Dear Friend,
My Belief is centered on inferences and experiences of Life Events. I believe GOD gives us clues to strengthen our beliefs.
All these days, starting 1st of December I have been stating my viewpoint about the SELF and GOD. These I believe are messages from the good Lord.
Most of these messages are in the form of Clues in events or inferences from information that I read.
The link I provided was one such information that contained a clue on where my mission is headed. This information was published in a website and I happened to read it. Others who read the article would have read it differently.
But the following paragraph holds different meaning for me. It is a clue for me from the good Lord.
"Beyond 2012, out technologies will take a different direction. People will learn the essence of spirituality, the relation between body and the soul, the reincarnation and the fact we are connected with each other are all part of “God”."
I have received numerous such clues from the good Lord and is more than a coincidence from my experience. These clues reaffirm my belief and is considered by me as evidence of the existence of the SELF and GOD.
Now, I cannot share all the clues and messages with just about anyone. Especially non believers. Whenever I tried sharing these messages, it proved harmful for me and my family. Therefore, I decided to start the TrueSky Movement to contact people who believe in my Thoughts and hence I can share with them the messages which I otherwise I cannot share with others.
TrueSky Movement is not a organization or a cult. It is only a channel to share the messages of the good Lord among believers.
Now the article or the person who wrote this article is not of particular interest to me or connected to my beliefs except for the message contained in it in the paragraph I have outlined.
Now the date 2012 is significant. 12 is the sum of 5+7. The number seven is an important number for me. It is repeated in most of the messages I have recieved. Like there are supposed to be seven human lifetime levels.
Therefore for me the message in 2012 reads as follows:
"Each year starting from 2005 until 2012 (that is seven years) is like passing through seven human lifetime levels"
Another Clue or Message is the earthquake and Flooding just after Christmas. I believe flooding is an important part of all religious books. And has some meaning. As this current event occured close to my home, India I believe this is another message from the good Lord.
Imagine if the earthquake had happened in West Asia and not East Asia. I would not be living today to write this reply as I live in the coastline of India.
But not on the eastern. The Western coastline.
That I have to be steadfast in my beliefs and something important is going to happen in the future in which I will have to play my part and contribution.
So what more evidence do you want?
Blue said:
This all sounds suspiciously like advertising, OnLine Guru.
You quote:
"Beyond 2012, out technologies will take a different direction. People will learn the essence of spirituality, the relation between body and the soul, the reincarnation and the fact we are connected with each other are all part of “God”."
Is this person a prophet? How does he KNOW 2012 is a key date, and from where does he derive his information?
How does TrueSky, (as you say, a 'Mission',) differ from countless 'missions' over the last two thousand years? What makes it unique, if it is unique?
You don't actually seem to offer any convincing statements to support the claims, beyond your own, I am sure, honest and passionate affirmations.
Why should what you say be believed in by others?