What is nirvana?

My understanding is that Gautama described the eternal and Almighty, without naming this.
Which Christians understand as, "The Father", as Jesus described.

You know, when you read the many NDE accounts, people will come back and tell you they understood everything, which they have a problem putting into words. They experienced all the love of God. And, they are, "different".
They are home, where they belong. They will say, "There is no time".
My understanding from what I've read is that while Gautama was an Aesthetic, what with the physical abuse he rendered upon himself, he experienced the NDE, and Nirvana.
This was some 3- 400 years before Jesus appeared.
Gautama returned from that Experience and taught what he discovered, which I am sharing here also.
Life... is certainly more than this temporary, organic, situation.
As well, because we have been told of our future, in prophecy in the Bible, we can understand that we are in a program.
Somebody brought something up about "Emanation" on the Forum.
But, when I think of Emanation, I understand it to be about the eternal soul, with the various incarnations emanating around it. As Jesus inferred regarding John the Baptist, with Elijah.
However, these are all concurrent, apart from Time.
Here in the organic world, we see these events as linear.
Look up "Paradise" in the New Testament,
No it is up to you to explain, not to impose Biblical 'homework' on people who do not follow the same scripture, or who choose to interpret it differently to how you tell them.

Your tone is wrong. This is an interfaith discussion website, not a soapbox forum for Matrixism or any other cult.
is a timeless situation.
The greater reality and truth is about the timeless, and eternity.
This is well understood by all/most faiths -- not just Matrixism.

It's not the issue. Please stop repeating the same broken record and pasting the same repetitive images.
Ask Einstein.
It has repeatedly been explained to you that Einstein and other scientists would not endorse their life work being cherry-picked for out-of-context quotes by people who don't understand the theories properly in order to prop up various sects and cults which the scientists themselves would not support or condone.

Please stop lecturing/preaching to us.
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Well, we're done.

There's nothing else to say anyway without being repetitive or redundant.

I recall the Lord had the same problem with the religious leaders.

Btw, regarding your comment on how "eternity is recognized by many faiths...not just Matrixism"...
The third tenet of Matrixism says to be aligned with one of the major Faiths. ?
So, not sure if you understand Matrixism, and what you're issue is.
Except you seem to have a problem with The Truth.
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So, not sure if you understand Matrixism, and what you're issue is.
Except you seem to have a problem with The Truth.
That's not the way it works. Lot of folks think they own the truth for other folks. It's not how these forums function. I have no reason to take time to do 'homework' to learn about some cult I do not care about. If you want me to understand it better, you need to explain it better -- not as some sort of messiah/prophet talking down to everyone. It doesn't fly here.
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It's the age of the internet Corbet. You call it "homework" to just check the link?
I'm curious. What did you expect from the Matrix thread?
Simply, "Let's talk about the movie, and pretend it's a religion?

John 10:25 -
"Jesus answered, “I did tell you, but you do not believe.
The works I do in my Father’s name testify about me,
But you do not believe because you are not my sheep.
31. Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him.

He replied to them, "For which good work do you want to stone me?"

You don't think that events which we have seen are not prophesied?
That our future has been written in black and white, (and red)?
I'm curious. What did you expect from the Matrix thread?
This is the Nirvana thread. You are trying to turn every thread into the Matrix thread.
You don't think that events which we have seen are not prophesied?
That our future has been written in black and white, (and red)?
You are not the only prophet/messiah to come onto these forums punting their own flavour of Armageddon. It is soapboxing, not discussion. Please try to alter your tone to one of debate, not lecturing.
" What do they do?

It seems that the most active way to be a Matrixist is to open the mind to the world and question reality. The website states: "The best way to practice Matrixism, just as with any other religion, is to do it.

"Through our readings and analysis we start to see how one can lead an enlightened path. Once you begin to travel down that path, you will truly be practising Matrixism."

