Religious Pluralism & Trinity

Re: Trinity & Trimurti part one

No, sorry, I was referring to where 'the fifth' was mentioned?
This is a teaching from the Zohar, and it also has existed in the Far East for much longer. The medieval alchemists verified such earlier teachings ... and found the teachings sound. Mineral, vegetable, animal and human are often given as the first four Kingdoms. There are also three superhuman kingdoms, with Hierarchy - the Fifth Kingdom - being followed by Shambhala, the Father's House. A 7th Kingdom will transcend our Planet and entail Cosmic evolution ... wherein another 5 Kingdoms of Being are said to exist. In our System, these are `Liberated Hierarchies,' and are utterly beyond our ken.

For easy reference, however, think of the 7 Kingdoms as corresponding to the 7 centres in man, which they do in the following order:

Ray I - Father Aspect - The Father's House - Shambhala - Crown Center - Power/Will
Ray II - Son Aspect - Christ and His Church - Hierarchy, The Kingdom of Souls - Heart Center - Love/Wisdom [as one, dual energy - a paradox]
Ray III - Holy Spirit/Ghost - Divine/Group Mind - Humanity, Higher Creative Center of Logos - Throat Center - Active/Creative Intellect
Ray IV - Seat of Serpent-Fire [the Church had problems with this one] - Mineral Kingdom - Root Center
Ray V - NGWS [New Group of World Servers] - Vision Center [Ajna]/3rd Eye - Bridge from Humanity to 5th Kingdom
Ray VI - Clearing-house of the ... Emotions - Animal Kingdom - Solar Plexus Center
Ray VII - Focus of lower creativity [the Mystery of sex] - Vitality/Prana - Vegetable Kingdom - Sacral Center

This is not complete, but it gives some idea ...

Thomas said:
The number of heavens does vary in Jewish literature, and can refer simply to the physical world on 'up' any scale we care to use, be it poetic, metaphoric, metaphysic, etc.
Sure. I am less familiar with such literature.

Thomas said:
We regard Our Lord as always speaking from Himself, 'en arche' (John 1:1), from the Principle (as in the First Principle, or Absolute), rather than subsequent quantitative/qualitative determinations. He is the First in the sense of before all things, according to the metaphysical hymn in Colossians.
Well, there is the Unmanifest, or Absolute, yet as by definition this is beyond qualifications and conditions, any such `speech' we may consider as figurative, expressive, or imagined. This I understand. The Godhead, per se, does not speak - at least in Esotericism. Rather, the RESULT of such speech is the manifest Cosmos Itself (or Solar System, Planetary System, etc.). The WORD was made manifest ... and cosmologically, the Cosmos IS Christ, the Son. John the Evangelist taught us this.

All experiences of ours may, therefore, be considered as those of the Monad in incarnation, whether we are speaking of a stone, a plant, an animal, or a human. The Soul has contact with the Monad (Christ's `Father in Heaven') ... while the Monad can be said to co-exist within the aura of the Divine, albeit separated [or distinguished] in the same way as are sparks in a candle flame. Our entire individuated existence, in this sense, is like the quick flash of such a spark ... although the phenomenological experiences of the Jiva, through repeated incarnations, seems to last a veritable Eternity. Sometimes such `eternities' are spoken of, where Kalpas [or even the Maha-Kalpa] is intended.

Thomas said:
Scripture does say 'my Fathers house' has 'many mansions' (John 14:2) from which we can derive any number of supposed sub-determinations according to the schemata we're working towards. Danté, for example, has nine heavens, topped by the Empyrean, the Essence of God.

Christian doctrine focusses on the First Principle – so when Our Lord speaks of 'the kingdom', or 'my Father's house', He's talking about the First and over-arching Principle, the house as such, rather than specific mansions within it.

