Gnōthi seauton
What many people believe about suicide is, and has always been, a useful consideration along the way to investigating the experience of death ... as we encounter and contemplate life's many purposes. Invariably we will all come to the Gateway of Death, and as we pass through, I think we will find that it is possible for us to be both greeted by it, and also to experience this warmly, as one of the most wonderful of events on the long, long Journey back to our Source.
The reason for this post, timely as I hope it may be, is or should be obvious, but I will invoke both common sense and common[ality of] Vision in directing our attention to what should be concomitant on the realization that a great comedian, or person near and dear to us, has crossed over - unexpectedly. Remember, there are many, many ways in which a person may move from the physical to the astral world - as indeed, some of us believe we have all done this many hundred, and more likely many thousands of times before.
Yes, it is possible to remember these, and even accurately as well as safely to be enabled to do so. But that is not my motivation or my purpose in so posting.
What I Hope to do is to show a Universal, and examine it in the light of common experience, shared Vision, the spirit of Love and Brotherhood, thus invoking common, accepted Recognition - and leading onward, to greater expansion. This, of course, only leads us to greater focus - and so to an indrawing, as many phrase it or acknowledge it. Yet what is this, if not the pulsing, the slow and rhythmic common Breathing, of a thing whose time will - in that sense, never come. For all that lives, is born to die, and as it is communicated to us all, at some point, what is God but a mighty Being [the Grandest of all] Whom and which breathes, in endless cycle, each greatest-outbreath the Generation of a whole new Cosmos, each largest-inbreath the Voyage Home.
A Pause, a long, long ~Singularity~ then familiar Script, but a whole new Writ. I encourage us all, to consider our `lease on Life.' For yes, I do feel of the mind that it comes with several clauses, Agreements and what we might call Obligations. I cannot, for simple convenience's sake, scratch out this line which says [of us all]: Subject to the comings and goings of the Cosmos - or LIFE Itself. For watch, and I think you'll find, in Time - like us all, My time is bought, or loaned - certainly, in some true sense Borrowed.
If I choose one line, I remind: As above, so Below. But life will go on, just fine, for `those below' - and So, at any `greeting of a fellow, suicide,' it will become clear to us all, in time, that God's Plan is fine. And thus Yours, and Mine and ~ Thine ~ are as well-cared-for, as the sparrow was, before it struck - your car, or a spline, in engine, jet ... or wind turbine.
Another thread, well-said, might clarify the future fate of souls, before the Eye, and Heart, and Head ~ of God. Well said, well said, and whether or not I have such capacity ... might depend, now wouldn't it, on whether or not I may, personally know, a few of those whom `we' in our quaint little way, call `Dead'. Personally, there seem to me only those whom and which five senses can - apparently - verify to brain in head. Thus, one might well observe, "Who you callin' Dead, mutha-bleep." Sorry Robin, the good standards, to keep ...
I may be no medium, but without a Medium, Space - THE Medium - would not exist. And so the deceased, [of] a more rarified form of MAter, having met Ma'at, do now consist. Yet without astral/mental form [and more, its/their Anima/mus] would any of us, even now, Subsist?
Ask yourselves, carefully then, if ~I, too~ invoke direct, of Truth, of Love, of LAW and Wisdom ... giving form to Purpose, could I resist? ... :
The suicide who having greeted and been greeted by `the Other Side' * will find, then fly, through many events ... yet the condition is such, under circumstances which I believe I know well, that we may not properly or fully exit our prior incarnation until such time as the natural course for our intended-evolution, in physical form, has come to an end.
It might be moment, months, years or decades, but the LAW, in this case one of Third Aspect - Economy, may not for any reason that I am aware of - be trounced or violated. This is Cause and Effect, Sewing and Reaping, also Karma, and may not be suspended by you, nor me, nor Mighty and Perfect Deity, simply because we care very much for someone, or you do, or God does. And God does. Not a sparrow, falls, nor Men, nor softballs. ~ that indeed, the Lord does not KNOW it.
