I would have loved to see his whole life (peace be upon him). As I think it would have brought home to us , how we are so far from the life styles of the Prophets of God. This little Islamic Tradition makes me wonder how many people (including myself) from both Christianity and Islam are living his example....
'The Messiah, son of Mary, peace be upon him, used to wear hair clothing, and eat wild fruits, and he had no son to die, and no house to demolish, and he stored up nothing for the morrow. He slept whereever the evening overtook him.'
Jesus, the Messiah, peace be upon him, used to take nothing with him but a comb and a jug. then he saw a man combing his hair with his fingers, so he threw away the comb; and he saw a man drinking from a river with the palms of his hands, so he threw away the jug.
Jesus, peace be upon him, said to his disciples, 'Take the places of worship as your houses, and the houses as alighting places; and eat wild vegetables, and drink pure water and escape from the world'....
'My seasoning is hunger, my undergarment is fear of God, my outer garment is wool,, my fire in winter is the rays of the sun, my lamp is the moon, my riding beast is my feet, and my food and fruit are what the earth brings forth (ie without cultivation). At night I have nothing and in the morning I have nothing, yet there is no one on earth richer than I.'
How far we have strayed from his example ....