Elvis has been purged from the building...

Namaste Jesus

Praise the Lord and Enjoy the Chai
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Between Celestial Planes
I'm planning to do a house blessing in the near future. A kind of bad spirits out, good spirits in type of thing. Anyway, it's been a while since I conducted one, so I decided to refresh my memory on the subject with a web search. Anointing procedures and so forth.

One of the first sites I found advised that a true house blessings involved the removal of all demonic influence. Reasonable enough I thought. That is, until I read their examples of demonic influence. Alcohol, playing cards, rock and roll recordings, etc. One site even advocated the destruction of all media containing sexual reference! Really? Following that logic, we'd have to toss out the holy scripture prior to conducting the blessing! I won't offer any links, but these were actually mainstream Christian sites.

In any event, what I'd like to discuss here is the idea of blessing a house, sometimes referred to as anointing, from both religious, (not strictly Christian) and non-religious perspectives and what you consider a demonic influence.

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Not much of a worrier about demonic forces....but others negativity can be an issue...known plenty of folks who smudge a new residence...and even periodically...
I'm planning to do a house blessing in the near future. A kind of bad spirits out, good spirits in type of thing. Anyway, it's been a while since I conducted one, so I decided to refresh my memory on the subject with a web search. Anointing procedures and so forth.
Oh-oh ...

One of the first sites I found advised that a true house blessings involved the removal of all demonic influence. Reasonable enough I thought.
A bit OTT in my book. Is every house possessed by demons? I think not. Then again, if you look up medical advice on the web, the most innocuous conditions can somehow turn out to be fatal!

... Alcohol, playing cards, rock and roll recordings, etc ... all media containing sexual reference ... but these were actually mainstream Christian sites.
American sites, I'm guessing. I think we should put American Christianity in a class of its own, close the door, and 'do not disturb' until they've had time to mature.

In any event, what I'd like to discuss here is the idea of blessing a house, sometimes referred to as anointing, from both religious, (not strictly Christian) and non-religious perspectives and what you consider a demonic influence.
Well a thorough clean and tidy. Then pray. Then contemplation. If you want an holistic experience I'd suggest music, incense, a visual reference-point ... depending on the people singing, recitation ...

Demonic influence? Again I think contemporary demonology owes a lot to the American psyche, everyone likes to think of themselves as the sherif. The commentaries say the best way to combat demons is indifference, but everybody wants to be a hero...
Oh-oh ...

A bit OTT in my book. Is every house possessed by demons? I think not. Then again, if you look up medical advice on the web, the most innocuous conditions can somehow turn out to be fatal!

American sites, I'm guessing. I think we should put American Christianity in a class of its own, close the door, and 'do not disturb' until they've had time to mature.

Well a thorough clean and tidy. Then pray. Then contemplation. If you want an holistic experience I'd suggest music, incense, a visual reference-point ... depending on the people singing, recitation ...

Demonic influence? Again I think contemporary demonology owes a lot to the American psyche, everyone likes to think of themselves as the sherif. The commentaries say the best way to combat demons is indifference, but everybody wants to be a hero...
Or take the (mainstream) Muslim approach and know that djinn cannot stand the Ezan to prayer. Also, apparently saying I seek refuge of Allah from the Shaytan and his kind, is supposed to dispel them from the house. Although I think a lot of this is just passed down theory, based loosely on Hadith, wouldn't hurt to try. And I'm sure ridding your house of that which has been forbidden or can be linked to forbidden acts couldn't hurt.
Not much of a worrier about demonic forces....but others negativity can be an issue...known plenty of folks who smudge a new residence...and even periodically...

Sure I can see that. Some refer to it as Negative Energy. Question is, do you think a blessing of the house and it's inhabitants could help to dispel that negative energy?
I think what both Thomas and BJN are saying (I'll be corrected if I am wrong) is that voids get filled...if you fill it with positive energy, positivity, positive attitudes/outlook, prayer...there is no room for the negative.. If you dwell on the negative, or demons, you see them everywhere...

But bottom line is I am a full supporter of placebos, of setting the stage, of preparing the room, of doing whatever it takes (within reason) to make folks feel better, and there is value in ritual.
Some refer to it as Negative Energy. Question is, do you think a blessing of the house and it's inhabitants could help to dispel that negative energy?
Yes, but you don't need a blessing, just some 'uplift' ...
A bit OTT in my book. Is every house possessed by demons? I think not. Then again, if you look up medical advice on the web, the most innocuous conditions can somehow turn out to be fatal!

American sites, I'm guessing. I think we should put American Christianity in a class of its own, close the door, and 'do not disturb' until they've had time to mature.

Plenty of anointing going on in the NT as well old son.

You know, I much appreciate your input, but the constant America bashing is getting old. It really detracts from your message. You're much better than that.

Yes, but you don't need a blessing, just some 'uplift' ...

For many, the 'Blessing' is the uplifting factor.
While america bashing in general is understandable.... (we drag the coercible, I mean willing into conflicts everywhere)... we are the leader in the destruction of earth and societies...but beyond that, when it comes to our bible thumpers we are unique in doing similar things to Christianity.

