientific explanation" as you put it ... but the place also has a spiritual power, which in the end didn't serve me.

A question to anyone who can help me ... I uploaded a profile picture onto my profile. I'd like to use it as an Avatar for my posts. Is that possible - and if so, how do I do it?
Hello Mr Buck, you kind edit you avatar under the Control Panel. You will find 'Edit Avatar' under 'Settings & Options'. I will be most interested in seeing where you and our other resident Catholic, Thomas, meet in discussions.
Welcome Roger!

I visited Findhorn once, a long, long time ago.

More Tomburg than Steiner; more Perennial Philosophy than the recent incarnations of theosophy; and Bamford always a positive influence.
It is wonderful how folks find their spiritual niche... how they go through life searching and seeking...

Seek and ye shall find....not that which is foisted upon you...but that which resonates and you are drawn..

when the student is ready...the religion will appear.