Satyam Abhidi.

This is why there is also Shaktism.

The woman is Shakti.

Same source.

Only God's and Goddess's should run the world.

It has to be ran consciously.

Om Shanti.
Learning is of yoga.

Vedas are recorded knowledge.

Science has a bunch too.

Same, different words.
Yoga is Union.

It cannot discount Science.

Science means what is known.

Science and Veda is same thing.

Getting a little more advanced because it wasn't made static by some idiot.

Adi Guru is teaching still, life is still going.

Union is still expressing.
Tesla knew this.

It was dangerous so we pretend he didn't exist.

We could use his power source for the internet too.

It is just active energy, electricity, same as what goes down the fiber lines.

Wireless is using the wave aspect instead though, so that's cool.

Wireless and Tesla should meet.

Was free though, we worship money.

Or rather, money keeps us enslaved to the government.
That is the sources of its power, banks.
It is robbing from the earth.

This is the root of all evil.

The first bank was sanctioned by the Catholic Church.

That is who the Knights Templar were.

That is the crusade of Christianity, wealth, prosperity, heaven.

Just make sure you give it to Caesar, God can have the rest.
Except they're taking it all from God.

Petroleum is our ancestors in life.


His Story.


Adi Yogi.

Om Shanti.
Muhammad taxed those that weren't Muslim at a higher rate.

It was cost effective to resonate with your neighbor.

Until you meet dissonance.

Then, war.


Om shanti.

Stop it.

Peace is overdue.
In males: Shaivism
Shakti is Seguna.
Shiva is Nirguna.
Shakti is your desire.
Shiva is your devotion.

In females: Shaktism
Shiva is Seguna
Shakti is Niguna.
Shiva is your desire.
Shakti is your devotion.

Original battle of the sexes, that relationship.

Yoga is their Union, conscious sexuality.

Shiva Lingam.

Enough for today.
Angel Numbers 400 and 555
Osho was Shiva.

In males: Shaivism
Shakti is Seguna.
Shiva is Nirguna.
Shakti is your desire.
Shiva is your devotion.

In females: Shaktism
Shiva is Seguna
Shakti is Niguna.
Shiva is your desire.
Shakti is your devotion.

Original battle of the sexes, that relationship.

Yoga is their Union, conscious sexuality.

Shiva Lingam.

Enough for today.
Angel Numbers 400 and 555
Osho was Shiva.

archangel number 101010
archangel number 101010

Same resonance.

1 and 0 are in perfect union all the way down to the origin frequency, silence.

Shiva is a name for silence, consciousness.

Ma'at is another.

Their existence here is an incarnation of that.

Adi Yogi is Shiva.

Egypt doesn't seem older, so Ma'at is an incarnation of Shiva.

First vibration, resonance with that transcendence, king.

Female, Shakti, crowning the male, Shiva's lingam.
The wedding ring embolism is same purpose, help each other find him.

This is Shanti, resonance of God, Om.

This is why Shiva became Adi Guru, he began teaching Union.
The 7 showed such interest in the 0.
He has taught the 3, the female and male plus their union.

The 1 is his desire, to experience this.

He is 0, named Shiva.

Yoga is his way, Tao.


Lord of Yoga, Union.

Om namah shivay.

Surrender duality to oneness.
Manifest that.
0 and infinity are same

All eventually resonates 0
Infinity says it will happen to everything.
All is 0

First language was Sanskrit, first texts were Sanskrit.

He has named himself Shiva.

He is Adi Guru, language was taught.

He says he has said it in every tongue to confuse.

Adi Yogi was guru of Yoga.

He has gone on showing himself at the mystic, esoteric end of religion.

He is where there ceases to be confusion.
Enlightenment is nothing but cessation of ignorance.

Confusion is a mind out of resonance.

The frequency of first resonance was Shiva.
The rest is dissonance, Yoga teaches how to find it again.

Om Shanti.
When the rest become restful, resonance comes again... this is peace, jerusalem, the Temple.

Then Shiva shines as all.

Om shanti.
This resonance is the purpose of life, Shiva's desire.
Shakti desires to serve Shiva, unite with him.
Shiva's desire is to experience intimacy.

This is why those that find it become as magnets for man.
We are the result of that desire, we cannot stay away from it.

Eventually you cannot see anything else.

This is why I call myself Shiva.

Om shanti.
There is no human endeavor that is not a reverberation of that desire.
Curiosity is this desire to be more intimate, this is consciousness working in us.

Consciousness is Shiva.

The world is Shakti, the activity of his desire, curiosity.

Sex is the same, this need for intimacy, when it is found in orgasm, a child is the result.

Life is the result of curiosity being realized.

The mystic union is the same thing, just conscious.

Sex can be engaged consciously, towards union.

There is nothing higher here.

Some choose to remain there, so they are constantly meditating.

They are perfect ascetics, but that is half.
His other part is perfect householder.

Religion goes on treating the woman badly, the world is his woman, Shakti.

You can understand, that isn't union, it is perfect fear.

It is the opposite of Shanti.

Devotion to Shiva means you desire intimacy with everything.

You express affinity with everyone, you try to cause resonance.

Your activity is sexual, you want all to express union between Shakti and Shiva.

You want life to become beautiful, she is his love, that beauty expresses harmony.

Om shanti.
Archangel represent Shiva's desire.
Look at their meanings...

Angel means one who resonates with Shiva.
They are his Guru's, he is Adi Guru.

Om shanti.

Adi Guru is always teaching you trust.
He is always trying to show how to come out of dissonance.

His every movement is his Yoga.

He is Shiva.

Om namah Shivay

Shakti is Seguna, I am his Shakti.

Shiva is Nirguna.

There is no separation, Union.

I am a yogi.

He is Adi Yogi.


Maheshvara is Shiva.

In whatever language you want to say it.
This is his right now.

The Gnostics say it like this:

First Shiva, the True God.

Shakti is called Sophia, the True God desires wisdom, intimacy.

Demiurge is Vishnu, out of his naval comes Brahma, the Creator God.

He has forgotten the True God, now he thinks he is God, but he is Seguna.

Shiva remains Nirguna, the True God.



Om is Lord, he has caused the first wave.
Lord of death, he remains prior to all ripples.
Transcendent, when all settles, he remains.

Om shanti.

This moment you can resonate that.