Where the 2nd Logos comes in, in the life of the dearly departed, no matter what their condition or means of Death, one finds, is in the meeting and Greeting of familiar Friends, some of them long-lost, or unseen, maybe `dead' for the several, many years, ages, or aeons. Every such encounter, even if we begin to have them but a bit more uninterrupted and again know the true Joy, the Mirth and Blessing, the GIFT of Friends, is such that never again, for the majority of us, from that MOMENT forward - till after long, long Eternity spent in Heaven we return- and it depends ... but yes in most cases, we will not question, or truly Doubt, the existence of a `God' or Eternal, INFINITE Being. For the Heavenly delight, now poignantly enacted for us ~
I can but yield. ROBIN brought us `What Dreams May Come,' and as He already knows these currently help, in forming a true sort of Shield. The existence of one's Love, one's children, one's spouse, parents, every single Friend ... all of Bliss, in a MOMENT, a single `place' ...
well folks, it's enough to bring every, yes EVERY emotion, quite easily, into your new, new, new-old astral being ~ and I assure you, for the average brain, it's just not quite possible, without the most careful of preparation. So therefore, such gifted mediums as we need so, so much more of in our world, as rare as they are - will increasingly, and I mean steadily increasingly, rather than `one day soon' continue to multiply, until in time, it will be as common as radishes to be aware, in such state of Mind, that yes, the `Oversoul' thus indwells, and expresses as, via, each one - of us.
No exceptions. Ever. For any reason, And keep it thus, Simple, knowing God's Love, Light and Wisdom-and-Purpose, in Season. That's both a Biblical phrase, and a Byrds song, and even a parakeet knows - eventually, we find food and water again, before long. Amazing, Ms. Maya, how some of these folks do so easily forget. N'est pas, Mes-Dames?
At any rate {fast, man, vary Fast} - the Quick - whose cycles I cannot at any rate, fully, anticipate, does obviously not only preVail [Middle English, from Latin praevalēre, from prae- pre- + valēre to be strong — more at wield] over the both living and `dead' but also, while exceedingly-obviously being able to masterfully wield every single Law that applies to your and my heart, body and head while in Incarnation, has to OBSERVE by them, therefore avoiding every conceivable or encountered obstacle, or trepidation. And this means, in simple terms, that even if we cannot go in every single one of those times, places, states or Faces [of the Divine] as can the Quick, nonetheless, in the words of someone who intended them as no sort of trick: "Faster than a bullet from a gun/He's the Master" ~ words, of George Harrison. What's a race-car driver, or a stunt pilot, a Teacher, or a yogi, to herself, if not to everyone?
Thus, God knows every single of the possibilities, not so much before now, nor after it, but simply WHEN? Now. Where? Here, and also There. Wherefore? Because, all of the chit that you can think of, is Divine Mind. In simple words, we really can't help it [that]. But unless we transcend the chitta, there's not much use saying: Wait a-
No. It doesn't work like That. What? SAT
And don't forget ~ about ANANDA
The Principles and states, worlds and even the Fates [`Themselves']
are but little use if we can't, or won't `use them' ...
And I don't mind the Wordplay, as it's all that actually occurs, any, each and every Day. But frankly, what most folks want to know is that "Their loved-one is `alllllllll-Right.' AND that, I'm pretty sure, they are. As sure as there also exists, Parent STAR. And He-She's right there, you know, pretty damn pleasantly-obvious to a deceased man, regardless as to who you and I may happen to be, or whether you take them by proverbial hand ...
... and help me understand the best I can. And no one ...
Just echoes, folks. Just echoes. But this Dream - if it ever drives me `insane,' I assure you, it isn't the one, which God intends for us to anchor, from Soul, quite securely, in Heart, and etheric brain. For what is the use of a VISION if no one sees it, feels it, understands it, or wishes it?
Not through nuclear fission is our future to be [magic word here, you intuit it] ...
even if, with one simple match, something liquidy, and a whiff, boom! It's true, in the smaller cycle, it's possible to make of one's vehicle a mess, quite quickly.
A suicide can know a suicide. I assure you. But so, too, will and do all of those who knew, who know and who would have come to know, him or her anyway ~ save a very important, and careful exception. And I'm not here to quibble. I am lucid, while if not careful, at other times might even dribble [ok, it rhymes, leave me alone] ...
... yet I'm suggesting: for every person, and circumstance, and event which your Soul, with PURPOSE, did intend for you influence world events - even slightly, a dozen, a score-or-more years into the future. For THIS, it cannot be that a suicide escapes Accountability. "Not one jot nor tittle"
And this, while I might Forgive, and wish it away, does but ameliorate, and go far, indeed, yet can NEVER negate.
