What all of you fail to address is the fact that in most religious views, the path to a positive afterlife, whatever it might be in different religions, is very specific. To say that because there are so many, one should grab and choose, is not following any. It is only really plausible that 1 view is correct, and those that are similar are varying degrees of correct. It is up to the individual to learn which is correct, and once he/she has determined the most correct, or the completely correct path in their opinion, to follow said religion's creeds and practices to the best of his/her ability. Let's do a little game. If Sunni Islam is correct, and one were to follow it exactly, he is on the correct path. in this case a Jew is also on a straight path of Monotheism, most of the prophetic teachings, etc. Christians are correct in their assessment of Jesus's (PBUH) Messiah-ship. Both of these would contain flaws as they are not following the exact path, but if they have followed their path completely, it is likely to end in the same outcome. This doesn't mean they are correct, or that their view is without flaws, nor does it mean that Islam isn't the absolute truth, but rather that there are acceptable differences. Statistically speaking there is 1 truth. And that means that with all the variances of views out there, it is difficult to statistically hit that 1 out of the thousands+ of views. But that doesn't mean the Largest views aren't the correct one. Equally it also doesn't mean the guy who believes worms are the form of the ultimate God in pieces all over the world isn't statistically possible.