There is nevertheless some speculation on that in the Tradition, such as on Matthew's "But he that received the seed upon good ground, is he that heareth the word, and understandeth, and beareth fruit, and yieldeth the one an hundredfold, and another sixty, and another thirty" (Matthew 13:23, Mark 4:8, 20), which is read to imply some qualitative difference, but really it's neither dogma nor doctrine.
I do believe that the gradations of Hierarchies - or stages in the progression of Life through the superhuman Kingdoms - probably has far more sub-divisions and categorizations than our human, animal, insect, vegetable and mineral kingdoms, all put together. We may not really understand this for long, long ages to come ... until we've entered the Way of Higher [Cosmic] evolution. I ain't holdin' my breath. ;)

Thomas said:
That's what appealed to be in the Traditionalist school of the Sophia Perennis: {quote excerpted}
Neat stuff!

"Religion of Love" ... hmmmm
Re: Trinity & Trimurti part two

Indeed. It's also Paul that has the most part to say about mans' tripartite nature.
I realize you may not `subscribe,' but I recommend Temple Teachings, if you enjoy Paul. The author is Hilarion [Illarion] ... who was one of Theosphy's earliest contributing Mahatmas. From Spiritualism and Christian Science, the earlier of which He inspired, the latter which bore his influence - yet took its own path ... this Master has fostered many scientific advances.

One of the volumes of Temple Teachings (which can be found online) contains many lessons with continuity, as if 2100 years have not passed, and as if we were still sitting amidst an olive grove somewhere, perhaps 20 years from a Crucifixion which did not occur - in a world where Humanity had accepted it's Redeemer. Some of the lessons explain much that has become thoroughly garbled and confused in modern Christianity - of every branch and demon, I mean, denomination.

Anyway, Iamblichus was St. Paul's subsequent incarnation ... or one of them. The ones prior to Saul of Tarsus are unknown to me, yet if they turn out to be other identities familiar to Biblical scholars, I won't be surprised. Master Hilarion's portrait - as a young, shaven man - can be found at ... under `Nine Portraits' [David Anrias]. It was this Mahatma who appeared to Blavatsky and Olcott in New York City, at the `Lamasery' (which I have seen and photographed, formerly a hotel, now ... ?) - and in two places at once - with Ooton Liatto, whomever that was. Both of these Initiates bilocated, which astounded Olcott, but did not surprise HPB in the least. She simply insisted that Olcott keep it hush-hush, as she did not wish the afternoon to draw attention to her as a medium. Hilarion was described by Olcott as a "swarthy Cypriote," and indeed, another Master tells that he is in a Cretan body.

Thomas said:
That may we be your understanding. I would beg to differ. Scripture says something else altogether.


So Christ is before all, above all, etc.
Christ expresses, embodies, the 2nd Person above all. This should be kept clear, or you really aren't expressing Christian beliefs, exoteric or esoteric. When he refers to being "one with the Father," he means the Monad, our `First and Highest Princple,' which is itself no `principle' at all, but rather is the `spark incarnate' ... into a Sevenfold Entity, reflecting the Trinity itself which is also so `Incarnate.' This is Hermetic, the `As Above, So Below.'

This is why he was able to say, "When you look upon me, you see the Father." It is easy to misunderstand what this means. The real point is, WITHOUT the Monad, none of us would be here. No stones, no plants, no animals, no people, no angels, no gods, no planetaries and no stars. Not even God would exist - since God IS this `Monad,' either with respect to dwellers upon a planet, or on the Solar scale of being, or even in terms of Cosmic evolution. Since all proceeds from the Cosmic into denser expressions of the One Life, we should never really be confused about the `Who' - in Whom *we" live, move, have our being. It is the One Ray, then Three Rays, then Seven, having literally taken incarnation and pervaded all of Cosmos.

