You said,
"… no souls get burned for eternity…"
--> Correct. The ‘burning’ is not a physical burning but an emotional unhappiness and emotional suffering. And it is not eternal, it is temporary, just like the Bible originally said.
"…but God will always save those souls, right? If they sincerely repent..."
--> The concept of repenting, as it is understood in Christianity, is not part of Theosophy, most forms of Buddhism, or Hinduism. Once the bad karma is burned off, the person is ready to move to a higher level. Yes, a person must ‘repent’, but then they must burn off the bad karma. In my belief system, the repenting is not important, while the burning off of the bad karma is very important.
Let me explain the idea of being saved, according to my belief system. We are forced to reincarnate. Most people do not want to reincarnate but they must reincarnate. However, once they achieve enlightenment (悟り) , they do not have to reincarnate any more. Once we achieve enlightenment, we are ‘saved’ from being forced to reincarnate again. But the idea here is that we save ourselves, we are not saved by God. If you like the idea that God will save you (that you do not save yourself through your own effort), then you need to continue to be a Christian.
"Genius is experience. Some think to seem that it is a gift or talent, but it is the fruit of long experience in many lives."
--> Yes, it takes many lives. It cannot be done in one life.
"I was always drawn to western culture and didn't care much about my own eastern culture... I wonder if I was an American in my former life?"
--> Of course! It's obvious that you were American in a former life, just as I was Japanese in a former life. There is no other explanation that makes sense. Welcome back to America!
Your English is very good. The only way to explain it is that you have 'remembered' your English from a previous incarnation, just like how I have 'remembered' my Japanese from a previous incarnation. There is no other explanation.
"I wonder if I was a cat once? Does Theosophy hold the idea of animals reincarnating into humans or vice versa, like Buddhism does?"
--> No. People cannot reincarnate as animals.
"…everyone was redeemed through Jesus, including atheists."
--> I do not believe such an idea.
"I sense a bit of political maneuvering going on by the Church…"
--> I sense a LOT of political maneuvering going on by the Church. Sorry, but I do not have a good opinion of the Catholic Church.
"…the Pope's insinuating nonbelievers can go to heaven…"
--> The Pope is correct, but this idea is very much against traditional Catholic teaching.
"…I mean, if the Pope thought his remarks were misunderstood, why didn't he clarify it himself?"
--> He didn't. He doesn't need to. He won't. The Pope is fighting a huge battle against a very oppressive, huge political machine in the Vatican. I’m afraid he will eventually lose this battle. (Do you agree?)
"I'd like to believe Pope Francis is right and the Church is wrong for correcting him."
--> He is. They are. Do you believe in the Pope’s infallibility, like Catholicism teaches?
"Is this from Theosophy teachings?"
--> Yes, it is.
"…Heaven and Nirvana are the same place…"
--> There is no need for heaven and nirvana to be the same place. Why should they be? But Christians think they are the same. But nirvana is NOT a Christian idea, and Christians do not believe in nirvana. (But Christians do not believe in reincarnation, so they have no need to believe in nirvana.) There is NO similarity between heaven and nirvana.
"…when we go to heaven, our souls will be absorbed into it…"
--> Nirvana is not the highest form of consciousness possible. It is only the next level after the human level. There are many, many forms of consciousness higher than nirvana.
"…there won’t be such a thing as "self", therefore becoming "selfless" is the process of our souls realizing that we are ONE..."
--> This will happen on the nirvanic level, all separateness between us will disappear, but we will still maintain our individuality. Fascinating, isn’t it?
"I was hoping to eventually meet someone who knows about Theosophy..."
--> Perhaps you were a Theosophist in a previous lifetime?