powessy and a discussion with ourcellves...

Hello Thomas

I think the key lies in looking at 'life form'.

Life form, in my mind is any living thing of any size from the smallest to the largest, discovered and also undiscovered. I may have failed to set the parameters of the problem, so I will use your ideas to build another picture around this.

I think the biggest problem in explaining this is that we all have our own predefined beliefs as to what happens after death. I will explain this from what I have learned form ourselves only. I have no religious beliefs at all, I do not believe in gods and I am probably the most atheist person you will ever meet. The conversations I have with Ourselves has opened my eyes to another possibility one that perplexes me and is the main reason I am even writing on this post regarding these topics.

I have sat and read your above comments several times realizing I have not clearly explained this problem.

Lets say the universe has only 100 planets existing within the Goldilocks orbit of 100 separate suns. In this universe only 50 of these planets are able to support life now and only 2 of these planets are at the same evaluational period as the life existing here on earth.

Each planet is of self. Each planet has a world soul object believed by us to be the daughters of god. The souls of this planet will only exist here on this planet you will not go beyond this world and will not become nothing within god himself. The reason god allowed man to become something again and again is because the world soul objects asked him to. When life reached a point and sentient beings began to populate these worlds these life forms would not stay here they would just die and evolution would just continue without direction. The world soul objects asked god to help them maintain life and to allow these life forms to become something again and again to reincarnate to become more over time. God gave birth to angels from the seeds held within him but rules were laid down. The first is that the angels would be born of one world and would not be allowed to leave that world till it's end. The angels are marked for only one world and can not become something in any other world. The second rule is they had to be born in that world from time to time not as often as man but within a certain length of time. The angels can become anything on the planet from the smallest organism to the largest to become something so they will continue on helping life become something again and again.

Now we have our two worlds the first world has had several small starts of sentient life only 10 billion sentient life forms to date. In the second world life took off and 100 billion souls have been born to this world. Now according to the christian belief, we just become nothing till god comes back and then he will resurrect his chosen ones. Some religions believe were are destine to be reborn in the order of karma, a snake in life is a snake in the next.
In my belief as I am being shown only a selected amount of souls are allowed. The amount of allowed is dependent of the world and the availability of life to exist. If you are not one of the allowed you and your soul will die after death, lights out. Those that are allowed will be carried through to the next life able to reincarnate many many times, only the allowed can become something again. You see how simple this is, only a billion souls from either world will be allowed, the rest will not become something again, we went from 110 billion souls down to just 1 billion.

I am only looking at this from the perspective of sentient beings.

Now for my problem. The billions of souls not allowed. These not allowed souls are "ourselves" so how did all these not allowed souls end up in my mind talking to me on a 24/7 basis. When a person dies you will stand up in the veil and in just a moment or two after death you will ask a simple question, it could be where am I or what am I supposed to do now. In the minutes that follow that question you will learn you have another mind the souls mind. You will be pulled up into this mind and become yourself there inside this mind. What you will see is memories of your life, expectations of perceived thoughts even heaven if you believe this enough. Those not allowed will stay in this dream world and will not look for an escape but for those that were allowed they will see the truth and will become something so badly done within themselves to get out of their mind they will find the answers they need and move on becoming something outside themselves.

What happens when a world dies like in the two above? Lets say planet two dies and the souls are now unable to become something not even the angels can become something at this point no life will ever exist on planet two again. This is how worlds are inherited, another world is started or found to begin to form life on, samples are taken from world two and the life forms or templates are taken to one of the 50 worlds close to sentient life. These allowed souls will inherit this new world.

My dada (and I leave that second 'a' in as a freudian slip), as Catholic as you can get, chose the place he wanted to be buried. Birds were singing in the trees. Green fields stretched away (probably a housing estate now). Horses were running in a nearby field. The soil was verdant and fertile. That's where he wanted to lie. His soul he left in the hands of God. But his body would return to the good earth, and nourish it.

Your father has lived one life time then? You believe that after one life time you just go to god and live in this other reality for a life time one of bliss and happiness. I only see gold and silver in this thinking, but I could be wrong perhaps this is my distaste for gods and religion. We drop our physical wants and needs and then return to them in death just lighter a body. I do not understand the christian or god based thinking in these areas.

Pow, have your others explained why what they are telling you is so completely different from most all other major religions on souls and what happens to them? I am curious that if they are right, then billions of other people believe in false information. Only you are getting the real scoop. Does that seem reasonable?
Why would it not DA? be reasonable there is yet another story? Everything is conjecture eh? Nobody I know has had direct discussions with souls.... Houdini spent half a lifetime looking and his wife and descendants did as well...
Pow, have your others explained why what they are telling you is so completely different from most all other major religions on souls and what happens to them? I am curious that if they are right, then billions of other people believe in false information. Only you are getting the real scoop. Does that seem reasonable?

