What is nirvana?

Nirvana/Nibbana/Englightenment/Deliverance/Being saved, this can be an 'aha' moment for some and coming to a gradual understanding for others. Basically IMHO, it is understanding the ways of the world and our relation to it. Tariki said absence of greed, hatred and delusion; which is true; because till these emotions are eradicated, a person would never be truly happy.
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Nirvana? :)

Life is suffering.......... see buddhanet.net

Nirvana is the End of suffering. That mean, by my opinon the End of life in any form. The End of life in this world and in spiritual worlds too.
Nirvana? :)

Life is suffering.......... see buddhanet.net

Nirvana is the End of suffering. That mean, by my opinon the End of life in any form. The End of life in this world and in spiritual worlds too.

Do you mean a new life where there are no illnesses , death sorrow? An ascended being. If so I agree.
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Do you mean a new life where there are no illnesses , death sorrow? An ascended being. If so I agree.
Or something which can remove the pinch of illnesses, death, sorrow, a better understanding of life and world. You do not have to ascend, climb any mountains, you can be very much here, in life.
Or something which can remove the pinch of illnesses, death, sorrow, a better understanding of life and world. You do not have to ascend, climb any mountains, you can be very much here, in life.

I wouldn't know anything about that in this life, most of my life is spent with going over what I have done wrong and an explanation as to why. I could never be HERE in state state of nirvana but only achieve it thru union with my own divine self.
Nirvana means "cessation"

There is no more any dissonance in you.
You are no more in dissonance with the whole.

Moksha is the opposite.

Now there is resonance in you.
Now you are in resonance with the whole.


Eh, technically.

Duality is retarded.
Tariki, I agree. It has been said that our goal in life is to become so carried away with helping others that we completely forget about ourselves. Our goal in life, then, is to create this frame of mind within us. I think that, if someone does not have this frame of mind, if someone is still greedy and selfish, they cannot achieve nirvana.
The self thinks it can attain Nirvana,like it thinks it can attain a house or car,When the dream of "i " (ego)....is seen as an illusion. its realised there is nothing to attain.
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Nirvana/Nibbana/Englightenment/Deliverance/Being savid, this can be an 'aha' moment for some and coming to a gradual understanding for others. Basically IMHO, it is understanding the ways of the world and our relation to it. Tariki said absence of greed, hatred and delusion; which is true; because till these emotions are eradicated, a person would never be truly happy.
How can you eradicate emotions when your not creating them?
Nirvana/Nibbana/Englightenment/Deliverance/Being savid, this can be an 'aha' moment for some and coming to a gradual understanding for others. Basically IMHO, it is understanding the ways of the world and our relation to it. Tariki said absence of greed, hatred and delusion; which is true; because till these emotions are eradicated, a person would never be truly happy.

An 'aha' Moment is not Enlightenment, But a Realization; Does not come close to the Phenomena of Enlightenment Which is a Silent Act of Realization in an utterly Surprised Entity of Awakening. Did i Just Reveal what Awakening ment? o_O True Enlightenment is hard to come by Mostly When one is Unspotted from the World; Meaning not in it's Socialistic Term. This for The Awakening Requires All Due Process of Establishment to Cause one by Awakening of Enlightenment to Exchange the Worldly Perspective of Realization in an Upper Spiritual Manner; Rather by Worldly Reason; But of an Etherial UnPhantomable Realization Which in Realization is a Slight Without it's Due Dear Power; For True Awakening comes with Power, For it is Ceased from a World Other then the One We Are Primarily Established in By Birth. So if You are a Celestrial, You Know that Seen that it is not to Far Fetched from your understanding of Grasp. These Primary Teachings are but Child's Play to them who have already Realized it, and Thus Speak by Nature of it with the Realized Authenticity that Makes sense to them Who By Virtue Establish Realization of a'ha.

The Real Essence is without any utterance; But with awe. The True Essence of it is only Realized When you Have never Heard of or Known of Enlightenment itsel past prior. In This You Can Determine how Worldly You are And By how much You Truly Enlightened or Enlightenment you are.

How can you eradicate emotions when your not creating them?

The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

These Strongholds are Emotions that Primarily are Subtle to us as a Norm of Our Establishment; But on the Contrary are Emotions that are Triggered and Found amongst the number of us till we subtly pull down all that : that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to the Anointing That : demolish arguments and every pretension.