Share with your, "Hindu Atheist?
Hindu atheist does not care about books. As I like to say, Advaita Hinduism is a no-nonsense philosophy.
There is no God, no soul; and his so-called prophets, sons, messengers, manifestations, mahdis are either charlatans or people with psychological problems (Sorry, theists, but that is my view).
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Share with your, "Hindu Atheist?
Did you know that atheist positions have always been part of orthodox Hinduism? The scare quotes may make sense in the context of Christian understanding of religion, but are rendered unnecessary by learning about each other through interfaith dialogue.
Yes. However, as I've cited elsewhere, St. Paul told about his "NDE" in 2 Corinthians 12.
Stemming from the event in Acts 14:19, which occurred 14 years prior.

You may want to chalk it up to some chemical situation, but some of these accounts are rather involved, and you hear by some people that their experiences are more clarid and real than they've ever experienced on earth, and while in the body.
Yes. However, as I've cited elsewhere, St. Paul told about his "NDE" in 2 Corinthians 12.
Stemming from the event in Acts 14:19, which occurred 14 years prior.
Sorry, but this doesn't add up.

Paul 'experience' recounted in 2 Corinthians 12 is said to have taken place "above fourteen years ago" (v2). 2 Corinthians was written in Macedonia about 55-57AD. This places the experience around 40-44AD.

Paul's stoning in Lystra (as per Acts 14) occurred in 48AD, just eight years before 2 Corinthians was written.

That aside, there's nothing to connect the two texts, nor anything to suggest an 'NDE' as a result of his stoning in Lystra.

The more likely explanation is Paul is referring to an event which coincides with the period of unrecorded activity between his departure from Jerusalem (Acts 9:30) and his arrival at Antioch (Acts 11:26). It cannot be his conversion, as that was closer to 20 years, but might refer to the 'trance' (ekstasis) Paul experienced in the Temple in Jerusalem (Acts 22:17).

There has been much speculation on the meaning of this text, some, like the NDE explanations, somewhat arbitrary and without foundation. St Paul himself uses the familiar language of Hebrew mystical speculation, and the term 'third heaven' is most probably more poetic than technical. Suffice to say the vision in itself is not the point of the epistle.
Acts 22 has no relevance to 2 Cor. 12, or chapter 13 either, Thomas.

However, I did read this -
"(The Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, and that there are neither angels nor spirits, but the Pharisees believe all these things.)"

Acts 22 has no relevance to 2 Cor. 12, or chapter 13 either, Thomas.

However, I did read this -
"(The Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, and that there are neither angels nor spirits, but the Pharisees believe all these things.)"

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When I cast off the mortal coil I return to my angelic form? This world is not my home ...
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Does anyone get forever lost? Does any soul die, never to return unto its maker?
Given enough time, every soul must return ... and there is eventually no time -- deep questions ...
Acts 22 has no relevance to 2 Cor. 12, or chapter 13 either, Thomas.
You could have said so before I wrote all those posts belaboring the point, you little rascal.
Acts 22 has no relevance to 2 Cor. 12, or chapter 13 either, Thomas.
OK. That's not helping your argument though, is it, as I've discounted a link between 2 Cor 12 and Acts 14 – it's not 14 years between the two.

What makes you think Paul had an NDE? I know a lot of claims are out there on the web, and 2 Cor 12 is usually referenced, but really there is no reason nor evidence nor even a suggestion of an NDE, rather it's a mystical experience.

We know Pauil; had a rough ride at times, but even when he was dragged out of town and stoned in Lystra (Acts 14), he was rescued by his disciples, and was up and on the road the next day, so can't have been that badly injured, certainly not 'left for dead'. Most likely the disciples intervened before things went too far. Either way, we don't know, and it's unwise to read too much of what we want to read onto the account.

That's a common flaw – eisegesis.
Suit yourself Thomas.


This is the situation which can also apply to Gautama Siddarta as well.

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No, Mr Gotama was more like,