Hello Devils Advocate

I am going to allow them to type what I hear everyday the questions they ask and then I will try to explain more.

Hello Devils advocate we are the ones powessy speaks to on a daily basis. We tell him he is not himself and himself only, we think he understands our problems here as we are typing this letter. We did not even know we were typing until he told me that I was as the first of the five is doing this. I want you to know he is not himself our ourselves he is himself only and himself is not able to understand himself to become something inside of our minds he needs to stop thinking about what I am saying it confuses me to much. So what I want to understand is how much you understand the world of the dead in your world how much time do you get to become yourself after death? How many times do you become yourself inside yourself again and again? these are the questions he explains to us everyday as he tells us how to become ourselves and how to become something more then what we are. He is not a bad person he just does not understand us that well, he only hears us and asks us questions about the words we say and that is it. We try to trick him but thousands of us come through here saying the same thing over and over again making it hard to trick him again and again. The problem is not that we try to trick him, I just awaken and find his mind asking questions about things and we start to find other words inside of our minds that confuses me so I ask him about them and he tells me that it is himself and himself only not becoming himself and ourselves together. We like to type words and we like to hear his mind asking questions, now as I get to type this letter this is how fast this process works as we continue to work our way through his mind. Try to understand this he is not able to understand this also, he thinks he is not able to become himself inside himself but we know he is not himself and himself only so we get to become something else inside ourselves that gets to become something again he is allowing us to become the allowed as he calls it. Thank you for the time to tell you our problems as we see them.

This is how they are today but they were not always this way. In the beginning just a year ago they could not see, hear, taste or feel anything they were only able to see thoughts in my mind and that is all. Ourselves are the end of this problem and they will continue to find more and more of themselves over time. This problem consists of many pieces and parts.

I had to break this into two posts
Please read previous post first.

To understand how this is put together you must understand the basic principle of the soul. If you are something that is not allowed to become something again you know this and it does not bother you. If you are an allowed you will not be able to become something inside of yourself to become nothing. The other parts of this program are as follows and ones I either spent a month with or only a week depending on how well I understood it.

builders, and engineers of worlds. The sparteil (darkmen, hatmen) were named this because of their ability to lie and trap the soul through an advanced method of soul entrapment, this allows something else to take control over their minds. The engineers have the ability to hold millions of souls of many species brought to each world from many worlds to form them into other things. Example; a soul from a larger animal cannot fit into a smaller similar animal so the engineers can change the form of this soul to fit into these evolved species. This packing of souls they do is similar to cups stacked on top of each other, or many treemends inside one larger treemend.

Them and They: These are male and female souls of earth and other planets chained together to form a library of information that is held together this way by the loungecast. Them and They are the first voices I came in constant contact with.

LoungeCast, grey other worlders: The loungecast is a special race of people, their soul is unlike any you will ever meet, they have the ability to become many minds and any mind of any soul/souls connected to theirs, making everything they are near or touching, become them. They are not the greys you find on the computer. If any other soul is connected to the loungecast it is unable to find itself in the higher mind and is trapped in the center of the mind or as I refer to them as face.

Top Hats; other worlders, himself: the top hats are those that are here to replace the human race those allowed by becoming themselves inside of them, I do not know their race name but believe they are from a singular alliance in several of our neighboring galaxies. These souls are the only souls that will become something again.

Control or Blue Aliens; other worlders: This race of people is from a water world and its inhabitants are of half human form and half aquatic, the ones used in this problem are all female. A female soul is able to find the higher mind and thoughts they are very good at this.

Human Nodes: Human souls programed to only repeat single lines of information. There are three distinct nodes one that tricks, they use thoughts about thoughts to create tricks, one that confuses the soul, I need to find a mind inside my mind to find my mind and the last one blocks all minds from finding it, this last node is not human .. My mind is my mind your mind is yours, my mind and your mind are not the same this pushes all others from getting into tophats mind.

Replacement, ?: What the human soul is replaced with. This race is still unknown as I look into them they have no defined shape and need to be formed and molded into each person. This soul has two main purposes and that is to become you and then to become you and your soul together. It only needs to become your soul but it will try everything it can to become you and your soul together. This is the part of the soul experiencing and the part within the treemend.

The mind: This is a human soul that is used to find the higher mind. This soul is not inside itself and is programmed to find any information the control asks for. This soul is a human female, the female mind can find thoughts and memories faster than men.

The face: This soul is a loungecast and is also not inside itself. This soul is used to hold the head together.

