It might appear that way to you, but really, it's not that at all.
I think what you mean is, Baptism means something different to you ... even to a lot of Christians.
Ask Jesus, or the Christ, the significance, and get back to us on it, okay?
Point is, My interpretation is ROCK-solid, for me, and I haven't the faintest shadow of a DOUBT about it.
Now I don't dispute that a different meaning has EVOLVED over 2100 years.
Thus, as a child, I was Baptized into the Lutheran church, but I was not dunked like a doughnut, nor was a sprinkler/spritzer used ...
You see, the Rite will vary, and it certainly symbolizes purity, yet its significance predates the Christ, and is tied in with the chrestos - the candidate undergoing the initiatory rite. It is about our own commitment to, and determination along, the road to greater purity, which is why I kind of like the idea of baptizing a conscious, thinking adult ... and not an infant, to whom the rite means absolutely zilch for many years (if ever or at all).
Martians, as far as I'm aware, really don't care about - or want to be a part of - the Roman Catholic Church. They really don't. I don't think they are after membership in the Theosophical Society, either. To try to make something smaller than it is, or pull in the proverbial nets of one's fishermen, is a bit daft.
Instead of acknowledging that I know what I'm talking about, and that what I'm trying to do is underscore the more universal aspects of a thing, I think you ought to stop while you're ahead. Otherwise, I have to point out that the current Christian Rite of Baptism really doesn't hold much snuff to that which the Baptizer Himself [John the Forerunner] was practicing, and certainly not to the true Initiatory Rite which is held (only performable) by the World Teacher, or Bodhisattva [Christ]. And on that, there's no flexibility. No more, at least, than I have come to expect from certain Catholics ...
Again, consult the Oracle, and see what you find. But don't get mixed up, by your own damn mind.
And yeah, I know this discussion is on `secular' ... so I kind of think all this claptrap really doesn't mean that much. Really the point is, yes there are Martians (and other globes within our own Solar System with evolving intelligent life upon them, ensouled lifeforms - like us, give or take) ... and yes, the Catholic Church would baptize them if they requested it.
In my mind, that's enough to make the mind reel ... but then, I don't doubt the current Pope, his intent, his methodology [for as much as I know of it, I see the Light - and just hope the Curia won't poison him as they did poor Albino Luciano] or his utterances. FINALLY we have sense & sanity in the Papacy, and several, I mean SEVERAL predictions & prophecies can begin to be fulfilled. Pope Francis has wasted no time in doing the good Works of the Lord ...
Whether or not people are being helped much for that big upcoming landing in Trafalgar Square or not (or wherever) ...
that's what I'm really interested in.