Roll call...

So how did your father-in-Law and his family fare after the cyclone? The wife's crew got by relatively unscathed.
There was a lot of flood damage and part of the roof was torn off, but no one was hurt. Not bad considering. I tried to help, but you know how Fiji is. The minute you get there your wellbeing becomes their priority and nothing else gets done. After a week I just made sure they had what they needed, building materials, food and such and left them to it. Last report the power was back on and the house had a new lid.

Phyllis will like this. It seems the night of the cyclone their then pregnant cat Sunny chose to have her kittens in one of the smaller bedrooms. Well the family decided to go in and ride the storm out with her so she wouldn't be alone. As it turns out, that was the only room in the house that came through the storm unscathed!

P.S. Mother, Kittens and their staff are doing just fine.
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Fiji had a 2nd off shore earth quake yesterday. No direct damage, but there's major flooding from the very heavy rains. This's near my in-laws place...

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May you find your family and friends in Fiji alive, well and relatively safe.

As I Will, so Mote It Be.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

ps: give the new mother and her kittens an extra scratch along their lower jawlines for me if they'll allow it.
Thanks Phyllis. Luckily, reports of a 2nd cyclone near Fiji turned out to be a hoax! Some fools idea of a joke I suppose, but the flooding is very real.
Thanks Phyllis. Luckily, reports of a 2nd cyclone near Fiji turned out to be a hoax! Some fools idea of a joke I suppose, but the flooding is very real.

"Fools" isn't what I am silently calling them. Unfortunately, I cannot express my thoughts/feelings about them aloud (just listen to irate felines' language if you want to know what I'm thinking...)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Scared the hell out of me when I first saw the report of another cyclone headed for Fiji on FB. Real looking satellite weather map and all. Then I looked a little closer. The map had the cyclone approaching from the west and spinning in the wrong direction! Then I noticed the name, Selina. The last cyclone was Winston. Those things are named in alphabetical order. No way they could have got to "S" already. A couple quick phone calls confirmed the hoax.
As I remember, I hated that week we spent in 8th grade studying weather. I can recall thinking, "When am I ever going to use this stuff?"
So I report the Fiji cyclone hoax to FaceBook. They tell me they won't remove it because, it doesn't violate community standards. If needlessly putting 1000's of people on edge that have already been through hell doesn't violate community standards, what does? o_O
Where do you even find FB community standards? I sure can't find it.

If needlessly putting 1000's of people on edge that have already been through hell doesn't violate community standards, what does?
Apparently, that which does not interfere with ad revenue is perfectly acceptable to the Zuckster. I had a similar experience a few years ago when I complained about a photo of a dead baby in the street with a knife protruding from it's head. They refused to remove it on the same grounds, but did delete my niece's FB account for sharing it!
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Apparently, that which does not interfere with ad revenue is perfectly acceptable to the Zuckster. I had a similar experience a few years ago when I complained about a photo of a dead baby in the street with a knife protruding from it's head. They refused to remove it on the same grounds, but did delete my niece's FB account for sharing it!

I'd love to tell them where they can stick it, but I don't have a Facebook page (nor do I want one.) I'll just enjoy the :kitty: delegation as much as possible...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine