Is there a thin line between love and hate?

Ummm, not sure I can agree the expression of hate is supported by love. I agree that all is energy. All our thoughts, feelings, fears, and desires - it's all energy. Where I break from what you is that I believe the energy we produce is positive or negative depending on how we express it. Because there is an inseparable bond between energy and matter, mind and body. The expression of your energy effects you physically for good or bad.

We are not really in disagreement, for I have stated that it depends on whether we reject or accept...

When we express hatred, are we not doing it to defend something we love? Whether that is an idea, a person, etc...

Of course, if we go on rejecting life, we cause blockages in our own energy, which will manifest is various ways...

I do not know where we disagree?
Sometimes we hate because the other has wronged us...

Is this not still love for self too?

It is even love for an idea, because they are probably not presently wronging us.

Even the notion of being wronged depends the idea of "shouldn't".
I believe we do agree more than we disagree. We are coming at the basics the same way. It is the output we are treating differently.

Sometimes we hate because the other has wronged us...
Is this not still love for self too?

This is a perfect example of where we disagree. Hate because we are wronged is not the same use of energy as love for self. Projecting our energy as hate is harmful to our being, much more harmful to ourselves than the person for which we are projecting hate by the way. I suspect you already know that.

My perception is that you see the use of energy as neutral. Is that correct, or do I have that wrong.

Use of energy is not neutral most of the time (although it can be in specific cases). Use of energy is positive or negative to our being. Which is why we must choose carefully how we are going to project our energy. Even more than choosing; being mindful of what choices we are making. Too many people live their lives on energetic automatic.
Hatred is clarity of mind gone awry and is directed outwards instead of inwards as a governing principle of the mind, becoming a poison instead. I was going to attach an article I wrote for my order about it that I freely share, but the Upload a File function does not seem to be working. So instead, I'll post a link to our newsletter where the article can be found. (It's called Project Hephaestus' Forge: Reworking and Transforming Anger.)
Hate because we are wronged is not the same use of energy as love for self.

I have not suggested it is...

You have to look at the story to realize how the energy has surfaced...

I am suggesting only that it wouldn't surface in the first place without something being loved.
I have not suggested it is...

You have to look at the story to realize how the energy has surfaced...

I am suggesting only that it wouldn't surface in the first place without something being loved.
Could it be said that in this particular context, love has become attachment?
Could it be said that in this particular context, love has become attachment?

What else is love, ever?

Perhaps it is better to call it the energy of attachment...

Attachment itself is something mental.
Seems to me both hate and love are both emotionally/irrationally driven ... if we are talking eros...

familial... is a connection born by time... and weakened by distrust.

agape... is caring... apathy, indifference is not.

unconditional hate for all? doesn't seem to fly.