The 3rd Aspect may be thought of as having set up the FIELD of Cosmic evolution, and this Christians term `Creation.' Yet it was the 2nd wave, the 2nd Logos which acted to literally ensoul the empty Creation. True, Creation can be said to be `ALIVE,' and this some have termed PAN-THEISM, accordingly. The 2nd Logos simply means, of course, Logos acting via the 2nd Person ... and so we have Pan-en-Theism.

Yet a First Logos, or Logos acting as the Destroyer, removes the barriers and obstacles between God and man, obviously in successive stages. As this gradually occurs, it is Man who is learning to correctly employ Divine Principles, Powers, energies and agencies ... to Liberated HIMSELF. Buddha taught this. Christ taught this. And unless we help ourselves, praying to God is useless. The Bible says so. And we, of course, also learn it.

Naturally, evolution provides assistance for all evolving ensouled entities (or Group Souls, and later Groups - with Individuals in between, so to speak). No prayer goes unanswered, no cry for help ignored, and every Noble act meets with a tremendous measure of corresponding, uplifting energy or assistance. Goethe reminds us of this ...

Thomas said:
Indeed so, but I'm suggesting it's an error to assume that the Trinity revealed in the Christian Scriptures is just another modality or variation of what their triunes is seeking to express.
I say you're dead wrong, unless you care to qualify and explain what you mean. You can pray to the flying spaghetti monster, and say it's threefold. That's fine. But you can't steal God - even if you think you can - and prop him up over in another corner and re-invent him. That's not what Christ did. That's not what Buddha did. They came to reform, to explain, and to show us how to connect the dots. They did not even connect the dots for us, although people think that's what they did. And they did not request prayer ... except to God, and Christ even taught us how to do that. It was not instructed for us to pray TO him. There is, however, a reminder ... from Christ Himself ... about the vanity of altar calls and `loud, boasting prayer.' Such nonsense, the attention given, is its own reward.

I do want to know what you mean when you say that the Christian Trinity is not `just another trinity.' It is understood differently, and applies to a different people, another time period, than earlier expressions - or presentations. That's obvious. It has different objectives, in terms of how to help the people of 2100 years ago. Most of the heart of the Gospel is still as relevant today as it was 2100 years ago, of course ...

... yet I believe our goal is to seek, then find, then observe [practice] the continuity between Christian Teachings, earlier teachings, and more modern - updated Teachings. Without this continuity, we are stuck, locked into an earlier timeframe, when even the same messages as are relevant today, were taught and expressed in another manner entirely. They would be fine, if we understood them as they were presented, AND we lived 2100 years ago. But the world has moved on. And we cannot go back. We cannot return. We cannot `START OVER' and try again, to get it right. That's the problem with living in the past. It may make a good Jethro Tull song, but it's not what the Christ desires of us. And sadly, many people don't grasp this at all.

They have not gone unnoticed, or unanswered, however. And some of the same Great Ones as were Initiates and Disciples of the Christ and Buddha have already given out segments of a New Dispensation ... which are intended to instruct Disciples, as well as spiritual aspirants, for generations to come. There are many levels of interpretation, and some of these teachings are sufficient for even the most senior of Initiates, given the nature of their source. They are projects requested by, and thus sanctioned and `sent forth' by, the Christ ... in Loving Service to and for ALL of Humanity. They are not, and were not meant for `a select few,' any more the teachings of 2100 years. But 2100 years ago, the world was much smaller, so to speak, and thus Christ came to the Jewish people, overshadowing Jesus ... whereas today He comes to his people everywhere, since our world is much `larger' today.

Taijasi said:
So, I would say these terms are relevant for us all, because each of us is a Soul, a child of God, and we are incarnate in the lower mind, plus emotional-astral body, which together form our ego, ensheathed in etheric physical substance - or the model body which gives our outer appearance, this itself enclosed in the dense body ...

Thomas said:
They're relevant if that's your thing, if it's not, they're not.

