Christianity: Europe vs USA

My post #15 was certainly not bashing! I have not bashed any one or any country. I was making what I thought was a pertinent observation. In doing so I was quoting Scalia. I believe you will find my post on topic...ED
I'm just not understanding how modern consumerism sent the puritans to america and gave rise the the evangelical fundamentalists a hundred years ago....

Are you saying all those tent revivals preaching heavenly rewards did it?

I mean the prosperity movement folks are not by any means literalists who don't believe in science.

It seems to me....this portion of the US is singin <iframe width="560" height="315" src="
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My post #15 was certainly not bashing! I have not bashed any one or any country. I was making what I thought was a pertinent observation. In doing so I was quoting Scalia. I believe you will find my post on topic...ED

I was not addressing your post, but rather Tea's sentiment as it tied in with subsequent posts.
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Amen! Less country bashing and more on topic discussion please. How Christianity differs between Europe and America....:rolleyes:
Oh heck, NJ, I think we're way passed that! America being what it is, Christianity never had a hope ...
by percentage don't we have more Christians and fewer Atheists than most of Europe?

Many think that makes you all smarter than us...
Lol... Ok, I'm out. Thomas, Thomas, Thomas. We don't run away from discussion because we disagree. We each are on this path reigning each other in when we go off on tangents (as we all do) when we get pissed off and say things.

Do I think the fact that Europe and the UK is in general much more secular than the US makes them smarter than us? Sometimes. We've got our bible belt over here, our west coast is no hot bed of religionists, that is where we keep our new agers, new thought and secularists...(hee hee) You've to Ireland, and Spain, and Italy, and Romania....where there are more godfearin folk...

We talk of interfaith, and when it comes to agnostics and non believers...vs. the bible thumpin hellfire intolerance....yeah... I do think you europeans are moving in the right direction. Tis you primarily that has educated me on the difference in Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular from this side of the pond to yours... You've had a hard time believing, and still don't know if what I've told you about things over here is true....and I don't know if your description of Catholicism over there is accurate...or if it is just that you have had a life where you were raised in it, left it, and re-immersed yourself in it...studying a mystical theological level that the average Catholic never sees. I have spoke with learned Catholics and Jesuits here...and they are not of the same belief or actions as the lay congregant going to mass....

In many religious folk there is a chasm... we are all large areas of land...with wide varieties of demography, societal microcosms that have developed over decades here....centuries there...all fighting with, adjusting to, the changes and influx of new thought and new beliefs with migration and immigration....

generalizations are not completely accurate.... but there is a difference eh?
LOL, not my ball, chum.

I'm not out because I disagree, I'm out because there's too much ad hominem politics and not enough objective discussion of differences.

I sometimes wondered whether, prior to the eruption of the abuse scandals, America was heading towards a break with Rome and the establishment of an American Orthodox Church, self-governing, along the lines of a Patriarchate on the Eastern model.
I have spoke with learned Catholics and Jesuits here...and they are not of the same belief or actions as the lay congregant going to mass...
That will always be the case, in any religion anywhere, I would have thought.

...and I don't know if your description of Catholicism over there is accurate...or if it is just that you have had a life where you were raised in it, left it, and re-immersed yourself in it...studying a mystical theological level that the average Catholic never sees.
That's probably true. Doesn't make me a better Catholic though. I'm no saint, and I've met those who are, and who get by on a very 'naive' faith. As Juantoo3 said elsewhere, it's all about symbols.

The point for me is that Jesus never judged the faith of others quite the way we might. Scripture says He was "a friend of publicans and sinners" ... I doubt they were any more politically or religiously correct as many you find fault with. Then again, He did contend with the Pharisees, and they certainly were 'Bible-thumpers' of the 'hellfire and damnation' class ... but he always gave 'em a chance.
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I sometimes wondered whether, prior to the eruption of the abuse scandals, America was heading towards a break with Rome and the establishment of an American Orthodox Church, self-governing, along the lines of a Patriarchate on the Eastern model.
Prior but not since?
I haven't heard a lot lately about our feisty nuns... but I'd still say the women in the priesthood, the gay issues, and the awaited awakening regarding birth control...are issues that have put many in three camps...the I'm leaving because of this camp, and the I am going to stay, protest and fight for change from within camp, and of course the old guard.
the I'm leaving because of this camp, and the I am going to stay, protest and fight for change from within camp, and of course the old guard.
Or stated another way, the "atheist" because I feel burned/slighted/deceived camp, the "non-practicing" because I don't believe what they say but I still like to socialize camp and the "devout" who make a sincere effort camp. And that's just for Catlicks. ;)

That's a prevailing problem in Christianity, I think...gotta focus on the differences. No doubt aggravated and accentuated by the Reformation, but even among the old guard there was plenty of "distinction theology" going on. Jews and Muslims have their share, but Christians raised it to an art form.\

Hard to fault the differences, once was looks at the local cultures and politics. So there's differences, so what? I mean, what do you expect to find when there are so many subtle cultural differences?