I do wish, sometimes, that more People knew Jesus, the Christ, the many, dozens of Great Ones. Pick ANY ... but in Good Faith, with sincerity, please, waste nary a penny, hearing what you want to hear, what makes you simply `feel good,' or what at greatest capacity is but a little less than a Sin. 'e's okay. She'll pull through. I mean that truly, because I know you.
And I can't know any one else, if I can't know myself. Face it. Feel it. Accept it. And whatever it is, do DEAL with it. Everyone should have that acknowledgment and this kind of candor, within. If you flee, be very Wise, and return to the Source, with OPEN heart and seeing eyes. I am free, any more than you are, but one thing I'm on-guard against, and that's the Lies.
You know who they say has authored a few of those? And lower manas, folks, is what that means. On your toes!
Tiptoe through the Beetlejuice country, look away from these sparkling dazzling distractions; this is all but Haze. Don't you run in, in the lanes, run for time!
See, saw, subjectivity can leave you with an open jaw. There is not a Soul on this planet that God does not know. But I can assure you, there is a bigger picture to be had, and from one, it is verily true [that]:
What goes around, comes around, and each gets her due.
No escaping that. And no one, once they begin to see things clearly, would WANT to.
So there's nothing more. as it's all above. there are NO exceptions to the Highest Law, and this, is LOVE.
If you know where people go when they die, you do not need fear Death, even if - with open i - you proceed [as we all do from time to time] a bit too blithely.
Whereas Sir Thomas, the record tells, merely went - with the scythe, and of Necessity ... thus today, if you choose, you may even join him for a cup of tea. But for that, you'll need to make your own arrangements. And here, around here, there may only be two or three, or half a dozen, to whom I would imagine this even makes good sense.
But ever a fence, self-erected, serves two purposes, and sometimes we are best protected ... as much by what we DO NOT know, as what we do. It's designed that way, and the only conspiracy worth much investigating [at first] is that which already involves both me and you. The escaping is what obsesses some, and I usually find, they're just no fun.
This kind is often but a sad, crumbling bastion ... and even thus, does little - I keep noticing - to remind any of us, what the point was. Or what the real value was. Or how they, can offer something, to Pay it FORWARD, you know - to build a better day. See tomorrow, but work for it NOW. Otherwise, like Bart says, don't have a cow - when you find you are the very LAST to find some things out. I - ought to know.
Then there's that simple little thing Homer says.
But it's nearly time to make the doughnuts. And there are other fish to visit, probably some people out there to fry. Even Gandalf, at one fairly memorable moment, closed with:
FLY! you fools!
The reason for this post, timely as I hope it may be, is or should be obvious, but I will invoke both common sense and common[ality of] Vision in directing our attention to what should be concomitant on the realization that a great comedian, or person near and dear to us, has crossed over - unexpectedly. Remember, there are many, many ways in which a person may move from the physical to the astral world - as indeed, some of us believe we have all done this many hundred, and more likely many thousands of times before.
Yes, it is possible to remember these, and even accurately as well as safely to be enabled to do so. But that is not my motivation or my purpose in so posting.
What I Hope to do is to show a Universal, and examine it in the light of common experience, shared Vision, the spirit of Love and Brotherhood, thus invoking common, accepted Recognition - and leading onward, to greater expansion. This, of course, only leads us to greater focus - and so to an indrawing, as many phrase it or acknowledge it. Yet what is this, if not the pulsing, the slow and rhythmic common Breathing, of a thing whose time will - in that sense, never come. For all that lives, is born to die, and as it is communicated to us all, at some point, what is God but a mighty Being [the Grandest of all] Whom and which breathes, in endless cycle, each greatest-outbreath the Generation of a whole new Cosmos, each largest-inbreath the Voyage Home.
A Pause, a long, long ~Singularity~ then familiar Script, but a whole new Writ. I encourage us all, to consider our `lease on Life.' For yes, I do feel of the mind that it comes with several clauses, Agreements and what we might call Obligations. I cannot, for simple convenience's sake, scratch out this line which says [of us all]: Subject to the comings and goings of the Cosmos - or LIFE Itself. For watch, and I think you'll find, in Time - like us all, My time is bought, or loaned - certainly, in some true sense Borrowed.
If I choose one line, I remind: As above, so Below. But life will go on, just fine, for `those below' - and So, at any `greeting of a fellow, suicide,' it will become clear to us all, in time, that God's Plan is fine. And thus Yours, and Mine and ~ Thine ~ are as well-cared-for, as the sparrow was, before it struck - your car, or a spline, in engine, jet ... or wind turbine.
