Hm, not sure about such easy solutions. "The West" tried that in Afghanistan, in Irak and Syria, in Somalia... not successfully, neither in terms of reducing civilian suffering nor in terms of military success against the enemies.
Your answer regarding Yemen made me ask more questions. How can Saudi Arabia be threatened in its sovereignity if a neighboring state has a Shiite government? And assuming Iran is behind this, how is Iran backing one party in this war different from Saudi Arabia backing, say, the Taliban, or groups in Cechnya? And finally, what's up with the Sunni-Shia thing that it erupts into such infighting?
I think the Sunni-Shia thing is more manufactured for political reasons having to do with economics much more than genuine religious concern or interest. Sunni and Shia and Muslims in general typically get along just fine in proximity but the Shia are a minority which seem a little alien or weird in some of their practices to a majority outsider with little exposure to them.
The US, Israel, Britain, Germany, France, and Russia, even China as usual have been fighting another Cold War or proxy war, this time through Sunni and Shia issues and other issues in Muslim majority countries.
The Americans and Russia want the rights and property to affordably or cheaply construct massive logistic gateways for trade and fuel throughout Asia and the Middle East and Africa. Gazprom is Russia's monster and America has their industry. Israel is also part of construction plans and other things, and Britain and Germany also have numerous contracts and benefits.
All this has to do with trade, prices, and who gets to be the dominant profiteer, and none of them care about the villagers in the mix who are as expendable as any pests, but messing around with making one side or another seem good or bad is part of the Great Game.
This is old fashioned Imperialism like that of the European powers in the past recent history, all the same, but instead of Kings, its Nations, Companies, and Governments (it always really was, but now its less overt).
China has contracts in Africa and all over the world, they are fighting with Japan and South Korea. America is fighting Russia, Britain is in some bidding war with Germany for contracts in the middle east.
Russia supports the Syrian government, America and Israel secretly supports the efforts against Russia. Russia and Iran are friendly, America doesn't like that Russia is making so much money from their business alliances. So the Yemen issue is a proxy war. Saudi is America's business partner, they've basically been told that if they decide to leave this partnership, "We won't be able to protect you" from efforts to overthrow their rule by American funded efforts and Russian funded efforts both. They are basically hostages who are concerned about securing their future once the oil runs out as their main resource, their other resource is religion. Turkey used to rule Saudi and is still bitter, Turkey is friends with Germany and Japan, for a long time. Russia is friends with Social Revolution countries like Iran and use Muslim conflicts to try to benefit. China and India are in a constant struggle over production rights and contracts but China entered into its own with oil deals in Africa.
There is a whole hidden world of this stuff underlying the very lame news reports which don't deeply discuss the resources and contracts at stake and who is funding the efforts.
Nobody is truly loyal to anyone in this game though, and sometimes people seek help and protection, and sometimes its more like the Mafia or how Japan was forced opened with a gun to its head.
Native rights groups are often battling efforts that they feel rip them off even further and try to bypass paying them for land and construction rights and taxation, thats why its easier and cheaper for some companies and nations to secretly fund groups of marauders to go wipe out entire villages or even cities so that no one is left to complain or ask for rights to build. These marauders are expendable pirates, if they don't do their end of the bargain or try to ask for more money, they will be bombed out of existence or fumigated or burned by phosphorous or whatever.
Back in the day, East Africa wanted independence from medicines and foreign pharmaceutical companies high costs and fees. They were the first targets of "Islamic Radicals" and they targeted medicine production which only truly benefited Western Pharmaceutical companies. The Boston Tea Party was a bunch of people dressed up as Native Americans, its the same bull. They were being funded and operated through a network by corporate interests in the West and did nothing at all to benefit Muslims or Muslim nations truly, only to be an excuse and black operation benefiting Western Powers and NATO. See Operation Gladio for more of the same "false flag" fascist trickery.