My view, the further we are from simplicity, the further we are from the Real.
Well, one can deny the existence of emotions, mind, a soul, etc. But that's just plain ignorant ... or rather, reveals one's nescience. It shows we have something left to learn. Or else, we are in denial. I do not suggest that the above understanding is the ultimate. Once we have become at-one with the Soul, we increasingly learn to serve from the level of the Soul, with greater expertise, increased potential ... and of course, with unconditional Love. We fulfill the call which the Soul, the Christ within, has issued forth, and we enter the Initiatory Path.

Thus, I would say - we transcend the personality, inasmuch as it becomes merely the instrument of Service, while we ourselves act from the Soul plane downward, or outward. We are detached from results, and focused solely upon causes. We are not yet perfect, and make many mistakes, but we learn from them without getting bogged down. We refine our methodology, learn to integrate more completely with the Group (our Service Group), and we draw closer to the Goal. It will look slightly different for each person, each soul, and depending upon which stage of the Path we are on. Yet all of this has been described, by and to the ancients, as well as by and to the disciples and initiates of today. Never has there been a `gap' in the Teaching, in the thread of Hierarchical tutelage ... although many dark ages can be said to have delayed our progress. Never has the Path been barred, and still the Way remains open for all who seek and prepare themselves to tread it.

The sad part is, some religions have tried to co-opt the Gospel itself, to not only adopt the Teachings of the Great Ones and apply them, but to claim exclusivity. They thereby shut themselves out from further Revelation, and even their existing secrets become corrupted and untrustworthy, for they abuse the role and the power which they were originally given. This, in my finding, is the story of modern Christianity, if we trace its devolution backwards to its source. In the mirror of time, seeing in reverse, will see it rise, strengthen, and grow directly into, because it is from - Christ's Heart ...

Has Christianity written itself out of the world's future, entirely? No, I do not believe so. The Master Jesus, and several others, including many of the Angels and Angelic Teachers continue to work predominantly in the West, to help prepare for the Reappearance of the Christ. There may be little or no time for such exchanges as these, on an online forum, as the Work intensifies. Time will tell ... but 2025 remains an important date!

Taijasi said:
If it did not exist first with God, it could not exist in expression with us.
Thomas said:
At last, you've got it! How many times I've said that here, I've lost count. But that's the only Trinity we're interested in, as that Trinity determines all subsequent triunes.
I'll post an excerpt from the Codex Nazarenus, or from an explanation of the sublest, most sublime of three Trinities. We can certainly say that this is the most important, but this is a bit like saying that the forming of Earth's molten surface into a solid mantle and crust is the "most important" part of geology. I would not disagree, but I am interested in the present. Likewise, since the highest Trinity is as beyond us as the farthest galaxy in the farthest galactic supercluster, I think it's a bit pointless to talk about it.

Or ... if not, what do we profit? It's a serious question, and on this may hinge much, since it seems to me you believe we somehow stand something to gain. My point is, you aren't in touch with it. You won't be, until a much, much later stage of evolution. This is by design, and by definition, and arguing otherwise only demonstrates some serious degree of confusion.

Here again, I think we are not on the same page. I am almost sure of it, but I will leave it to you to address the problem, and see if maybe I've made a mistake, a wrong assumption, or perhaps have confusion of my own about what you're indicating ...

Thomas said:
We don't do any of that stuff. For us there is just The Logos of God.

Maybe. But we bypass all that. God is Immanently Present, everywhere, always – were we only to see – we regard 'emanationism' as veils that occlude the vision. Those 'with the eyes to see', as it were, sees straight through them.
It's good to know that there are later stages of the path than we are on. Wishing you were at the end, does not make it so. Live in the present, be authentic [from another thread], LIVE authentically - with honesty, integrity and of course, commitment to your own spiritual path.

Not much more to say about it than that. And being comfortable with having taken refuge in the Tipitaka ... Buddhist or not [for there is the equivalent] ... yes, all that I dig.

