Debate: Is Islam a Threat to the West?

Agreed, when we take beliefs to be more important than reality, we are capable of heinous things.

First of all who possessed the Francis I was having a discussion with about metaphysical energy, and turned him into a ranting anti-Muslim fanatic. That guy and this guy surely cannot be the same person???

Second, that first guy I was talking to would have known that 'reality' is an illusion. There is no one reality. Or more specifically, we humans all see it differently from everyone else. Each of our realities is a thought structure created by our own experiences, thought processes, presuppositions and upbringing. Yes we can make basic assumptions about the reality we live in; the more we move away from that, the more we need to be aware of our limitations built in by the human condition.
David Wood vs Shadid Lewis

Another good debate.

They're doing what christans did to the pagans, the whole "convert or die" thing I mean, and they too claim it's of peace...oh the irony, the irony hit me where it ironic. Either way, I dislike islam for their treatment of lizards however, and not strictly for the other reason people hate on them
*Googles fatwa and hadith and lizards*

Interestingly, this is what I found:

Oh that's better, salamanders are not as royal as reptiles...for they are anfibs but reguardless the persecution of one kind of creatures irks me
Islam is not much different today.
The original Muslims themselves did not preserve The Torah and The Gospels that they claim BOTH confirmed their Quran and Faith.
Think of it - There were never any Islamic Gospels and Scriptures and they is eXactly why that Muslims were never able to preserve any of these Scriptures that are supposed to have eXisted that confirm their quran.
Not only do Muslims have no Scriptures, no Gospels, no Artifacts, no genealogies, no Chronicles and No Manuscripts and no evidence of any eXistance before Mohammad. But ALSO Muslims have no REAL TIME Live, Recorded - REAL TIME event before mohammad that shows that the People Called Ishmaelites even ever eXisted.
Think of it - Nothing eXists NOTHING - Outside Of The Bible - That shows that a people called Ishmaelites even ever eXisted.
There is no REAL TIME Live, Recorded - REAL TIME event of the eXistance of anyone related to Ishmael. And the Quran itself never mentions a single son of Ishmael. Of all 12 sons of Ishmael, not a single son of Ishmael is even mentioned in the Quran.
This is why Mohammad is a prophet, a revelator and a messenger unto all who proclaim His message.

If you are trying to say that Islam in itself is a radicalized religion...I disagree.

I believe Muslims believe that Mohamed's information is the third sequel to the torah... simply validating what is right, correcting what they believe to be wrong interpretations and providing further information from G!d thru Mohamed.

But I agree that radicalized Christianity, Judaism, Islam, ...any religion is a huge issue towards peace in this world... interfaith work is our hope.
Islam is not much different today.
The original Muslims themselves did not preserve The Torah and The Gospels that they claim BOTH confirmed their Quran and Faith.
Think of it - There were never any Islamic Gospels and Scriptures and they is eXactly why that Muslims were never able to preserve any of these Scriptures that are supposed to have eXisted that confirm their quran.
Not only do Muslims have no Scriptures, no Gospels, no Artifacts, no genealogies, no Chronicles and No Manuscripts and no evidence of any eXistance before Mohammad. But ALSO Muslims have no REAL TIME Live, Recorded - REAL TIME event before mohammad that shows that the People Called Ishmaelites even ever eXisted.
Think of it - Nothing eXists NOTHING - Outside Of The Bible - That shows that a people called Ishmaelites even ever eXisted.
There is no REAL TIME Live, Recorded - REAL TIME event of the eXistance of anyone related to Ishmael. And the Quran itself never mentions a single son of Ishmael. Of all 12 sons of Ishmael, not a single son of Ishmael is even mentioned in the Quran.
This is why Mohammad is a prophet, a revelator and a messenger unto all who proclaim His message.

Not sure what you're trying to achieve, but I don't think it aligns with the topic. If you're interested in discussing Islamic theology you can ask questions in a new post in the Islamic section and perhaps someone with the expertise can answer your questions.
Islam is not much different today.
The original Muslims themselves did not preserve The Torah and The Gospels that they claim BOTH confirmed their Quran and Faith.
Think of it - There were never any Islamic Gospels and Scriptures and they is eXactly why that Muslims were never able to preserve any of these Scriptures that are supposed to have eXisted that confirm their quran.
Not only do Muslims have no Scriptures, no Gospels, no Artifacts, no genealogies, no Chronicles and No Manuscripts and no evidence of any eXistance before Mohammad. But ALSO Muslims have no REAL TIME Live, Recorded - REAL TIME event before mohammad that shows that the People Called Ishmaelites even ever eXisted.
Think of it - Nothing eXists NOTHING - Outside Of The Bible - That shows that a people called Ishmaelites even ever eXisted.
There is no REAL TIME Live, Recorded - REAL TIME event of the eXistance of anyone related to Ishmael. And the Quran itself never mentions a single son of Ishmael. Of all 12 sons of Ishmael, not a single son of Ishmael is even mentioned in the Quran.
This is why Mohammad is a prophet, a revelator and a messenger unto all who proclaim His message.


