Harry Potter v The Bible

I didn't think you comments were rude at all. You simply said what needed to be said. Quite eloquently I might add. I doubt anyone else would have been so kind. Pity the individual it was intended for didn't take it to heart and see the err of their ways.;)

Quirky, no one is suggesting you leave. I believe what Tea was trying to say is that your comments are, essentially, all the same. I for one am glad to read your comments - I wish you would just elaborate on them a bit more. We do understand your talking points as you have listed them. So a bit more depth on what you think about the various topics would be appreciated.

As for the meaning of interfaith. You do seem fixated on the God of the Western world and on the bible. There are plenty of other faiths out there though. Lots of other sacred texts. There are the Hindu texts and deities, Buddhist, Shinto, Wiccan; virtually hundreds more. Interfaith (as I define it anyway) is that all of these paths are viable as ways to a divine sense. Notice I did not say deity.

One can achieve the divine without believing in any gods at all. Some of my friends on here will likely disagree with that. Hah! And that is okay. There are many paths. That is interfaith.
What I hope an Interfaith forum to be is a place where people can discuss and exchange different ideas of transcendental outlook of the world and/or theological/religious views, a place where we can learn from each other various ways of how to interpret the reality/truth/divine, without maligning others' religions or beliefs.

What I hope an Interfaith forum to be is a place where people can discuss and exchange different ideas of transcendental outlook of the world and/or theological/religious views, a place where we can learn from each other various ways of how to interpret the reality/truth/divine, without maligning others' religions or beliefs.

Very nicely put. I agree.
I have a right to state my views about the Bible on forums, just like anyone else.
Well ... actually we don't.

That's a right is in the gift of the forum, it's not our to assume just because we're here. I know of some forums that are heavily moderated.

... it certainly spoilt my childhood.
Your childhood experiences do not define the Bible, Christianity, nor faith in general for that matter. It's a shame you can't see the distinction.

Of course many put their own spin on that book, which is up to them.
Well you've certainly put yours on it!
Well ... actually we don't.

That's a right is in the gift of the forum, it's not our to assume just because we're here. I know of some forums that are heavily moderated.

Your childhood experiences do not define the Bible, Christianity, nor faith in general for that matter. It's a shame you can't see the distinction.

Well you've certainly put yours on it!

Freedom of speech guy guaranteed by the constitution. Just because you don't agree with him doesn't mean you can shut him up. Look at the kkk . Most people don't agree with them but they have the right to speak. You can go on a kkk site and speak your mind even though they don't agree with you but you still have the right to say it.
Freedom of speech guy guaranteed by the constitution.
So it's a freedom granted you by the constitution.
There are other constitutions where freedom of speech is not guaranteed.

And I think you'll find that if you come on this forum and spam or abuse those who post here, you'll soon find your access denied.

As soon as we live in societal groups, then 'I can do what I like' becomes provisional.
The forum administrator is a british guy, so I don't know what good the constitution does you. The US is just another country here.
So it's a freedom granted you by the constitution.
There are other constitutions where freedom of speech is not guaranteed.

And I think you'll find that if you come on this forum and spam or abuse those who post here, you'll soon find your access denied.

As soon as we live in societal groups, then 'I can do what I like' becomes provisional.
well morally everyone does have a right to their own opinion. If we all had the same opinion it wouldn't be much of a forum.
well morally everyone does have a right to their own opinion. If we all had the same opinion it wouldn't be much of a forum.

donnann, I agree with you, we all have a right to state our opinions, but that means others also have a right to state their opinions against anyone's opinions that were published in the forum (may that be a counterargument, criticism, or pure objection). That's how freedom of speech works and that's what everyone here was merely doing.

Also as Thomas said, this forum does not belong to a public venue, in that sense, the first amendment does not apply (and as ACOT pointed out, it does not follow the US law anyway), it can set its own rules. If someone goes way off of the 'Interfaith' spirit this forum values, the administrator can ban a user.

But that's not what happened. She simply stopped posting. So, that's that. No one did anything wrong in my opinion.

If we all had the same opinion it wouldn't be much of a forum.
I tend to think the quite the opposite.

More and greater can be achieved by people working together, than by people pulling in different directions.
I tend to think the quite the opposite.

More and greater can be achieved by people working together, than by people pulling in different directions.

I don't mean completely different directions but rather different ideas on one concept. If you have an open mind you can sometimes gain a new perspective by listening to someone elses opinons .
What do you hope for when you die?
[QUOTE-Quirkybird;284626]I hope I cease to be, the concept of an afterlife doesn't fill me with any great pleasure, especially the Biblical one

Maybe it was old man reincarnated, trying to tell me where I went wrong!:D:D:D:D

I take it this is a joke, right?
The afterlife & reincarnation are practically synomous ... ;)
What do you hope for when you die?
[QUOTE-Quirkybird;284626]I hope I cease to be, the concept of an afterlife doesn't fill me with any great pleasure, especially the Biblical one

I take it this is a joke, right?
The afterlife & reincarnation are practically synomous ... ;)

I wouldn't have said so.