A time for Power and Empowerment

Interesting stuff. I'll have to do some research. The last of the epic blood moons comes this spring.
Pagan Astrology to explain Monotheistic Abrahamic faiths still makes no sense to me. If it does to you, then I hope you have good luck with that. There is plenty in scripture (any) to disprove that. I can promise you have an uphill battle in convincing people of your prophethood. Jews will require Miracles to prove it, Christians will have to accept Jesus is not returning as it is stated in scripture (Muslims would also have this point), and you will have to convince Muslims that the last prophet who already called for all the changes you are stating 1400-ish years ago without contradicting the prophecies of scripture, is not a prophet nor the last. Of course the atheists and agnostics aren't going to be easily convinced either. So which group are you trying to convince first...
Allow for me to share the two most profound scriptures that pertain to the lifespan and end of life of Christianity and exactly what to prepare for when that time comes. My source will be the bible and the true source himself: Jesus.
Allow me to share an alternative interpretation.

In relation to how long Christ would be with us (Christianity's lifespan) we find a clear answer to this question in earlier scriptures from the source Jesus himself - Mathew 28:20 Jesus says, "And I assure you that I will be with you until the end of this age." Of course look up Mathew 28:20 in newer versions of scripture and you find that man changes the word, "Age" to the word, "World". This changes Jesus' original answer so much that one completely loses the main point Christ intended to get across. Whats more is that it blocks the modern day Christian from knowing the true light of the message.
Actually your understanding of the word aion is also a recent concept. To the ancients, aion means 'life' or 'being', and in that light takes on a different meaning.

... we again go directly to the words of Jesus himself in LUKE 22:10 - He said to them, "When you have entered the city, a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water; follow him into the house that he enters."
And who sits at the head of the table in the upper room of the house to which they have been led ... ?

... During these times it was well known that most peoples of Egypt and the surrounding holy lands worshiped the Lunar bull, what would come to be known as Taurus. Moses act was one of symbolism, this story symbolizes Moses killing off, or ending the age of Taurus, to make way for the next age; Aries. Moses would become the prophet of the, "SUN" in the age of Aries.
Hmmm ... this only works when you 'cherry-pick' elements that suit your thesis, and ignore the rest. Bull cults flourished for a period well over 4,000 years – they were around long before the age of Taurus by your recknoning, and long after.

You can hardly state Moses ended the cult of the bull, any more than you can claim he inaugurated the cult of the ram (aries).
Good reply Thomas. I must cherry pick in cases where it is blatantly obvious men put together the bible, and not just men in this case but an emperor who was a life long pagan of which after the fact shows clearly had motives. Just as is the case in the claim of John 14:6 or the scripture many Christians have come to believe makes Christianity exclusive. John 14:6 does nothing but alienate the Christian from all other beliefs by placing them into a defensive position where they must defend their belief. This is then followed by the Christian then going on the Offensive/Aggressive. Do you see how John 14:6 creates alienation between people, separation, hate and wars? Christ would have never said or implied such a thing. So if you take the bible as being Gods word verbatim well then you and I staunchly disagree. A major clue is found from the multitude of sacred texts and scrolls found after the bible was assembled, of which apparently Constantine and his hand picked counsel at Nicaea felt didn't belong. So who was it cherry picking? I am merely trying to re assemble important elements of Christ's communications that were dismantled during the making of the bible. This arranging of texts (making the Bible) would inevitably birth ungodly outcomes like the crusades, the inquisitions and the wealthiest organized group on the planet; the Vatican. Lest I remind us - https://www.google.com/search?q=vat...=hIS3VLbfB8v-yQSbuYKwDQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg&dpr=1 but pass thy tithing's forward mind you.

As for the word Aeon, the word today means a geological period of time, and in many cases an immeasurably lengthy amount of time; AGE. We did not have a world where everyone wore watches and had calendars back then. hence a 2000 year period of time was highly immeasurable to 99.9% of the worlds people. More importantly, notice how that word was changed to "World". I will be with you until the end of the world, is MUCH different than until the end of the Aeon. The end of "world" time cannot be calculated, the Aeon CAN be measured and as an age is roughly 2160 years long.