Another thread, well-said, might clarify the future fate of souls, before the Eye, and Heart, and Head ~ of God. Well said, well said, and whether or not I have such capacity ... might depend, now wouldn't it, on whether or not I may, personally know, a few of those whom `we' in our quaint little way, call `Dead'. Personally, there seem to me only those whom and which five senses can - apparently - verify to brain in head. Thus, one might well observe, "Who you callin' Dead, mutha-bleep." Sorry Robin, the good standards, to keep ...
I may be no medium, but without a Medium, Space - THE Medium - would not exist. And so the deceased, [of] a more rarified form of MAter, having met Ma'at, do now consist. Yet without astral/mental form [and more, its/their Anima/mus] would any of us, even now, Subsist?
Ask yourselves, carefully then, if ~I, too~ invoke direct, of Truth, of Love, of LAW and Wisdom ... giving form to Purpose, could I resist? ... :
The suicide who having greeted and been greeted by `the Other Side' * will find, then fly, through many events ... yet the condition is such, under circumstances which I believe I know well, that we may not properly or fully exit our prior incarnation until such time as the natural course for our intended-evolution, in physical form, has come to an end.
It might be moment, months, years or decades, but the LAW, in this case one of Third Aspect - Economy, may not for any reason that I am aware of - be trounced or violated. This is Cause and Effect, Sewing and Reaping, also Karma, and may not be suspended by you, nor me, nor Mighty and Perfect Deity, simply because we care very much for someone, or you do, or God does. And God does. Not a sparrow, falls, nor Men, nor softballs. ~ that indeed, the Lord does not KNOW it.
Where the 2nd Logos comes in, in the life of the dearly departed, no matter what their condition or means of Death, one finds, is in the meeting and Greeting of familiar Friends, some of them long-lost, or unseen, maybe `dead' for the several, many years, ages, or aeons. Every such encounter, even if we begin to have them but a bit more uninterrupted and again know the true Joy, the Mirth and Blessing, the GIFT of Friends, is such that never again, for the majority of us, from that MOMENT forward - till after long, long Eternity spent in Heaven we return- and it depends ... but yes in most cases, we will not question, or truly Doubt, the existence of a `God' or Eternal, INFINITE Being. For the Heavenly delight, now poignantly enacted for us ~
I can but yield. ROBIN brought us `What Dreams May Come,' and as He already knows these currently help, in forming a true sort of Shield. The existence of one's Love, one's children, one's spouse, parents, every single Friend ... all of Bliss, in a MOMENT, a single `place' ...
well folks, it's enough to bring every, yes EVERY emotion, quite easily, into your new, new, new-old astral being ~ and I assure you, for the average brain, it's just not quite possible, without the most careful of preparation. So therefore, such gifted mediums as we need so, so much more of in our world, as rare as they are - will increasingly, and I mean steadily increasingly, rather than `one day soon' continue to multiply, until in time, it will be as common as radishes to be aware, in such state of Mind, that yes, the `Oversoul' thus indwells, and expresses as, via, each one - of us.
No exceptions. Ever. For any reason, And keep it thus, Simple, knowing God's Love, Light and Wisdom-and-Purpose, in Season. That's both a Biblical phrase, and a Byrds song, and even a parakeet knows - eventually, we find food and water again, before long. Amazing, Ms. Maya, how some of these folks do so easily forget. N'est pas, Mes-Dames?
At any rate {fast, man, vary Fast} - the Quick - whose cycles I cannot at any rate, fully, anticipate, does obviously not only preVail [Middle English, from Latin praevalēre, from prae- pre- + valēre to be strong — more at wield] over the both living and `dead' but also, while exceedingly-obviously being able to masterfully wield every single Law that applies to your and my heart, body and head while in Incarnation, has to OBSERVE by them, therefore avoiding every conceivable or encountered obstacle, or trepidation. And this means, in simple terms, that even if we cannot go in every single one of those times, places, states or Faces [of the Divine] as can the Quick, nonetheless, in the words of someone who intended them as no sort of trick: "Faster than a bullet from a gun/He's the Master" ~ words, of George Harrison. What's a race-car driver, or a stunt pilot, a Teacher, or a yogi, to herself, if not to everyone?