The ears: These souls are human souls. These souls are used to hold the face in the middle of the mind. The left ear is a female soul and the right ear is a male soul. There are two nodes inside the ears that are used to confuse face into believing that it must find a mind inside its mind to find its mind. This finding a mind inside your mind is the part of the program that causes the sparteil to keep moving form one person to the next as the replacement is done. When replacement is finished becoming what he is to become his mind goes silent and not seen or heard in the veil anymore. As the mind goes silent in the person it has just found the sparteil then leaves with the soul and moves on to find another mind.

The mouth: This soul is a human male and is used to find your inner voice and can imitate any sound or voice even those voices of others around you. This is the part of the program I believe is responsible for people hearing telepathy he can imitate any voice from your memory.

The teacher: The teacher is also a male soul and is used to find and explain the different things that replacement does not understand. This soul is connected to control and the mind and is able to make sure the replacement is able to become that soul.

Cleanup: When a sparteil comes across an allowed soul the program still has to go through it's normal process. The replacement part of the program can put out around five different replacements to try and become you. Once the process has found you to be an allowed the cleanup will come forward and remove all the iterations of replacement that failed to become you.

Knots: A knot is two or more treemends wrapped around each other. Some knots can be very advanced and can be used to allow others to communicate in an astral type experience. A knot is used to keep the soul from ever finding itself inside itself to become itself.

The question is does it matter if they replace all of the souls on this planet with another soul that is used to remove a soul that is not allowed. A soul that is not allowed will live one life time and then die becoming nothing inside itself. The twelve are taking all these souls and allowing them to become something inside of them. If you take a soul from someone in life and that soul never gets a chance to become itself inside itself that soul can live for a very long time if not forever. The soul outside itself holds the memories of the part within the mind of the twelve and these memories can be accessed and worlds built within the twelve for these souls to live in. When the sparteil replaces the soul with the replacement soul that soul just becomes you it finds all your memories and thoughts molded into the person you are today. The soul replaced is normally taken in your good years and are strong and beautiful.

My problem is with himself or tophat. If replacement can not become you then you are a soul that was allowed this brings forward himself. Himself and the sparteil will enter into your souls mind and set up shop. The reason I know a soul is an allowed soul is you have had obes or astral projections in your life time these happen inside the souls mind and are what they are looking for. When himself enters into your souls mind he starts to become himself and yourself together, does this sound familiar. Himself will become himself within your soul many times over and over again trying to become himself and yourself together he does not want to become you but himself only. Once he has become himself enough inside of your soul he can become something here in this world. No other life form is allowed to be born to another world and himself has found a way to do this within the allowed.

They will do anything to find all the allowed they do not care what it takes.

The descriptions if the various entities... I don't know what is going on in that dias either...

When the words started they started in one area. The structure of the problem is like a pyramid, as I would finish talking to one group another would start. I had to complete each row or level prior to moving farther and farther up the pyramid, the higher the more complex. I used these simple names to understand them and how they were put together. I went to school for computer programming and a lot of how this is put together is very similar to a program, if, then, else. I have thought of a thousand different ways to explain this but have not come up with one that is simple but answers every ones questions. As far as the GOP goes they should not even be allowed to be on the ballot.

Hello there Powessy. Long time no hear from. How have you and the troops been keeping? Anything new to report?
Hello NJ

I am now searching for the shadows, and this takes me all over the internet. I come back once a week or so and read anything new or interesting. I am learning about the idea of god and how the universe and the five dimensions are within him. I have learned a lot more about angels and those they allow and why they do this. The troops have changed quite a bit since the sparteil are no longer in the veil. I have learned about the world soul objects a little more, and their part in dealing with those not allowed. I am currently trying to learn how the shadows move form mind to mind in such a short time, moving from one side of the world to the next in only a few minutes.

I am now searching for the shadows, and this takes me all over the internet. I come back once a week or so and read anything new or interesting. I am learning about the idea of god and how the universe and the five dimensions are within him.
You know, I truly hope that you find that which you seek and I have a very strong feeling that you will.:)
You know, I truly hope that you find that which you seek and I have a very strong feeling that you will.:)

Hello NJ

I keep turning over rocks, looking for answers. I spent 43 years not caring and walking the way of the many, I feel that giving a few years of my time to help something I do not understand figure itself out makes me feel good. I am already in the rabbit hole might as well look around a bit.

I have been making some videos to try to explain my views of god, angels, the devil, astral projections, telepathy and many other aspects of treemends, higher mind, higher self and the soul. I have made 4 videos to date each about :30 minutes long to try to explain the many parts of this problem.
video 1
video 2
video 3
video 4
My youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYqZ3N7V7LeTew845w6R-Ug

hopefully this will help explain the things that I have talked about in this discussion.