Without the input from those outside of our country (and Thomas in particular) I was under the impression that the vast majority of Christians and Catholics around the world would be similar to ours... I appreciate getting my eyes opened and being made aware of our mistakes.

It is like all prejudice and confusion, more information, facts, knowledge and reality change one's perspective.
You do realize if you hadn't brought it up, I would not have responded...

But yes...back to the topic...again, prophylactic or placebo who cares..the value we put on ritual, the peace of mind and belief in the process, to the inhabitants and participants....that is the key in this situation.
NJ, I think that in order to do this blessing what you need to know is what is important to the people who desire the blessing! No matter whether it is demonic forces at one end to negative energy on the other, the blessing is secondary to the belief structure of the people for whom you are doing the blessing. My advice. Talk to them and get a good concept of what it is they desire to have happen. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they don't really know themselves. Your duty is to get them to reach a point where they do have at least a general concept of what it means to them by a purging. Once armed with this knowledge, you work your blessing around the terms that will have meaning to them.
NJ, I think that in order to do this blessing what you need to know is what is important to the people who desire the blessing! No matter whether it is demonic forces at one end to negative energy on the other, the blessing is secondary to the belief structure of the people for whom you are doing the blessing. My advice. Talk to them and get a good concept of what it is they desire to have happen. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they don't really know themselves. Your duty is to get them to reach a point where they do have at least a general concept of what it means to them by a purging. Once armed with this knowledge, you work your blessing around the terms that will have meaning to them.

Very good point. When I do such a blessing, whether for myself or someone else, it's a blanket exercise aimed at dispelling all negative energy regardless of the source. I always make that known.

In some cases those making the request feel there is an urgent need. Although, as you point out, few can tell you why. Others just want it done for peace of mind. Moving into a new house for instance or what have you. In either case I find the blanket approach works best.

Most of the time I'll just advise those desiring a blessing how to do it themselves. On occasion though I'll be asked to conduct the blessing, but that's usually from those who's beliefs are known to me and mine to them. So rarely is there a conflict.
Greetings NJ,
A couple of years back, I felt the need to 'cleanse' my own home. Although I am no professional in the field, I am an avid reader and did what I thought was needed for my situation at the time. I burned 'white sage' for a purification. For my case, during the incense burning, I granted release of karmic debts and asked to be released of karmic debts held against me (kinda a round about way of offering and asking for forgiveness) - and I know karmic debts don't quite work in that way... but it is what was something I felt needed to be done (and in the end I do feel it free the spirit - mine and the others that were latched on to me).

I also planted orgonite around the perimeter of my home (at all corner points) to help keep negative energy from entering.

My methods helped me.... but doubt it is a text book 'officially recognized' cleansing method. :)

Perhaps you may like this link:
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Plenty of anointing going on in the NT as well old son.
Oh indeed.

You know, I much appreciate your input, but the constant America bashing is getting old. It really detracts from your message.
Sheesh! Traditional Christians get bashed relentlessly here, but that's OK! I suppose it's a matter of perspective.

But I take your point. I'm sorry it comes across that way, but sometimes it has to be said, or the fringe opinion is assumed to be held by the many. Creationism, Intelligent Design, etc. Nothing to do with 'us'.

By way of apology, look at http://www.gratefulness.org. Right up yours and Wil's street. And if one digs below the surface, there's some challenging ideas. And I've met many American theologians who are very good. There is a tendency to extremism, that's all, and they're the ones who chase to NYT best-seller list.

And politically I am, I admit, 'non-aligned' to corporatism. I'm involved in a campaign here to stop a bill which will make the National Government answerable to US corporate interests.

For many, the 'Blessing' is the uplifting factor.
No doubt about it.
I would say 'method' is important, but 'intention' is the key.

I have experienced the Barakah present before I even got there, simply by asking for help in a tricky situation. Then that means I have to do the work after the fact, as it were, in recognition of gifts received.

There is something to be said for the physical engagement that is often overlooked.

Our western mindsets are still fundamentally, it seems to me, dualistic, despite the Abrahamics being non-dualist traditions. We still think in terms of a mind-body split, and we tend to live more in the head than in the body, relegating the physical dimension to the relatively unimportant, so the transcendent dimensions of rites, for example, are largely unseen and misunderstood, which is a shame, because often they are often the only real interface with the Real.
A couple of years back, I felt the need to 'cleanse' my own home. Although I am no professional in the field, I am an avid reader and did what I thought was needed for my situation at the time.

Good for you. Few people realize that they have the power to do their own cleansing. No need for preachers, holy men or anyone else.

My methods helped me.... but doubt it is a text book 'officially recognized' cleansing method.

If it gave you peace, it was the right thing to do. You can't argue with results. Thanks for the link, by the way.
And politically I am, I admit, 'non-aligned' to corporatism. I'm involved in a campaign here to stop a bill which will make the National Government answerable to US corporate interests.

Off topic, but this absolutely enrages me! That such a bill would even be suggested is an outrage. A corporation is a business, whose only goal is to turn as big a profit as they can. Governments (at least in theory) are created to see to the common good of its citizens as best it is able. To suggest that governments should bow to corporations is Evil.
Perhaps instead of cleansing our homes of evil, we should offer a blessing to the various governments of the world to purge them of evil.