What do you live for? Whats your philosophy of life?

Dear Blue

The popular Catholic Pope John Paul II, contradicted the Bible on December 7, 2000 when he proclaimed "Heaven is open to all as long as they are good," even for "those who ignore Christ and his Church." The Bible clearly teaches only those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior will go to heaven and the Father. The December 8, Electronic Telegraph reported the Pope as saying that "Heaven is open to all as long as they are good." The Pope was also quoted as telling an audience that "all of the just on Earth, including those who ignore Christ and his Church" were "called upon to build the kingdom of God."

Christ calls the Kingdom of GOD the Kingdom of Love.

Love beyond measure

RWhat do you live for? Whats your philosophy of life?e:

Live life to the fullest and strive every moment to accomplish your personal goals while getting along with others. Help others strive for organizational goals and aid yourself to strive for personal goals. When the two conflict each other, prioritize them. Keep each one significant and work at both regardless the obstacles facing you.
I admit I've not done a good job at doing all those things, but I'm glad to hear that someone else has! I'm glad somebody brought up this thread, too. (However if it were a 100 year old thread I'd feel like I was desecrating it -- so nobody post after 100 years OK? 100 years is the cut-off!!!! Get your own d**n thread!!!!)

Imagine somebody 100 years from now reading our thread with the assistance of an AI high-speed logic chip. What would they be able to mine from all of our collected discussions, spats, and phillibusters? What do we live for? The title of the thread is "What do you live for? What's your philosophy of life?"

At times its seemed I've lived only because dying would have brought too much sadness to my loved ones. Those are the depressing times! Other times it is because I am very proud. Also there are times when I am very happy or at least expect that happiness is just around the corner. Underneath it all is the fact that I am alive and trying to figure out why and what to do next. Isn't living better than dying?
whats my philosophy, see 'Harvey" 1950s black and white movie starring James Stewart.... We should all be like Elwood. the world would be a beautiful place. or if all else fails.... see Alex P. he will tell ya. lol
Hi all,

What do you live for?

Have you ever reflected on life and its reality? Why do we do what we do? I mean all reasonable people have a goal in mind when they do something. We never do things for no reason (unless a person is crazy or is a fool).

We get born, then live 70 or 80 years and we die... Anything that you do will get back to dust. Whatever all the arts, sciences and everything that you accomplish disappears for you, and then for others. Why go through all of it if the end result is zero (when you die) and zero for others when they die? For some little bug with its insignificant life we can deal with. But with humans and all of their accomplishements? Why go through life if it is all for not? Who works for no pay? Life has more disappointments than pleasures. You have to work hard for many hours to enjoy few hours at home... Bad things happen... Good people die while bastards live. Our body is full of problems. We age, we get sick, we expereince pain (emotional, and physical) for what? Pleasure that we expereince is temporary and you could say non existent. The pleasure does not last forever and because of it, afterwards it is almost a zero. For example, sex is one of the biggest physical pleasures that we get. But you feel the climax only for a short time (as with ANY normal pleasure out there). How much are you enjoying the feeling that you had 1 month ago, 1 year, 10 years ago, etc?

No wonder some people commit suicide, as there is often more pain than pleasure in some weird rat race we call "Life" that is like but a dream that ends in 70-80 years...

So what is your philosophy of life?

What do you live for?
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The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the [true] God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole [obligation] of man.
human1111... lol...

But we're not all average joes and fools... Some of us are great... we are the homo superior... we will eventually replace homo sapiens...

We can be supermen... greats... Gods...

Me, I strive for power... I would like to be the first intergalactic totalitarian ruler... Not content with kingship, presidency, CEO status- smalltime...

What is the point of living... At time like that, I always say...

ever thought about experimenting with jolly intoxicants?

Life doesn't have to be miserable, and pointless.. unless ur a depressive...

Life has more dissapointment than pleasures... At times like that I say... ever thought about finding a hobby?

You know, something to entertain urself with..?

Bread and circuses...

Life is what u make it...
Cause me to tread in the pathway of your commandments,
For in it I have taken delight. PSALM 119 ;35
I had read the book, Purpose Driven Life, very inspiring and beautiful book that everyone should try to read it. According to the book, the purpose of your life is far greater than our own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. So in short, we were born by his purpose and for his purpose.:)

What do you live for?

Have you ever reflected on life and its reality? Why do we do what we do? I mean all reasonable people have a goal in mind when they do something. We never do things for no reason (unless a person is crazy or is a fool).

We get born, then live 70 or 80 years and we die... Anything that you do will get back to dust. Whatever all the arts, sciences and everything that you accomplish disappears for you, and then for others. Why go through all of it if the end result is zero (when you die) and zero for others when they die? For some little bug with its insignificant life we can deal with. But with humans and all of their accomplishements? Why go through life if it is all for not? Who works for no pay? Life has more disappointments than pleasures. You have to work hard for many hours to enjoy few hours at home... Bad things happen... Good people die while bastards live. Our body is full of problems. We age, we get sick, we expereince pain (emotional, and physical) for what? Pleasure that we expereince is temporary and you could say non existent. The pleasure does not last forever and because of it, afterwards it is almost a zero. For example, sex is one of the biggest physical pleasures that we get. But you feel the climax only for a short time (as with ANY normal pleasure out there). How much are you enjoying the feeling that you had 1 month ago, 1 year, 10 years ago, etc?

No wonder some people commit suicide, as there is often more pain than pleasure in some weird rat race we call "Life" that is like but a dream that ends in 70-80 years...

So what is your philosophy of life?

What do you live for?
human1111, you have shared the universal questions that each and every person has felt at some point in their life.

So to observe all living things the answer is actually quite simple;

The purpose is to continue.

We each experience many of the same feelings but the difference is how they are described by our peers or ‘environment’ of associations.

But few actually know what our capabilities are and why we continue to seek answers until one day when we reach this point you appear to be representing; asking ourselves what is our purpose or what do we live for?

We live to continue and what we do is more important to that continuance than physical life.

All each really want are the rules and how to make sense of life.

Do you realize not many are capable of talking in the fashion you have? You and your thread are important my young friend.

What would you like to know? What can any offer that can assist these screaming children to know Peace?
Hmmm my philosophy of life? Im afraid that I have many. These are from my sig/tags file (quotes Im known for)

Everything has its Pros and Cons.

(this is my tattoo)
only Death would be too Late

In the sum total of your existence:
would you be considered on the negative side to the world, life, and the existence of others?
Or would you be considered on the plus side?

Some consider doing anything you can do to extend your life is the
proper pursuit of life. Some consider it to be the exact opposite.

If you understand the American Indians "today is a good day to die" thing,
its not a bad way to live your life.

Me: Some play to win or lose. Others just to stay in the game.
Them: Are we talking about games? Or about life in general?
Me: Exactly.

I was asked "Do you think playing games is a life?"
And I responded "Dont you think living life is a game?"
(and by the way, Im winning!)

Hackers Motto:
Fight the defaults, escape the menu, probe the possibilities, hack the system!
Get it to work the way that YOU want it to work.
(its not just for computers, its a life message)

and I was asked......
"Oh great Computer Guru, what is the meaning of life?"
and I replied........
"Bigger, Better TOYs"

When I die I have no idea who I will see next.
But Im guessing that they will be angry if I
  • quit the game early
  • gave up trying before the finish
  • took more than I gave back
  • leave nothing behind

Gandalf Parker
Experience more, regret less, stagnate as little as possible, and grow daily
What do you live for? Whats your philosophy of life? live life to the full inline with the true God JEHOVAH and his son JESUS CHRIST:)John 17;3