Sothey are doing the same thing today as they've been known to behave since time-immemorial?
When was the Arabic language created?
Beginning in the 7th century CE, the Arab Conquests (also known as Islamic or Muslim Conquests) carried speakers of various Arabic dialects, with their religion of Islam and their language of Arabic, out of the Arabian Peninsula into almost all of the Middle East and North Africa, west into the Iberian Peninsula and ..


Which is the oldest language Arabic or Hebrew?
Classical Arabic, meanwhile, derives from earlier Old Arabic languages such as Safaitic, which in turn derive from the same Central Semitic language as Aramaic and Hebrew. These languages, however, are not called Arabic, as they were not a single unifying Arabian language (though they were spoken in Arabia).


What is the origin of Arabic language?
Arabic is a Central Semitic language, closely related to the Northwest Semiticlanguages (Aramaic, Hebrew, Ugaritic and Phoenician), the Ancient South Arabian languages, and various other Semitic languages of Arabia such as Dadanitic.


Is Arabic the oldest language in the world?
Thus, to review, while Arabic is not the oldest of the Semitic languages, its roots are clearly founded in a Semitic predecessor. As mentioned above, Arabic is a member of the Semitic subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic group of languages. ... Hebrew or Amharic) in the Afro-Asiatic group of languages is called Proto-Semitic.


What is the name of the first written language?
About 2600 BC, cuneiform began to represent syllables of the Sumerian language. Finally, cuneiform writing became a general purpose writing system for logograms, syllables, and numbers. From the 26th century BC, this script was adapted to the Akkadian language, and from there to others, such as Hurrian and Hittite.


Is Sanskrit the oldest language in the world?
Sanskrit, meaning 'perfected' or 'refined', is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, of of all attested human languages. It belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European family. The oldest form of Sanskrit is Vedic Sanskrit that dates back to the 2nd millennium BCE.


What is the oldest spoken language in the world?
Of these languages which have a written record, only a dozen or so have some record that extend to more than 2000 years. Tamil, Greek, Chinese, Latin, Sanskrit, Hebreware some of them. One of the languages that could have existed for a long time isTamil.


What was the first language spoken by Adam and Eve?
According to Medieval Traditional Jewish exegesis such as the Midrash (Genesis Rabbah 38), states that Adam spoke Hebrew because of the name he gives Eve which is “Isha” (Genesis 2:23). and “Chava” from (Genesis 3:20) which only makes sense when spoken in Hebrew.


Which is the mother of all languages?
Sanskrit is the mother of most North Indian languages. Modern Dravidian languages have borrowed words from Sanskrit, and Western Indian languages such as Konkani, which belong to Indo-Iranian group of languages have borrowed words from Dravidian languages.


What is the first religion in the world?
According to some Religious Historical Sources, Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma is the oldest surviving scriptural religion to have started about 4000 years back in India. Its scriptures date to well before any of the known biblical texts. Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world.


What is the root of all languages?
Latin is part of the Indo-European family of languages which came from an unknown common root language; Proto Indo-European. Sanskrit, Latin, Celtic and Germaniclanguages are (among others)said to belong to the Indo-European family. Japanese however is not part of a large family of languages.


So...what is the etymology of the word "European" as in Indo-European?
Interesting B2...

causes me to contemplate written language vs spoken language... and what exactly this has to do with the thread....what line caused this line of discussion?
I have a sneaking suspicion that the world map, along with population count(s), ergo economic activities from the time of the pharaohs to the present day ---have never changed a wit.

There still are few Chinese in Australia! LOL.
Still lots of Eskimos in the Arctics.
Fishmen of the coasts ---as each warrior caste staked a claim come and go.

Each locale has had their own brand of culture and it hasn't changed.
My understanding... After WWII since Australia was almost invaded by Japan, they shut down immigration of Asians... But since Japan operates on a 500 year plan, after the US rebuilt Japanese steel and manufacturing (like we do after we blow things up) It regained an economic foundation so when Australia opened back up, much asian money came in to buy buildings and land...(like they did in US)... it is all very interesting watching money flow around the world.