Attacked from every angle? Keep the fear alive my brother.... we lost 3k in 9/11 due to our involvement in afghanistan against the Russians... but you know that...then we went over there in retribution...not justice, vengeance...and lost thrice that...and now due to our illegal actions we are losing 22 vets a day to suicide because they don't want to live anymore with what they've done...and a hundred thousand permanently disabled...and killed a hundred thousand of 'theirs'...innocent civilians who just wanted to make a living....oh...and made 1000x more people hate us and become radicalized in the process...all so we can say we are attacked from every angle...
big picture...we'd be safer if after 9/11 we were to ask...WWJD...and turn the other cheek...ask for justice and say forgive them for they know not what they do... the world would have got Bin Laden and his cronies for us....there wouldn't be an extraordinary rendition issue, or a gitmo issue, or 30k young men and women dead on our side, or 100k disabled.... we are our own worst enemy....but you knew that.