Thus, God knows every single of the possibilities, not so much before now, nor after it, but simply WHEN? Now. Where? Here, and also There. Wherefore? Because, all of the chit that you can think of, is Divine Mind. In simple words, we really can't help it [that]. But unless we transcend the chitta, there's not much use saying: Wait a-
No. It doesn't work like That. What? SAT
And don't forget ~ about ANANDA
The Principles and states, worlds and even the Fates [`Themselves']
are but little use if we can't, or won't `use them' ...
And I don't mind the Wordplay, as it's all that actually occurs, any, each and every Day. But frankly, what most folks want to know is that "Their loved-one is `alllllllll-Right.' AND that, I'm pretty sure, they are. As sure as there also exists, Parent STAR. And He-She's right there, you know, pretty damn pleasantly-obvious to a deceased man, regardless as to who you and I may happen to be, or whether you take them by proverbial hand ...
... and help me understand the best I can. And no one ...
Just echoes, folks. Just echoes. But this Dream - if it ever drives me `insane,' I assure you, it isn't the one, which God intends for us to anchor, from Soul, quite securely, in Heart, and etheric brain. For what is the use of a VISION if no one sees it, feels it, understands it, or wishes it?
Not through nuclear fission is our future to be [magic word here, you intuit it] ...
even if, with one simple match, something liquidy, and a whiff, boom! It's true, in the smaller cycle, it's possible to make of one's vehicle a mess, quite quickly.
A suicide can know a suicide. I assure you. But so, too, will and do all of those who knew, who know and who would have come to know, him or her anyway ~ save a very important, and careful exception. And I'm not here to quibble. I am lucid, while if not careful, at other times might even dribble [ok, it rhymes, leave me alone] ...
... yet I'm suggesting: for every person, and circumstance, and event which your Soul, with PURPOSE, did intend for you influence world events - even slightly, a dozen, a score-or-more years into the future. For THIS, it cannot be that a suicide escapes Accountability. "Not one jot nor tittle"
And this, while I might Forgive, and wish it away, does but ameliorate, and go far, indeed, yet can NEVER negate.
I do wish, sometimes, that more People knew Jesus, the Christ, the many, dozens of Great Ones. Pick ANY ... but in Good Faith, with sincerity, please, waste nary a penny, hearing what you want to hear, what makes you simply `feel good,' or what at greatest capacity is but a little less than a Sin. 'e's okay. She'll pull through. I mean that truly, because I know you.
And I can't know any one else, if I can't know myself. Face it. Feel it. Accept it. And whatever it is, do DEAL with it. Everyone should have that acknowledgment and this kind of candor, within. If you flee, be very Wise, and return to the Source, with OPEN heart and seeing eyes. I am free, any more than you are, but one thing I'm on-guard against, and that's the Lies.
You know who they say has authored a few of those? And lower manas, folks, is what that means. On your toes!
Tiptoe through the Beetlejuice country, look away from these sparkling dazzling distractions; this is all but Haze. Don't you run in, in the lanes, run for time!
See, saw, subjectivity can leave you with an open jaw. There is not a Soul on this planet that God does not know. But I can assure you, there is a bigger picture to be had, and from one, it is verily true [that]:
What goes around, comes around, and each gets her due.
No escaping that. And no one, once they begin to see things clearly, would WANT to.
So there's nothing more. as it's all above. there are NO exceptions to the Highest Law, and this, is LOVE.
If you know where people go when they die, you do not need fear Death, even if - with open i - you proceed [as we all do from time to time] a bit too blithely.
Whereas Sir Thomas, the record tells, merely went - with the scythe, and of Necessity ... thus today, if you choose, you may even join him for a cup of tea. But for that, you'll need to make your own arrangements. And here, around here, there may only be two or three, or half a dozen, to whom I would imagine this even makes good sense.
But ever a fence, self-erected, serves two purposes, and sometimes we are best protected ... as much by what we DO NOT know, as what we do. It's designed that way, and the only conspiracy worth much investigating [at first] is that which already involves both me and you. The escaping is what obsesses some, and I usually find, they're just no fun.
This kind is often but a sad, crumbling bastion ... and even thus, does little - I keep noticing - to remind any of us, what the point was. Or what the real value was. Or how they, can offer something, to Pay it FORWARD, you know - to build a better day. See tomorrow, but work for it NOW. Otherwise, like Bart says, don't have a cow - when you find you are the very LAST to find some things out. I - ought to know.
Then there's that simple little thing Homer says.
But it's nearly time to make the doughnuts. And there are other fish to visit, probably some people out there to fry. Even Gandalf, at one fairly memorable moment, closed with:
FLY! you fools!