What Kind of Car Do You Drive?

Deleted. I hadn't realised I had already replied to this thread!
When I'm in the states I usually leave the driving to someone else. Can't seem to get the knack of changing gears with my right hand.

Back home it's either my Toyota Hi-lux 4x4 diesel or the Triumph Spitfire below that dad and I shoehorned a Rover V8 under the bonnet of.


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Here in Communist China, the drivers are truly crazy. I have seen drivers here do things I didn't think imaginable.

For me, it's just the city bus, and my bicycle for places near my university's campus.
When I'm in the states I usually leave the driving to someone else. Can't seem to get the knack of changing gears with my right hand.

Back home it's either my Toyota Hi-lux 4x4 diesel or the Triumph Spitfire below that dad and I shoehorned a Rover V8 under the bonnet of.

V8 in a Spitfire must have been a tight fit, wonder if you could get the turbo version in there
Greetings all.

In the veneration of the concept of empty vessels, I drive an older, full size, box on wheels. (aka cargo van) and use it primarily as ESV [1].

Whereas the vehicle chosen to exercise Balance and Harmony is a motorcycle.
In pursuing the study of the Tao of Equine, I am typically found astride a TWH [2].

[1] ESV = Equine Service Vehicle. Used for towing a 2-horse trailer, tack, feed&forage, stall and fencing supplies, Tea, etc.
[2] TWH = Tennesee Walking Horse. a medium sized horse that is naturally gaited.
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... or the Triumph Spitfire below that dad and I shoehorned a Rover V8 under the bonnet of.
Shoehorn is the word :eek:. That must have been fun.

I had a couple of Jensen-Healeys, and wanted to put the same motor into the later one. Someone had done it by then. You take that awful 2 litre Lotus lump out, slip in a Rover V8 and gearbox and ... all you have to do is drill a hole 1.5" back on the transmission tunnel for the gearstick. Engine mounts fit just right. I think Healey snr. always had that in mind, but Jensen went bust, and then he passed on. His son did it though.

But then, I also had a Plymouth Barracuda with a 5.3V8 and a sports shift. Burnt some rubber with that one, I can tell you!

All-time favourites were a brace of Daimler 2.5V8s – sadly automatics – I'd have another one tomorrow.

Currently we have a 2.0 diesel Jaguar X-Type (read Ford Mondeo) estate, which costs me money, and a Nissan Micra which I picked up for £800 for us and our daughters, and which goes on and on and on ...

I always wanted a back-window decal saying 'My other car is a bike'. A Honda Hornet 600, a 'hooligan bike' apparently.

Funny thing ...

When I drove my Nissan to work, I'd be cut up by BMWs and whatnots, obviously terrified of being stuck behind a 800cc Micra! Even though I would be cruising at the national limit.

When I drove the Renault Laguna (we had then), no problem, BMWs are happy to drive along with me, even though I'm driving the same way.

When I rode my bike, I'd be coming up behind the BMW saying, "Move over, you muppet!"
vehicles of days gone by....72 chevelle super sport....68 goat, race ready....69 Lemans...oh my what has happened to that car over the years....68 MGB...60 Merc Wagon and a number of 60-64 Chevy pickups... lots of other cars...but any of those would be fun to have again...
Just been informed by a Jaguar main dealer that it appears the previous owner of the Jaguar ran the diesel engine with petrol in the tank ... net result is a complete replacement of everything from the fuel tank to the injectors ... not a happy bunny, that'll cost nearly as much as I paid for the car :(
Triumph Spitfire below that dad and I shoehorned a Rover V8 under the bonnet of.
Sweet! I've got an old Miata I'd like to do that to. Rover motors are a little hard to come by here in the states though. I was thinking something more along the lines of a small block Chevy or Ford.
Shoehorn is the word :eek:. That must have been fun.

Fitting the motor was easy. The real problem was the gear box. Since the Rover motor sits back further than the original, the gear selector ended up behind the seats. We had to reverse the linkage to get it into the proper position. As a result, it shifts backwards. 1st is where 4th should be and vice-versa. Once you get the hang of it, it's a real hoot to drive.

After a long winter, the old girl is out of moth-balls and ready for summer!

Beauty mate!
Fitting the motor was easy. The real problem was the gear box.
The Jensen Healey also takes the Rover V8 with box, and all you have to do is drill a new hole a couple of inches back in the transmission tunnel for the gear stick. The conversion was featured in the owner's club mag, and everyone was happily surprised when the Rover unit slotted right in, even the engine mounts were in the right place ... it was one of my wanadoo projects ...
I fly a broomstick (Nimbus 2000) http://
The Jensen Healey also takes the Rover V8 with box, and all you have to do is drill a new hole a couple of inches back in the transmission tunnel for the gear stick.

In my case the motor and gear box came from an old Range Rover utility used on our farm. The assembly itself is a bit longer than what is typically used and we mounted it further back than is the norm. May not have been a problem in a JH since they're about 20 inches longer than a Spitfire. Using a shorter tail shaft or different linkage was another possibility, but on the farm it's use what you've got.
One of our Daimlers broke down when visiting a petrol-head friend – he had a Gordon-Keeble among others, and he lent us an old Spitfire he'd picked up somewhere to get us home while he sorted the repairs to our car. He told me if it broke, just throw it away ... what fun it was! I can't imagine what one would be like with a V8.

My Jensens were trouble from the off, with that dodgy Lotus lump. I used to talk to my mechanic about tuning – he had an MGB that was tweaked to the limit – and he always stuck to the UK/US rule about getting more power: UK way was tuning and tweaking, and you have to fettle the engine all the time, US way was cram the biggest thing you could under the bonnet. Donald Healey's son said his dad would have put a Rover unity into a JH at some point, had not Jensen gone down the pan.

I got to know the guys at Jensen parts so well, on one occasion they phoned me, because they'd found a batch of tail panels no-one knew about!