Not all Emotions have place in us; Tho Felt, are not beneficiary; To perceived, are not welcomenary. So we Need to take Power of Thus which is already to be perceived as all Emotions are a Realm of Perception and All Perception either a heaven or hell. For this reason the Son of God was revealed, so that He might destroy the works of the slandered. Who amidst the heavens Roams to Cause Emotions to habitat the Mind's of the Human Folk and Entity. So it is on You To Control Your Anger; and With it comes the ability to control Your Emotion's as you pass through all the Consent of the Ego and Eliminate the Desires of the Flesh which are innate to the Born nature as human's that are yet to be Liberated. So..
An 'aha' Moment is not Enlightenment, But a Realization; Does not come close to the Phenomena of Enlightenment

I agree.

True Enlightenment is hard to come by

It has been said that achieving enlightenment is the most difficult thing we will ever attempt to do.

In This You Can Determine how Worldly You are And By how much You Truly Enlightened or Enlightenment you are.

I noticed you have not distinguished Enlightenment from Nirvana. I see a clear distinction between the two.
Currently, my messages are under moderators approval observation so you can't see other post, that might clarify; i'm surprised that one of them made it through without the process of approval which the note or message prior to that didn't get that lucky. So i'm trying to add to the conversation what i may, but altho their being a distinction in however a manner you wish to desire to see of it; To me, they are united bound in one. Without which one or the Other Does not Exist. I can state of how i see nirvana, but this might not be beneficiary - So i can only speak about enlightenment as of now, seen that this is the process of the train of thought i'm capabled to. Without Enlightenment their is no nirvana so i see it as the step that needs to be made clear, before embarking on the quest of what norm nirvana is. Their is to be no confusion, i have my own conclusions and visitations of how nirvana is in felt. But i can't open that gates whenever i like to speak on the beauty of it, Seen that all is for reasons a hard to enter task since much of humility and virtue is to be collected, of Which Enlightenment is it's Gate. Hence so do i speak of enlightenment in this thread, seen That they are inter Connect-ed.
The world likes to manufacture it's own realm of reality whereby which gnosis is it's house, But to me reality is greater then a realm which the world in all it's due desires attempts to dest-I-ire. I have my own conclusions of how nirvana is in it's state and how enlightenment can change a matter; But like the manufacturing of the realms the world attempts to do; so they also try to manufacture awakening in their world based capitalistic manner. So without infestating what beauty i have witnessed, i am bound to keep the authenticity clear of pollution's that this world in all it's might attempts to manufacture the for GAINS worth rather virtue the consumption of what religious and spiritual basis the true enlightenment and enter of nirvana is in cost. So you may See why this takes precedence to the Rather Mind Based Nirvana via Gnosis; Rather then the Anahata, Heart based Knowledge as i have mentioned in the Post that is still under moderators supervision.
It is more common to talk gnostis about the matters of the spirit; but they are never entered into unless the heart is into it to. So rather then to speak plain knowledge and the attempt of the world to holograph nirvana into one's mind; i rather step into it with the heart for Which it was ment to with the mind in clarity of an awakened mind which speech comes simply easy. So instead of reading all that is; a Scholar might know more then a ascetic; but an ascetic understands further then a scholar might know. This is the function of the heart over the mind of them who seen Enlightenment and with it it's Destination - Nirvanna.
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Nick the Pilot -
"The question has been asked elsewhere on this forum, what is nirvana?"

Look up "Paradise" in the New Testament, where you can see how it is a timeless situation.
The greater reality and truth is about the timeless, and eternity.

Ask Einstein.
Nirvana is understanding, getting rid of ignorance. It has nothing to do with paradise.

Sorry? Who are you?
"The atheist"?
I don't think you pay attention Aupmanyav, regarding your personal issues.


"Many claim that the Buddha didn’t believe in a God, but others point to the fact that the Buddha’s true beliefs about a higher power were never revealed.
Some will tell you that Buddhists are atheists, but a better term to describe them would probably be non-theistic, because the religion isn’t based upon the idea of a supreme being.
It is not uncommon, however, to find Buddhists who do believe in a God, as holding this belief doesn’t go against the Buddha’s teachings in anyway."

The greater reality and truth involves the timeless and eternity. Apart from our current organic situation, in time and space.
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Sorry? Who are you?
"The atheist"?
I don't think you pay attention Aupmanyav, regarding your personal issues.
Geo, you need to re-read our Code of conduct.
Sorry? Who are you? "The atheist"?
I don't think you pay attention Aupmanyav, regarding your personal issues.
I am a Hindu atheist, Geo. I follow 'Advaita' (non-duality). I am not a Buddhist, though I highly respect Buddha and consider him to be one of my gurus.
You are right, Buddha never answered when asked about God. He thought it was a no-benefit speculation (akusal) and marked such questions as 'acinteyya' (imponderables).
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