What do you hope for when you die?

This is true, however, if a regression is done properly there should not be any residual effects ...
Mine was like watching TV - I saw the person who looked like me living her life - it outlined the circumstances for the decisions that were made at the time regardless if they were good or bad as well as the body s/he inhabited & what type of person they were at the time ...
These are very important to know in making the regression a learning experience ...
From what I have gathered, many who have visited psychics not trained & certified in past life regression experience negative effects ...

I had a past life experience of my own you might find interesting. Only mine was in the form of a reoccurring dream. I outlined it on my intro thread a while back. http://www.interfaith.org/forum/enjoying-the-experience-16779.html#post284175
I'm glad you stated it as a reoccuring dream even though it sound like it had traces of deja-vu as well as synchronicity ...
The synchronicitic even of marrying a woman from Fiji brought the opportunity to visit the area ...
The area triggered the deja-vu ...
It was a very interesting story ...
Throughout my marriage I had similar occurences - they felt as if the mysteries I held within were solved - they also proved we were & have always been soulmates ...
The difference in these is that they come into our awareness when triggered not by intentionally seeking someone to activate them which can pose problems ...
What sort of send off do posters want when they die? I want mine to be as simple as possible, my husband reckons a used potato sack would do for me. :D He wants his body to be used for medical research, i.e. butchered by medical students.:D
What sort of send off do posters want when they die? I want mine to be as simple as possible, my husband reckons a used potato sack would do for me. :D He wants his body to be used for medical research, i.e. butchered by medical students.:D

Up in smoke for me. Just a good old fashioned Bar-B-Que!
Now which of your joints of meat would you consider to be the most tender?

Well, having attended a few funeral Pyres, I can tell you, aaaa... what you'd expect burns the best and is eradicated altogether. So I'll assume that's the most tender, The heart however, is usually reasonably intact long after the fire goes out. Tough as nails is that.
I hope to be reconciled with Jesus when I died.
I hope to spend eternity in His love and enjoy my life with Him as my closest friend.