A for Atheist, A for A-Hole?

Devils' Advocate

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In this so called Reality. Well, most of the time.
Recently joined a group on Facebook which bills itself as the largest FB page for atheists. I'm not an atheist myself; as a Deist I have many of the same opinions though. I was looking for some intelligent conversation from the opposite end of the Theist equation.

There have been times here on this site where people have said that atheists were real snots, and I didn't agree as the atheists I know personally are decent human beings who just happen to believe differently.

Well did I get an education. Seems the only reason for this group on FB to exist is to post endless stupid (mostly Christian comments) then ridicule them for their ignorance. Day in, day out, an endless barrage. Now I know people online feel a lot more comfortable being jerks, but still. These are angry, smug unpleasant people with a superiority complex.

So I'm curious, is this the type of attitude people here associate with people who are atheists? What have your experiences been like.
Recently joined a group on Facebook which bills itself as the largest FB page for atheists. I'm not an atheist myself; as a Deist I have many of the same opinions though. I was looking for some intelligent conversation from the opposite end of the Theist equation.

There have been times here on this site where people have said that atheists were real snots, and I didn't agree as the atheists I know personally are decent human beings who just happen to believe differently.

Well did I get an education. Seems the only reason for this group on FB to exist is to post endless stupid (mostly Christian comments) then ridicule them for their ignorance. Day in, day out, an endless barrage. Now I know people online feel a lot more comfortable being jerks, but still. These are angry, smug unpleasant people with a superiority complex.

So I'm curious, is this the type of attitude people here associate with people who are atheists? What have your experiences been like.

Some yes and some no DA, Just like I have similar thoughts about people across the board. The attitude of the person and how they handle themselves in any aspect of their life is what people see, and I hate to say it, but judge them. I place little stock with pretty much anything on facebook any more. I see that as more a internet bitch box than anything. IMHO anyways..

I know some nice atheists.
I know some obnoxious atheists.
I know some nice 'religious people'.
I know some obnoxious 'religious people'.

Being atheist or 'religious' does not automatically make a person nice or obnoxious. People are obnoxious because they have personality 'issues', not because of something else.

I suggest that, when you get into an atheistic or religious discussion with anyone, first determine if they have personality 'issues'. If they do, it is probably best to end the discussion with them.

I have found that some people use religion as an excuse to engage in very toxic behavior.
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Hey DA. I was born in deep south USA - of course Southern Baptist. Early in life I left the Christian Church and called myself an Atheist. As time went by I decided that I was more of an Agnostic and then after several more years and after reading philosopher Diderat I decided I would be an Apatheist. Later on - and after much study - it became apparent - I am a Deist. I've proudly used that distinction for over twenty years.

Now the question is why did I even write the first paragraph of this reply? Well, my answer is simply this. I feel uniquely qualified to share this: The one thing I could always count on at any stage of my life - there are more horses asses than horses - regardless the breed. This stable we call the Internet just brings more of them out. ED

I know some nice atheists.
I know some obnoxious atheists.
I know some nice 'religious people'.
I know some obnoxious 'religious people'.

Being atheist or 'religious' does not automatically make a person nice or obnoxious. People are obnoxious because they have personality 'issues', not because of something else.

I suggest that, when you get into an atheistic or religious discussion with anyone, first determine if they have personality 'issues'. If they do, it is probably best to end the discussion with them.

I have found that some people use religion as an excuse to engage in very toxic behavior.

I've known people from around he world that would use any excuse to engage in toxic behavior, it just gets worse with religion and politics...
Recently joined a group on Facebook which bills itself as the largest FB page for atheists. I'm not an atheist myself; as a Deist I have many of the same opinions though. I was looking for some intelligent conversation from the opposite end of the Theist equation.

There have been times here on this site where people have said that atheists were real snots, and I didn't agree as the atheists I know personally are decent human beings who just happen to believe differently.

Well did I get an education. Seems the only reason for this group on FB to exist is to post endless stupid (mostly Christian comments) then ridicule them for their ignorance. Day in, day out, an endless barrage. Now I know people online feel a lot more comfortable being jerks, but still. These are angry, smug unpleasant people with a superiority complex.

So I'm curious, is this the type of attitude people here associate with people who are atheists? What have your experiences been like.
I know it's not a true representation, but yes, these have been my association with atheists and it has clouded my idea of the atheist.
There are a-holes in every circle. The ones in the Atheist circle tend to be very abrasive. But having lived on both sides of the Christian camp, and Islamic camp, I find there are some believers who are equally, if not more, infuriatingly obnoxious.
You may be right about FB, Richard. As I said this entire group exists for no other reason to behave very toxic. I suspect there are a percentage of the people on there that not like that, but they stay quiet for fear of being belittled. I have posted responses that are more thoughtful than hateful and I always get some likes.

Nick I agree, of course, there are nice people and there are obnoxious ones in any subset of human society. What shocked me was that this group seems to be nothing but obnoxious. There is no 'other' side.

Edgy I can relate. Although I was born and raised in the Northeast, I have spent most of my adult life in the South - Florida to be exact, and as I'm sure you know that state is not considered part of the Old South. But it's bad enough. And again I also agree that the Internet brings out the worst in people too much of the time. Which I find so cowardly. It takes a Big Person to belch hate speech when no one knows who you really are.

Tea, I know what you are saying. I'm no longer sure it isn't representative of atheists in general. The people I know in person would never act in such a way, but I know them face to face. This online experience has shaken me up more than I like to admit. It is unlikely I will be there much longer.

Joe, I think it is a tough contest to say whether the theists or the atheists are the more offensive! lol. It's almost as if it has become a pissing contest for too many of the people on both sides. People in the general population are so much less tolerant these days. Which also baffles me. This is the 21st century for pity's sake. I would have thought we should be advancing out of this smug, superiority phase, but it only seems to be getting worse rather than better.
It is unlikely I will be there much longer.

Yes, this is the best thing to do, you should stop posting there.

I know how you feel, you like to have a place to hang out, and that forum has been a familiar hangout place for you. It feels uncomfortable to give up hanging out at a place you have been hanging out at for some time. But I think that, once you get over this feeling of losing a hangout place, you will see that not posting there any more is the best way to go.
The thing that I find funny about atheists is the way they think their areligiosity or purely physical metaphysical worldview is somehow more rational that the religiosity of religious people, without even realizing both stands are very much hypothetical. Both groups have their holier than thou attitude, but the way atheists think they are the most holly is just stupid.

Not spending too much time around activities/people that nauseate you is always good for physical and mental health. Best way to be spiritual is to avoid too much religious talk (my personal experience)
Well today is post your most offensive religious picture day on the site. This is the kind of mentality and level of intellectualism.

And then one wonders why an atheist ends up on a forum like this one. The conversations here are of another class and not condescending at least for the most part. When ever commenting in public about my views, they were always met with ignorance and miss understanding so I learned not to talk about my views. I have been an atheist my whole life but since my voices began 3 years ago I have started to turn over those damn rocks. You know the funny thing though nothing written on these rocks have anything to do with any of the religions out there so now I am even more lost. And you know what is even more funny, I hold the same contentment towards religion now as I had all those years before the voices. I don't know what I am now, but as long as the rocks have something written on them I will keep trying to figure myself out.

Yes Powessy.... the militants of any variety...religious or irreligious don't last long here...

It ain't any fun for them to actually examine what they say....they prefer for everyone to simply nod in agreement...

And like any group...there are always the vocal nincompoops... and a more silent majority
Richard Dawkins is my hero and he is very intelligent, so there. :p