Water witching....well witchin...


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a figment of your imagination
Yup, I'm putting it in science...don't know where else it goes...if folks find someplace better so be it.

I'll tell you my history... I was a carpenter/laborer/everything for a home builder...there was the two of us...we built the whole house... dang near...hired a carpet company, and a backhoe to dig footings...but the rest was the two of us.

Came time for a well...he hired the well driller...always used the same guy...because he witched the wells... first time.. I didn't really know what was going on...I was busy doing something else but after he hit water, and he was 50' closer to the surface than the six closest houses around us, I heard he witched it, and that was why we used him...yeah right I thought.

Next house, months later, he comes around and I am watching...he walks back and forth and his stick starts jumping and he is over a hundred feet from the house, near the corner of the lot and says he has an underground river running across the corner. So he shows me what he is doing and where the river is, and I try the stick and get nothing... and he shows me an the stick is twitchin and bending...and I try and nothing. And then he holds my wrists with his hand and the stick bends my hands down and feels like it wants to pull out of my hand...it is like holding a fishing rod when there is a fish on it. I am amazed...and when he let go...I could walk around and feel where the 'river' was.

Well we had been worried...the lot next door had two dry wells and the last one hit at 350'... guy across the street was over 300 and everyone in the area was near 300...or over. Our well driller laughed and said we were gonna have more water than we knew what to do with it would darn near be artesian, and it was going to be well under 200' down.

We hit water at 150...it came back upto within 20' of the surface when we hit and stayed there....we pumped and pumped and couldn't get it to go down....

Later I worked laying cable tv wire...when the locate guys couldn't find something with their equipment...they'd use a couple of pieces of bent wire... I've used bent wire to find pipes, water, electric, gas whatever...under dirt, asphalt, in concrete on decks...its crazy...but I've seen it work, felt it work...I ain't the best, ain't done it in a while...but is it science? or is it belief?
...but is it science? or is it belief?
I think you're asking the wrong question. Isn't your question "Is it a physical phenomenon?". Science is the the method for determining if it is, and I'm not aware of any published papers that could consistently reproduce the results.
That does not mean that it isn't a real phenomenon just that it isn't confirmed. I don't put any stock to it personally but if someone does it would be an act of faith and/or overwhelming personal experience.
We need to find that guy and dissect him. Would he be willing to donate his body to science?
The ole boy is probably dead now... he wasn't no spring chicken then and I was 25? Dissecting doesn't do so good...have they found those acupuncture meridians yet? NIH accepts acupuncture works...anyone that has tried it knows the changes those needles can make far from the needling spot.

Faith... I had zero faith in it when he held above my wrists. I now know it works but watch in amazement when the wires show me where a pipe is...
The fancy word for it is dousing. Those who swear by it say they can find about anything. Lost your ring? Some dousers say they can find it for you. Some dousers claim they have worked with police departments to help solve cases (like where bodies were buried). I personally do not know enough about the subject to know if it is science or pseudo.
Seen it happening, for everything from water witching to ghost busting. People who do it perfectly say it works in a particular state of consciousness, where the instrument and mind kind of connects. No personal experience though. How did it work for you? Was the "sense" mental or physical?

No, no science there yet.
I've witnessed successful dowsing (mostly water) on many occasions during my life. I have to say the dowsing success rate that I have witnessed astounds me. It far exceeded 'chance'. I have no explanation. I have to believe some yet to be discovered scientific explanation is (even after hundreds of years) awaiting.
For me it was neither (sense mental or physical) the apparatus (stick or wires) in my hand moved with bent wires they would move apart and point the line of the trench/pipe...when going over a standpipe or manhole they would cross.

they would work when put in straws as the sleeves to hold them... still strange...but I also believe like most 'miracles' the science and understanding of what is working will occur someday.
I guess I don't know what water witching is... sounds like using a wire and stick to detect minute magnetics cause by water movement... I'm sure i'm wrong, but that's all I can guess from the descriptions.
Came time for a well...he hired the well driller...always used the same guy...because he witched the wells...
We've got an Abby on our farm that does this. I mean, we've had some righteous droughts down here and a lot of farmers have gone belly up because of it, but our's has always thrived. This particular fellow does it by watching birds. He'll walk to the middle of a field, look up then point, "Dig here mate."
We've got an Abby on our farm that does this
Has it always been the same individual on your farm who has done this or is this something that you've seen passed down father to son or uncle to nephew along generational lines? Have you asked him what about the birds tells him where to dig? I'm just thinking that with the wires/sticks, there's a physical sensation (I think) that the individual feels when s/he locates the water whereas I'm curious what insight the birds provide.
with the stick...it pulls...with the wires..no sensation...we are guiding the wires with very slight movements...we (correct that, I ) don't 'feel' anything, but I do believe my body does and directs the wires accordingly....

I know nothing about using birds...be interested in what AT gets from his friend.
Some people seem to think that dowsing works quite like a Ouija board in that they believe the movement, whether consciously or not, is controlled or caused by the individual holding the dowsing device. In most dowsing, I find this theory impossible to believe. While using metal rods voluntary or involuntary movement is eliminated by having no contact with the rods. I personally have found a few things, including water, with bent welding rods stuck into 4 inch long sleeves of one-half inch conduit making rods free of my control. I held the conduit and had no physical contact with the rods. Bingo! Dig right here. Magnetic force? Maybe. Voluntarily or involuntarily moving the rods? Nope! Couldn't if I tried. Seems anybody can dowse.
Even with the sleeves...in order for the rods to remain level you must hold them level...a small tilt of the wrist will allow the rod to move left or right...that small imperceptable (to us) movement I believe is what moves the rods...magnetics maybe but the magnetism isn't moving the rods...(my thinking)
(#14-Wil) Possible? Yes. However that places dowsing in the realm of chance. I've seen too much dowsing success to attribute the success rate to chance. FYI - Had an old pipefitter and long time dowser prove his point about tipping the rods. He placed his two rods in the ends on a plastic torpedo level where the bubbles were visible to him and to everyone. He held the rods essentially completely level and found a gas line that all engineers had failed to find. The original drawings were incorrect by about 20 feet. Obviously I have no explanation so you may be correct. I say it is an unexplained phenomenon.
I think we know more than we know....it just hasn't bubbled to the surface of knowing. We feel more than we feel...the wands are indicators of what we internally feel yet don't feel. The rods are used to amplify this...
Has it always been the same individual on your farm who has done this or is this something that you've seen passed down father to son or uncle to nephew along generational lines?
The same fellow has done it since he was a kid. He's in his 80's now. There have been others, but it seems to be some sort of calling rather than something you can learn.
Have you asked him what about the birds tells him where to dig?
It has something to do with how birds get their bearings. The Abbies say birds determine direction by the presence of ground water. Now how they're able to sense that and how the Abbies are able to read it, is a mystery.
I seem to remember reading that birds that migrate are sensing magnetic fields from the earth.
That's right. The Abbies say birds get their bearings from the way the earth's magnetic field influences the ground water. That in turn allows certain intuitive Abbies to pin point where the ground water is. As far as I know, the bloke that does it on our farm has never been wrong.