Otherwise, we may certainly delude ourselves and even tell all our friends that we are `enlightened' or - as the Christians seem to put it, `saved.' We are certainly beyond the danger of avichi-hell after Arhatship, the 4th, Renunciation [Crucifixion] Initiation. And Asekha Adeptship bridges us onto the Way of Higher evolution at the following, Sixth Initiation ... now required of all human beings.

Until one is ready for traveling the Path consciously and with the determination to complete one's own Earthly evolution, I agree that some of this may be beyond us, and superfluous information. Yet the Mystery Schools taught it for a reason, and the currently forming esoteric schools also instruct students with the assumption that they will prepare themselves to tread the path of Aspiration to Discipleship, all the way to Initiation and even Highest Perfection. Thus, we do pursue the path of enlightenment, as did the Christ and Buddha.

One finds this to be true, in one's own way, at the appropriate time, and in the appropriate company ... pretty much no matter what. It is useless to argue it when another person is not ready, or has heels dug in, or has some kind of agenda of one's own. It can even be harmful to make insistences, since this was certainly not the way our own Teacher, or Guru [if we have one] taught us, and helped us in our times of darkness.
Thomas said:
Yep. For me Christ is "the Way, the Truth and the Life" John 14:6.
Perhaps you would like to read about John in the modern world, his teachings, his own - direct, literal - clarifications of his own, earlier teachings. The author is J.J. Dewey, the book is `The Immortal.' It is online, free, Volume I ... and one can purchase a used copy in print which includes Volume II, the conclusion. `The Lost Key of the Buddha' follows, and several other, shorter volumes ... plus there have been online discussions, as the author and his wife continue to teach, and to work with John on the Inner Planes.

The Intuition of the student must determine the authenticity of the subject material, as with the case of the Theosophical teachings, plus later dictations from some of these same Mahatmas. As much as I do not know, I am aware of numerous contributions - both Great and small - in the line of the `New Dispensation,' or Teachings for students [of all degrees and stages] of the Aquarian Era.

There are esoteric Teachers directly continuing the Eastern lineages, of course, including one whose transition was only a few short years ago, in Hawaii. I have never read what he has to say about the Trimurti, or Trinity, but would certainly be interested, if I find the time and decide to investigate.

Anyway, perhaps this thread is winding down ... ?
Re: Trinity & Trimurti part one

This is a teaching from the Zohar, and it also has existed in the Far East for much longer.
Ah ... not from Christ, then. We must take care not to put our words in His mouth.

Well, there is the Unmanifest, or Absolute, yet as by definition this is beyond qualifications and conditions, any such `speech' we may consider as figurative, expressive, or imagined.
Exactly. This is a prime point for me.

And for that very reason there is not and cannot be one over-arching esoterism that explains all esoterisms. To do that necessitates it being beyond qualification and condition!

So every esoterism is qualified and conditioned accordingly, and that's simple common sense. There's 'Christian esoterism' and 'Hindu esoterism' and 'Sufi esoterism' and so on.

And, of course, there are correspondences.

The approach to understanding an esoterism is through the correspondences. The key to unlocking an esoterism is through the distinctions (rather than differences) ... for example:

Take the syllable "Om" in the Upanishads. Hindus believe that the first act of creation was the first and original vibration, manifesting as sound "OM". In the Hebrew Scriptures God speaks ... the correspondences are many, and as illuminating as they are inspirational ... BUT ...

"Om or Aum can be written ओ३म् where ३ is pluta ("three times as long"), indicating a length of three morae (that is, the time it takes to say three syllables) ... " Now I could say, "Ah! the sacred syllable 'Om' is one, and yet it is three! HaHa! The Holy Trinity has revealed Itself in the Upanishads, but the Hindus were too slow to notice!"
But that would be nonsense, that's eisegesis, reading onto the text something that's not there.

When I studied for my degree, someone contended that the appearance of the three persons (described as men and angels) to Abraham at Mamre (Genesis 18) signified the Holy Trinity. There's a strong tradition to that end, dating back to the early Fathers.

