So far I am standing on, if something exists, it is real, and if it is real, it is true, inasmuch as it exists. Thus, to me, 'real' and 'true' are qualities predicated of existing things.
It seems to me you're saying 'The Truth' and 'The Real' exist in and of themselves, apart from existing things, I can only agree to that on the understanding that they are categories predicated of existence, they do not exist apart in and of themselves.
if it exists, it is real...if it is real, it is true. OK, that reasonably well sums up, to a point. I think there is a hitch in the git-a-long though, as mentioned earlier.
Because you no longer exist doesn't mean you did not exist, and presuming you did in fact exist, then the reality is you existed, therefore you are part and parcel of reality.
Let me ask this way...did Adam in fact exist, is he real and therefore True? Did Abraham in fact exist, is he real and therefore True? Did Moses in fact exist, is he real and therefore True? Did Jesus in fact exist, is he real and therefore True?
But it is conditional, because we live in a finite and conditional cosmos. That I exist is true. But in a hundred years time, that will be conditional: I did exist, I don't now.
Presuming on my part that by Cosmos you mean the same as Universe, then whether the Universe is infinite or a really, really huge finite, is irrelevant. That you exist we here today that experience you understand - you exist. Those before your time would not know to ask, those that come after may or may not know you ever existed. Doesn't matter, the infinitesimal components that make you, you, will go on to be something else in due time. Even a fossil is not the creature, generally speaking the bones absorb minerals that take over in that form. What you will become can only be guessed. To me this only adds to the mystery demonstrating how limited our little pea brained selves are in thinking we actually know anything, when we really don't have a clue.
Well it is situational. 'Thomas exists' is true now, etc. In a hundred years ...
Is that not then conditional?
No, and no.
juan said:
I am back to my point that Truth is not contingent on belief.
Never said it was
Situational? Conditional?
Eternal doesn't *necessarily* mean in the same condition or situation. Conservation of Mass.
juan said:
but that tiny little piece is hardly sufficient to level cocksure attitude of knowing everything and anyone who disagrees is stupid, infidel, heretic, or some other degree of idiot.
Never said that.
No, you didn't. But far too many over the course of human history have, and still do.
Like humanity. I am an instance of humanity, I am not 'The Humanity', but I am wholly and unconditionally 100% human, as is every other human.
I'm not sure of your point here. Not all little truths are always True, and here I am stepping outside of my preferred understanding and usage. Surely you can recount numerous times in history when cocksure, unassailable truths ruled the day and the minds and hearts of humanity, only to be shown 50, 100, 200 years later to be so far off base as to be laughable? If not, I'll happily provide a list. Wars have been fought over these petty differences of opinion! As if might makes right! So yes, this is conditional, this is situational, this is belief...and none of it is Truth!...apart from the fact that good men died for what amounted to nothing.
Well the tree is a concept. This is the bit I can't understand. What is the 'one truth' other than the collective term applied to everything that shares that quality of actually existing?
You wish for Truth to be a concept, to that I have acquiesced. In Truth, all such things, all rational thinking whatsoever, is conceptual. Do away with concepts and you *only* have experience, concepts are how we parse experience and learn from it. So yes, the tree is a concept for illustration, Truth is a concept to grasp Reality. Otherwise, what do you propose???
juan said:
Thomas said:
In fact, are not realness and truthfulness qualities of existence? Are they not the first predicates of being, that if something is, it is real, and it is what it is?
It can't be both objective and subjective. That is where the conflation and confusion of the term comes from.
That's where I think you're confounding the two.
Qualities of existence? OK, I think we are getting unnecessarily wordy, we've been here before, obfuscating with language. I am trying hard to stay with particular verbiage so as to minimize cognitive dissonance. As noted many times in the past, you like to play with words. I'm wordy too, I get it, but I would like to think this is the first sincere, neutral ground discussion you and I have had in quite awhile, and I'd like to stay on track if at all possible. So I am going to ask, pointedly, by "qualities of existence" are you meaning "concepts," or are we back at value judgments? Mind, whatever you choose here is going to be the "set in stone" definition between us going forward, and any deviation from that decided definition will be called to task. Agreed?
Now, I have already acceded "concepts," but to "value judgments" I will continue to say "no." Any way you slice this...concept or value judgment, is still dwelling on the menu instead of savoring the Real meal.
This truth, this mountain, say; that truth, that ocean; that is objectively true. And from that we derive the idea that things are either true or they are not, they exist or they do not, but The One Truth has no existence of itself, it's a quality of existing things, and a philosophical category, albeit an objective philosophical category, we apply to everything that shares existence in common.
As a concept, as a menu...yes. As a value As Reality in