Are some people scared of their faith?

GK, I'm aware that there are believers who use the Bible in the attempt to justify their moral irrationality. But as you noted, there also are believers who concentrate on love and humanity Jesus taught and try their best in following his path.

I am with you that some believers concentrate on the wrong things and this problem needs to be addressed and corrected. With God's guidance, I hope to be a small part of that effort.

But then I have to admit, that is true of all tools, huh. Looked at in that perspective, religious texts are not really any different. I may have to alter my opinion in that sense.

This has been the biggest "truth" for me a while now, I'm trying not to get too snowed into it and I'm trying to understand the other perspective (hence the jehovahs witnesses that comes every week and tell me about the bible). But I don't know what to do with the other things you talked about, all that pain is to big for me, I never really take it in.
People's thoughts and understandings change over time...Hell isn't Paul the pinnacle example of this on the road to Damascus?

So from that experience forward he gained more, grew take a look at his writings in chronological you can follow his viewpoint's evolution.

Then we have to take out Hebrews, Titus, 1&2 consensus says they aren't his. And Collosians, Ephesians, and Thessalonians 2 are all suspect.
Then we have to take out Hebrews, Titus, 1&2 consensus says they aren't his. And Collosians, Ephesians, and Thessalonians 2 are all suspect.

sounds like someone is telling you how to think Wil ;)
Maybe that's because you don't know how to read him?

I read what is on the page. As none of us knew Paul maybe we don't know exactly what was in the guy's mind. However one does get the idea he wasn't popular with Peter or the churches he was castigating!
Some of the more vociferous Christians I have come across, who castigate non believers at every opportunity, give the impression that they are rather scared of their stance on faith matters, and are actually jealous of people who don't share them. It could be they are frightened not to believe in case they end up in the fires of hell.

As a young person I was a 'born again'. I frankly admit when I 'gave my heart to Jesus' aged eleven, it was through fear rather than any great desire to a be Christian. When you are told so many time you would go to hell if you didn't get saved, it wears you down. Looking back I am surprised I held out so long before giving in to the pressure I was under! For a few years I was quite devout and tried to convert my school chums, YIKES, without any success, I should add, phew! When eventually the doubts were too great to deny, and I lost my faith the relief was enormous.

I hasten to add that no way am I trying to de-convert anyone, if people are happy being a Christian, no problem. However if anyone is scared of their faith maybe they should rethink their position and wonder why it is bugging them.

I changed from being a believer to non-believer. This was a new experience. Free from the clutches of faith, fear, hope and desire. In fact, I have done more good things now, than when I had a belief and faith in God and religion.
I changed from being a believer to non-believer. This was a new experience. Free from the clutches of faith, fear, hope and desire. In fact, I have done more good things now, than when I had a belief and faith in God and religion.

why would you want to be free from Faith and Hope ?
I changed from being a believer to non-believer. This was a new experience. Free from the clutches of faith, fear, hope and desire. In fact, I have done more good things now, than when I had a belief and faith in God and religion.

Same here.:)
why would you want to be free from Faith and Hope ?

I much prefer the idea of the here and now being all there is. My faith didn't do me any good, and the idea of hope, if you mean hoping to be with the Biblical deity in an afterlife, NO THANKS!:eek:
I much prefer the idea of the here and now being all there is. My faith didn't do me any good, and the idea of hope, if you mean hoping to be with the Biblical deity in an afterlife, NO THANKS!:eek:

I really like having Faith and Hope in my life, far better the fear and hopeless :)

As for here and now can you elaborate on what you mean by that ?
I mean when we die we cease to be, we are no more, which would suit me fine.
I read what is on the page.
That's my point. So do the fundamentists you castigate for distorting his meaning. All I'm suggesting is that is is possible you're both misreading him, in your own way.
why would you want to be free from Faith and Hope ?

Faith in God/Religion is non-essential for survival.
Hope of existence of something grand, spiritual, eternal, permanence, enlightenment again is non-essential.

But, I also accept that its impossible to be completely free from faith and hope.
These are thoughts and one cannot be free from thought, one can only replace one with another.
ok so you mean this life is all there is then ?

Yes. (without bias from scriptures and preconditioning)

Even if there is something beyond, there is no way of knowing it. That does not stop us from imagination.

There seems no need for life beyond this. Although, there is a strong survival need.
We seem to be preoccupied by a grand purpose and permanence. I can't grasp a good reason for wanting permanence.
I really like having Faith and Hope in my life, far better the fear and hopeless :)

There is nothing wrong with choosing that concept either. Both will lead us to the same outcome.

Infact, I don't think there is a need to change. Continue with your beliefs which make you feel comfortable.