But we cannot say that it is the Holy Trinity, because it's a Jewish text, and the Jews don't believe in the Trinity. So we can't read a Christian Doctrine into a Jewish text, any more than we can read it onto the Buddhist Sutras or the Upanishads. We can point out the correspondences until the cows come home, but that's not the point of sacra doctrina. For a Christian to assume the hermeneutic keys of his sacra doctrina serve as keys to all the world's sacra doctrina is, I suggest, misguided. And the same applies across the board.

One must preserve against the assumption that 'this' esoterism is exactly the same as 'that', or that all esoterisms are equal ... the esoteric is a veil in itself.

For many, many years these veils were my inspiration. Now I seek that which lies beyond the veil.

So perhaps you will understand why I don't join you in mutual cosmological peregrinations. I'm not downplaying them, just saying that's not for me.

I've seen too many people wander about among the veils, assuming the more veils they see, the more advanced they are! I was caught up in that glamour myself for many years, when in the 70s I was a member of a 'cult' as they came to be called. Mine was based on Gurdjieff (we had a 'Sevenfold Ray of Creation' similar to the pattern you describe).

But in the end it was quantity, not quality, and I began to see through it. I'm sure there's a Greek myth that covers this, but I can't think of it off the top of my head.

This I understand. The Godhead, per se, does not speak - at least in Esotericism.
Depends who's esoterism. In some God does – Abrahamic and Hindu, for example, in others God doesn't.

Rather, the RESULT of such speech is the manifest Cosmos Itself (or Solar System, Planetary System, etc.).
Indeed so, we call the Cosmos 'a theophany' for this very reason.

But we hold there are two books: The Book of Nature – the Cosmos itself in all its parts – and the Book of Revelation, in which God communicates with His creation directly.

The point is, the content of any Revelation transcends the Cosmos, were that not the case, then man would get to it under his own steam, by the light of his own intellect and powers.

I do believe that the gradations of Hierarchies ...
So do I, but only as a mental model, not as an existent actuality. I'm sure that it's all so much simpler than we imagine.

Love is all that matters.

And, of course, that in Christ, we go straight to the heart of the matter!
Re: Trinity & Trimurti part two

I realize you may not `subscribe,' but I recommend Temple Teachings, if you enjoy Paul.
Sorry, I prefer to stick to the Patristic commentaries.

Christ expresses, embodies, the 2nd Person above all. This should be kept clear, or you really aren't expressing Christian beliefs, exoteric or esoteric. When he refers to being "one with the Father," he means the Monad, our `First and Highest Princple,' which is itself no `principle' at all, but rather is the `spark incarnate' ... into a Sevenfold Entity, reflecting the Trinity itself which is also so `Incarnate.' This is Hermetic, the `As Above, So Below.'
I rather think this is what happens when we mis-apply an hermeneutic. Let me take you through it:
Christ expresses, embodies, the 2nd Person above all.
Yes. That's what the Tradition says.
When he refers to being "one with the Father," he means the Monad, our `First and Highest Princple,' which is itself no `principle' at all...
Yes. That's what the Tradition says.
... but rather is the `spark incarnate' ... into a Sevenfold Entity, reflecting the Trinity itself which is also so `Incarnate.' This is Hermetic, the `As Above, So Below.'
Well yes ... but that falls a long way short of what the Tradition understands.
When looking at the Trinity of Christianity, stay on the 'far side' of the cosmological horizon, and you're on safer ground. This side, of course, there are many triunes, you can see them everywhere, some great, some small ... but the Christian Doctrine points right at the Principle of the thing, rather than its myriad manifestations.
This is why he was able to say, "When you look upon me, you see the Father."
Oh I think there's way more to it that that!
I refer you to Colossians again, it really gives a concise and complete metaphysic.

