ISIS: Sunni Muslims, or Heretics?



So... everyone has heard by now of this ISIS group, taking Iraq by storm, establishing a caliphate in the Iraq/Syria region, killing, beheading, pillaging all the way to Baghdad...

My question is simple.

The group claims to be Sunni Muslim. Have their actions disqualified them as such?

And as a side thought, I hope the rest of the world isn't looking at the US, hoping we are going to stop the fall of Iraq. Our President has no interest in doing anything about it.
Most Muslims, I'd imagine, despise them. But I think they have to be called Muslims because they identify themselves as such as believe that they're doing what Islam calls them to do.

But I wouldn't call them good Muslims.

In the end, extremists of those kinds don't succeed. They get too many people angry at them.

And no, the US shouldn't get involved. If we hadn't invaded Iraq in the first place, this probably wouldn't have happened.
i want to know where they got their weapons from ?
Ha! Another sad chapter in the tragic story of America's "policing" of the world. When the Iraq war hit full tilt I really had a shred of hope that a permanent beacon of hope and freedom would be established in the Middle East... there for everyone to see... and the neighboring countries' citizens would see how women are being treated in Iraq, and demand that their leadership change, etc. etc. I think that's what Bush had in mind.

But no. We utterly and completely screwed it all up... and I dare say after a trillion spent and thousands of lives lost... it's worse off than it was before we fired the first bullet. Obama really has no choice now. He's going to have to start some kind of bombing campaign. He's sending some special forces to defend our "interests," assets, and embassy. God knows where this is headed.

But anyway, I truly was curious if these savages, this ISIS group, are possibly real, bona fide Muslims. I guess what I'm getting at is, I'd like for someone to tell me they are not Muslims, and then demonstrate why.
When the Ayatollah overthru our Shah... our capitalist caliphate... we funded Saddam and Iraq to fight Iran for a decade...

Iran, NK...the axis of evil remember??

Don't be surprised if we soon fund Iran to fight ISIS... our foreign policy motto for my entire life has been "our enemy's enemy is our friend" it has never worked for us longterm...but that will not stop us from continuing to use it.
Don't be surprised if we soon fund Iran to fight ISIS... our foreign policy motto for my entire life has been "our enemy's enemy is our friend" it has never worked for us longterm...but that will not stop us from continuing to use it.
It's already almost a given. You nailed it. Yes, this "enemy of my enemy is my friend" can make for some pretty strange bedfellows. I hate to bring right/left politics into it but, I'm convinced that most Liberals in the US would welcome a joint venture with Iran. Liberals have big hearts and some good intentions, but they as a group never were very shrewd and calculating when it comes to foreign policy.

That said, ISIS has had a nice run. They gobbled up some majority-Sunni cities real quick before anyone had any time to react. But if they try to take Shi'ite-majority Baghdad, the streets will run red with ISIS blood and their endeavor will fail. They may very well just keep what they've gained and be satisfied with it. Iraq is already for all intents and purposes split into 2 territories now. Once the Kurds establish their boundaries, it'll be 3 territories. And I assume after all that happens, it will be a 3-way Israel-Palestine tit-for-tat situation all over again. Doesn't that sound great?
i want to know where they got their weapons from ?
I assumed when I first read your comment that you were being sarcastic and pointing out that America armed these thugs in the first place. Well, although they do carry plenty of American arms and have procured a few hum-vees and a couple of helicopters... they got all that stuff when the Iraqi military dropped their weapons, took off their uniforms, and ran. Initially, the weapons ISIS took into battle were supplied by Turkey and Iran if I'm not mistaken.
I assumed when I first read your comment that you were being sarcastic and pointing out that America armed these thugs in the first place. Well, although they do carry plenty of American arms and have procured a few hum-vees and a couple of helicopters... they got all that stuff when the Iraqi military dropped their weapons, took off their uniforms, and ran. Initially, the weapons ISIS took into battle were supplied by Turkey and Iran if I'm not mistaken.

hi not sarcasm, but i would like to know how they got their arms.
I'd like for someone to tell me they are not Muslims, and then demonstrate why.

I'd like someone to tell me that the American soldiers are not Christians, and then demonstrate why. :)

hi not sarcasm, but i would like to know how they got their arms.

I saw reports previously claiming the Saudi's were arming groups in Syria, of which this appears to be one. I wonder whether they had any support previously from USA/Europe as well, though, as we were supposed to be providing support "on the ground".
I'd like someone to tell me that the American soldiers are not Christians, and then demonstrate why. :)
Surely you can't be serious. And no, I'm not calling you Shirley!
Iraq is already for all intents and purposes split into 2 territories now. Once the Kurds establish their boundaries, it'll be 3 territories. And I assume after all that happens, it will be a 3-way Israel-Palestine tit-for-tat situation all over again. Doesn't that sound great?

3 territories?? Where have we heard that before? How about 20 years ago...before Dick decided Halliburton needed more money...
Whether ISIS is disqualified as Sunni Muslims or not, I cannot judge their beliefs. As a group, if they are attacking and engaging in warfare without real reason, then yes they are disqualified. If they have a reason, then they are not. From the outside, it is difficult to judge.

The Iraq war should have never happened. I feel that the foreigners came in, invaded, caused division between Sunnis and Shias, left and we are left with we are seeing today: revenge. Many Shias supported the invasion, or at least that is what was shown to us by the biased media all over the world. Iraqi Sunnis were vilified, taken into prisons, murdered, etc. I think that ISIS might be doing some payback (not that Islam encourages revenge, nor that I personally approve of it). And once again, we see many Shias crying out again for foreigners to help them out.
The whole region was groups of tribes, ethnic, religious affiliations....white man put lines in the sand separating families and groups that were is amazing they've held up this long...
So... everyone has heard by now of this ISIS group, taking Iraq by storm, establishing a caliphate in the Iraq/Syria region, killing, beheading, pillaging all the way to Baghdad...

My question is simple.

The group claims to be Sunni Muslim. Have their actions disqualified them as such?

And as a side thought, I hope the rest of the world isn't looking at the US, hoping we are going to stop the fall of Iraq. Our President has no interest in doing anything about it.
Isis are Salafi's, known as Sunni's by the non-muslim world and known as mistaken Sunni's by the muslim world; they are mistaken in that they kill civilians of the enemy as an eye for an eye, i.e., the enemy kills Sunni/Muslim civilians so they do the same with the enemies civilians and also I think they are too hasty in fighting other muslim groups that disagree with their leadership rather than fight together for a common cause