(ˈiːən; ˈiːɒn) or eon
n 1. an immeasurably long period of time; age
2. (Astronomy) a period of one thousand million years
3. (Theology) gnosticism (often capital) one of the powers emanating from the supreme being and culminating in the demiurge

Let me share with you one more point as to the astrological significance that exists between the bible and the stars.

Each year the planet goes through precession, that is to say a change in the rotational axis of the planet. The two most primary points of procession are the summer and winter solstices; moments in procession when the sun has gotten to the highest point (summer) and the lowest point (winter) of axis. Of these two points the winter solstice is indeed the more incredible. The reason I say this is because each year on December 21st, the day of the winter solstice, the sun comes to its lowest point on the axis. And if one is to use a telescope to observe the sun on the 21st they would see that this indeed is the case. So on the next day of December 22nd one would think that they would see the sun now begin its accent northerly towards spring, summer and a higher axis point. But instead of moving up the sun neither appears to move up or down and hence it stays in its same position. On the next of the 23rd one would expect that the sun would begin its northerly accent, but again the sun appears to neither move up or down in its axis. No becoming a bit concerned one would think the sun MUST begin to move northerly on the 24th of December, but again it stays its course and neither moves up or down. Even more concerned we begin to observe the sun on the 25th of December, or Christmas day, and BLAM! The sun indeed is seen to move .5 to 1.0 degree northerly and hence begins its accent towards summer.


So now let me ask you, is it "SUN" or is it, "SON"? :) And which came first?

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but humanity began drawing dot to dot in the night sky between stars long before the bible was ever written. The dot to dot drawing was to form important elements of our lives during the very early evolution of human consciousness. The 3 wise men are in the stars, Virgo the Virgin Mary, and the list goes on and on.

The biblical story is an allegorical representation of humanity's very first story, a story we drew in the night sky many, many, many Aeon ago. A simple thought then, but later would become most profound. You see, if the day and night cycle always happens it is predictable, as are the seasons correct? Well if by watching these cycles we learn how to plan and prepare for them then we essentially master the cycle through predictable process. You must begin to see the procession of the equinoxes as a VERY LONG cycle that is much like the 365 day year, only the procession, or Great Year, is a 26,000 year cycle. It is our destiny clock if you will. :) It is a time tool that has much deeper implications then a clock, watch, calendar or seasonal cycle. Hence this is also why some of the astrology systems can be so accurate, they are based upon a predictable procession.

Love, Light and Power,
On honing ones intuitive nature:

Intuition is the act of primal instinct based decision making. It is making a decision prior to any other creativity being added to the original idea (Flash Point). The flash point describes the short span of time one has in order to execute the process successfully.

Once ones intuition is clear intuitive action can become a main rule in ones life. A place where we combine the high intelligent prowess of our advanced human nature, anchored in the decision process of our original animal instinct. It is linking ones modern intelligence with their instinctive intuition. Decisions based upon intuition are almost always correct.

On Truth and enhanced intuition:

Speaking your truth to the world is the doorway and key to enhanced intuition. The real true beauty about, "truth", is that it need not be premeditated. Speaking the truth takes no planning simply because there is nothing to hide, Truth, is perfect in its very nature and form. So if one is always speaking the truth they may flow freely without need for interruption or blockage of thought. When one flows in the light of constant truth they achieve enhanced intuition.

Speak your truth and flow in its perfect form. Enhance your intuition through being at the ready to note that gut feeling. The real trick is to get to a point whereby you flow through life in ultimate truth, having a real-time sync with intuition you become in constant flow with your deep inner intuitive truth. It renders a path where direction need not be contemplated, rather it is known. Intuition has told me this, and intuition is never false and is always true. Hence, this is where we begin to better understand that the truth, lies within. More importantly we get closer to putting this amazing inner sense to work for us. :)

Love, Light and Power,

p.s. Have always felt there was a little something missing or not fully right with one of Gandhi's great quotes. So I wrote my own version:
"Be the change you wish to see in others, and the world shall follow"