You could paraphrase, for example: "He who sees Maya (for what it is), sees Atma (for what it is)."

Since all proceeds from the Cosmic into denser expressions ...
Yes, that's Maya. The dance of the veils ...

Again, this is all well and good. It does however stay this side of the cosmological horizon, if I can call it that. We can pursue these rays in infinite variation, because that's what the finite world is like! So we can say One into three, three into seven ... then each one of the seven into seven again, and each one of that seven into another seven ... it's the fractal thing you mentioned.

Or we can stay focussed on the One.

My 'golden rule': Keep it simple, and that'll keep you close to God.

Love: If we have love, nothing else is necessary.

In short, Christian sacra doctrina does not discuss the cosmic, it discusses man in immediate relation to God, not man in relation to the cosmos.

Yet a First Logos, or Logos acting as the Destroyer...
Sorry, but here you're into multiplicity and relativism again.

I prefer my Logos, like my Trinity, unqualified.

God is universal, and every Tradition is a particular Way. A Hindu Way, a Buddhist Way, and so on, easily recognisable, and distinct from every other way ... but to assume there is one, over-arching way that's better than the rest, or that we can bundle all the ways together to make a 'superhighway', is a modern materialist mistake. Same as assuming if I have my left foot on this path, my right foot on that, I can walk both at the same time ... you can't serve two masters, etc.

The Sophia Perennis talks of the Universal Unity of Religions, and that is true, but that unity exists at the Universal, not at the particular.

The Universal is only accessible through the particulars, in the same way the formless is accessible through the forms. One cannot 'by-pass' the process, or tip everything into one basket and come up with a meta-religion.

Without this continuity, we are stuck, locked into an earlier timeframe...
I disagree. Man is open to the infinite. Connect to the Transcendent and you're outside timeframes.

The sad part is, some religions have tried to co-opt the Gospel itself ...
Tell me about it! :rolleyes:

I'll post an excerpt from the Codex Nazarenus, or from an explanation of the sublest, most sublime of three Trinities.
If you like, but please don't on my account. As I said, I no longer pursue the relative, I hold the Absolute firmly in my sights.
Originally Posted by taijasi:
Anyway, perhaps this thread is winding down ... ?
I think so ...

This being so, my responses - which I began but never completed - are irrelevant. Points of contention aside, yes, to focus on - *practicing*, not simply advocating - Love remains key, essential.

That said, I recommend paying keen attention to Matthew 10:16, for else, the injunction to "Love with Harmlessness, even as Doves" falls upon deaf ears ... ;)

The `Wisdom of Serpents' is an important part of the equation, equally as a proper reading of Exodus 20:3 requires the insightful student to THINK, to mentally `chew' ... instead of swallowing his `food' whole!
The Absolute Unity of God

Isaiah says that, absolutely, God cannot be compared with anyone or anything, as we read Isaiah 46:5. "To whom will ye liken Me, and make Me equal to , or compare Me with, that we may be alike?"

Therefore, more than one God would have been unable to produce the world; one would have impeded the work of the other, unless this could be avoided by a suitable division of labor.

More than one Divine Being would have one element in common, and would differ in another; each would thus consist of two elements, and would not be God.

More than one God are moved to action by will; the will, without a substratum, could not act simultaneously in more than one being.

Therefore, the existence of one God is proved; the existence of more than one God cannot be proved. One could suggest that it would be possible; but since as possibility is inapplicable to God, there does not exist more than one God. So, the possibility of ascertaining the existence of God is here confounded with potentiality of existence.

Again, if one God suffices, a second or third God would be superfluous; if one God is not sufficient, he is not perfect, and cannot be a deity.

Now, besides being God absolutely One, He is incorporeal. If God were corporeal, He would consist of atoms, and would not be one; or he would be comparable to other beings; but a comparison implies the existence of similar and of dissimilar elements, and God would thus not be One. A corporeal God would be finite, and an external power would be required to define those limits.