What does Spirituality Mean to You?

Even today, in many people, enlightenment happens spontaneously - even for those uninterested in religion.

I think this is a hint as to how religion really got started, people recognized something had happened in these people and wanted to know what...

Of course, we decided to organize that, which created authority figures and eventually an all powerful authority in the sky.

I think, though, that this is simply a natural evolution of consciousness...
This is what fascinates me. One person begins to wake up, another doesn't. A Harvard psychiatrist takes LSD and becomes Ram Dass. I guess it's just an effect of getting older, but watching the way things really are, aside from what I think they are, is a most enjoyable pass time. Many people are beginning to see a little through the cracks in the fence, as it were. I'm reminded of the old story of the master sitting by the river, passing out river water.
The real chicken/egg is... Did G!d create man? or did man create G!d?

Hello Wil

Everything is inside of God and it takes billions and trillions of things to create this reality so it is not just him but many things inside of him wanting to become themselves that created man. God created angels and world soul objects as his daughters and children to form worlds man is the end product of their hard work. The angels take a drop of blood from the father and from that explosion of life the angels will become anything from it they can, and over billions of years they will form a world into what you see around you. Evolution through this method explains the chicken/egg conundrum just fine, I believe.

You know, there's a lot to be said for doing that :)

Hello "Nasruddin" and "A cup of Tea"

In my life I have had thousands of astral projections and out of body experiences. Through my thousands of obes, the one thing I did realized is that I do have a soul and that it was separate from this mind and body and it did not take a bible or religion to make me understand it. You get some guy that has one near death experience/obe and, he has spoken to god, watched his life flash before his eyes with all the bells and whistles going off. The next day they have this guy standing in some church preaching in a suit to the church goers claiming he saw god and they will all be saved. He will talk of a tunnel and a beautiful light at it's end and will continue on to claim god sent him back for his mission is not over, these stories are a dime a dozen. The stories go both ways but I think it is just not knowing for sure that leads so many off course. I was an atheist for 43 years and not once even tried to understand god, I actually just did not care.

In my imagination, there exists a "chicken and the egg" conundrum.

Since I seem to be in an off topic mode - It has always amazes me that most everyone doesn't know how to answer the which-came-first-conundrum. The answer is simple as can be.

1. If you believe in evolution, the egg came first.
2. If you believe in a creation that didn't include evolution, the chicken came first.

See. Simple.
If one believes in evolution, the egg had to come first. A proto-chicken like creature laid an egg that had a mutation that hatched to be what is the modern chicken. Which was more successful at surviving so continued on where the porto-chicken died off.

If creation was made by God complete from the first, then the chicken came first because a chicken was part of creation.
If one believes in evolution, the egg had to come first. A proto-chicken like creature laid an egg that had a mutation that hatched to be what is the modern chicken. Which was more successful at surviving so continued on where the porto-chicken died off.

If creation was made by God complete from the first, then the chicken came first because a chicken was part of creation.
Unless God made the Proto-Chicken, and the conditions to form a mutation or cross breeding to do such. Then you come to a situation where the chicken is really just the proto-chicken in its more modern form caused by God from the beginning
Since I seem to be in an off topic mode - It has always amazes me that most everyone doesn't know how to answer the which-came-first-conundrum. The answer is simple as can be.

1. If you believe in evolution, the egg came first.
2. If you believe in a creation that didn't include evolution, the chicken came first.

See. Simple.
Interesting bifurcation. What happens if those two options just don't fit? The third or fourth option is where my message was headed. Sorry if the metaphor triggered you.
Unless God made the Proto-Chicken

You didn't pay attention to my definitions. If God made the proto-chicken, then God made evolution as part of his master plan. That is the same answer as my number 2 - God made it.

If God didn't make it all, and evolution is as science described, then my response stands.
The chicken and egg thing was always a questions of mine but I think I understand it now. If you have a single organism and you can become it and you have the ability to change it over thousands of times to become the chicken then this problem is not a problem. I know that angels hold a template of every single species within them through each step of it's evolution so they can direct life to this point here. An angel can use the process of entering into something and make very small changes to it over many times of becoming that thing. My understanding of angels is not in anyway related to any other persons understanding of them at least that I know of. Sorry for this off topic response but I will add that spirituality to me is to understand ones self and all of ones self.

If one believes in evolution, the egg had to come first. A proto-chicken like creature laid an egg that had a mutation that hatched to be what is the modern chicken. Which was more successful at surviving so continued on where the porto-chicken died off.

I reject your assertion!
For that to be the case, than that which laid the egg must be distinctly different from the coming chicken, which I don't think it is. I would say that the changes are so small over such a long time that a line of beings only distinct from each other if leap-frogging through time.
As a result, I say the chicken came first because there must have been a point before proto-chickens...or reptiles....or fish laid egg. Ha!
DA suggested that we need a thread to discuss things spiritual and that from his perspective, he wasn't exactly sure what qualifies. Ok with that in mind, let's find out. Without quoting scripture, the dictionary or scholars:
What does Spirituality mean to you?

Not a lot to be honest. There is the vague sense of something beyond the mundane, beyond that it has become pretty meaningless in a modern context.
It may be meaningless to you. Yet there does seem to be a huge number of people in this world who believe there is more than just the mundane. If we are to be honest we need to define when we are speaking for ourselves versus speaking for a larger group of people.

It would also be of interest to me if you would expand your thoughts beyond a single sentence or two. You obviously have strong beliefs in your views on reality. So why not put them up here for all of us to examine.