Dying to be Born



The Complete Journey Between Death and Birth
This book is good. You may not agree with it but it is food for thought and I am familiar with the guys teacher as well as his schooling. Having said that; I recommend his book on Reincarnation. http://jhani.ca/ I have bought it on Amazon for my computer and now I am contemplating of buying the physical book as well....
Just read Proof of heaven by Eben Alexander. Good description of NDE by a Neurosurgeon.
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Not necessarily. I am mainly interested in experiential knowledge regarding the afterlife (or supra physical planes of existence), regardless of if one comes back here or not. Personally I dont think its such a nice place to come back.
Regardless if it is nice or not. The cyclical nature of life/death is far more acceptable to me then some paradise that we all go (or not) and/or some hell...(actually, some say hell is earth, now and then)...everything in nature is cyclical...
Not necessarily. I am mainly interested in experiential knowledge regarding the afterlife (or supra physical planes of existence), regardless of if one comes back here or not. Personally I dont think its such a nice place to come back.
Yes everything on Earth is cyclical. According to current theory though, the universe is not. According to the most widely accepted theory at this time, the universe had a beginning in the Big Bang, and will have an ending when dark energy wins over gravity and everything in existence down to the smallest particles will be pulled apart so that nothing will remain, not even the smallest subatomic particle.
My understanding was that the pre-universal primordial nothing has had laya centers i.e. potentialities of something where later big bangs occurred then after a while dark matter may suck them all in (yes, the universe(s) is/are finite) and they go back to the primordial nothing, and this occurs cyclically just as anything else in this world. This is not scientific of course but I do not hold anything theoretical that high regard. Theories change all the time....
Yes everything on Earth is cyclical. According to current theory though, the universe is not. According to the most widely accepted theory at this time, the universe had a beginning in the Big Bang, and will have an ending when dark energy wins over gravity and everything in existence down to the smallest particles will be pulled apart so that nothing will remain, not even the smallest subatomic particle.
I agree that the universe is cyclical. It has been said that this universe is only one in a seemingly endless line of universes.

One of the criticisms of the story of Genesis is that it only deals with the beginning of this particular universe.
Not sure we are using the terms the same way.

A cyclical universe theory holds that this universe bangs, spreads out for a certain amount of time, then collapses back into a singularity again, from which a new bang will occur. This used to be the theory, until we found out that instead of the universe slowing as it expands, it is actually accelerating as it expands.

The multiverse theory is the one that holds that that are an infinite number of universes that are being created all the time. It doesn't say anything about the individual universes, only that there isn't just one universe.

What I was saying is that the cyclical universe theory is no longer supported in current theory. That our universe will eventually spread out so thinly that nothing will be left. Our universe will die. This theory says nothing about the possibility of zillions of other universes continuing to exist.

Dark energy (not matter) is the force that current theory believes is pulling everything apart. It does quite the opposite of sucking everything in. Current theory is that there are two primary forces at work on the universe - gravity which wants to pull things together, and dark energy which wants to pull things apart.

In the early universe gravity was at its most powerful, dark energy at its least powerful. But after 14 billion years that has reversed. Dark energy is now more powerful that it is expanding the universe at an ever faster escalating rate. But it is not yet so powerful that it can negate the effects of gravity, which is why we still have galaxies, stars, solar systems, planets, etc. In time though dark energy will become so powerful that it will negate the effects of gravity - which is when literally everything starts getting pulled apart to the point that there is nothing left except a residual background radiation that is so diffuse as to be nonexistent for all intents and purposes.
I do think "going back to singularity" is the same thing as what you call the disappearance of the Universe due to dark energy. It is because, the underlying nothingness on which the Universe exists is Infinity, the archetype of the non anthropomorphic g-d !!
In fact the Universe is said to be emanated from this Infinity (mirroring it in many ways) except the mirror has finality, polarity, time/space). That, what is original, infinite has always been there, past present and future. So are/were the potentialities of Universes.
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