Stupid 'Smart' Phone Apps!

Tea I understand where you are coming from. NJ is talking about a much wider slice of young folk than those who have trouble in social settings. The younger generations seem to be losing ground in ever greater numbers when it comes to social skills. It is no irony that it is called 'social media' and yet it does the exact opposite. It stunts growth in a social setting. More and more people seem to be using this technology as a crutch rather than a tool. I do not perceive it as a positive development.
I just have a widely different experience then you guys, nothing we can do about that.
Big brother is here and he is US.... yes we have our freedom and security co-opted by convenience....they (anyone) can track me via my phone or my fast pass (yes it allows you to not wait at bridges and tolls but also counts you as you drive around town....tested for the advant of a replacement of gas tax as we go electric) And yes OK Google will listen to you as you mumble... "dang this traffic, I'll never make dinner in time" beep..."Don't worry wil, if you take the next right you can avoid the traffic jam, you'll still be a little late but your wife has just left the house, you should still be there first. Oh and since it is your anniversary I ordered flowers from the shop down the street. You can pick them up as you park"
Tea I understand where you are coming from. NJ is talking about a much wider slice of young folk than those who have trouble in social settings. The younger generations seem to be losing ground in ever greater numbers when it comes to social skills. It is no irony that it is called 'social media' and yet it does the exact opposite. It stunts growth in a social setting. More and more people seem to be using this technology as a crutch rather than a tool. I do not perceive it as a positive development.

Well said DA. My point exactly.

Tea... That fellow I mentioned in my post did in fact have a problem with social settings. Not because of a neurological disorder or anything like that mind you. It was solely due to his dependence on his little electronic device. Something later confirmed by his father when we negotiated a deal on the car face to face.

Without a doubt cel phones and their apps can be a great convenience at times. My worry is our increasing dependence on them. What happens if one day they all stop working? I can just imagine everyone standing in the middle of the street twiddling their thumbs. Clueless what to do next.
You are right, father always know their sons. And no father ever have said that their son spend too much time with there phones. Solid info there...
Low and behold, smart phones may have a use after all! Every once in a while I like to take communion. I'm usually alone so I say the prayers, ask for the blessing and so forth on my own. Serves the purpose, but I much prefer it under spiritual direction. One of my favorite spiritual leaders was giving just such sacrament on TV the other day and I recorded it. Today I transferred it to my smart phone and played it back as I was taking communion. All of a sudden my smart phone is such a small wonder.
Lol religion didn't miss the techno boat...thousands of apps from bahai to Zoroaster... Only through your smart phone can you reach the enlightenment app...
One of my favorite spiritual leaders was giving just such sacrament on TV the other day and I recorded it. Today I transferred it to my smart phone and played it back as I was taking communion. All of a sudden my smart phone is such a small wonder.
Smart Phone, now there's an oxymoron. I don't have much use for so called smart phone apps, but as a convenient personal recording device, you might be on to something.
Since you are down under does that mean 'we' are up above? (forgetting the globe) I think not. Smart phones makes us as bright as you Aussies. We need all the help we can get...
I watch my kids...they are 22 and while video gaming, Instagram, and chatting with friends is is going out and visiting with friends... Every generation is concerned if the one following it will ever grow up....often considers 'their' music just a bunch of noise and their attitudes abhorent...just as our parents did with us....
My mom used to yell at me for holding my transistor radio, (remember those?), up to my ear. I can hear her now, "What useless thing will they come up with next?" Look down Ma!
I like the constellation aps that can tell me which stars and planets I am seeing by pointing my phone... Or the sing and name of the artist from that car next to me at the red light....or where a good Thai eatery is near this exit...or where my friends are in the mall or festival... Or if this mushroom is poisonous or edible and a good recipe...or where the cheapest gas is...or...or... Smart phones are hands down they allow us to do what the black fellas down under do naturally...
The one thing that I have "problems" with concerning apps is when the person downloading/using the app is placing everyone around him/her in danger or s/he isn't actually listening to the instructor/person in charge (like a firefighter, a police officer or a physician/psychiatrist/surgeon.)

I wish that there was an app that would automatically shut the phone off whenever an idjit enters a "Turn Off Your Cell Phones" area. It would've saved several performers/audience members huge headaches and major rants, including one actor who stopped his performance in the middle, broke the "fourth wall", and went on a minor tirade over the jerk that left his/her phone on during a major Broadway performance (I think it was Hugh Jackman, but I could be mistaken [as usual].)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine they allow us to do what the black fellas down under do naturally...
Don't be so sure. A while back my dad and I got turned around in the western interior. I don't even remember why we were there now, but we'd been driving for hours without a clue where the hell we were. Then, out of nowhere we see this Abby bloke. So dad decides to ask directions. Now the Abbies out west are pretty primitive. This fellow had dirt smeared on his face and body to protect him from the sun and just a bit of cloth covering the meat and potatoes. Well all of a sudden he reaches into his loin and whips out his Android. No that's not Aussie slang. His bloody smart phone! No signal out there, but he had a map of the area on it and pointed us toward the main road. I was going to ask him how he kept the damn thing charged, but I was afraid of what else he might pull out of his loin!
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