Criticized from Within

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A good portion I'm sure. Thing is, I've not created a new religion nor combined the two faiths into something completely different.
That's kind of hypocritical though to criticize on that basis. I honestly can't think of a single religion without at least some level of syncretism.
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That's kind of hypocritical though to criticize on that basis. I honestly can't think of a single religion without at least some level of syncretism.
Indeed. A little like criticizing a bread maker for combining water an flour while you're eating a sandwich.
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I do approach the subject from a somewhat unique perspective and as I've said, my interpretation of scripture falls outside traditional teachings...
And you're surprised when people challenge your notions? Maybe it's because you've put yourself up as a leader and put them out there?

I reckon if I asked the people in my pew to explain the Trinity, I'd get tritheism, I'd get all manner of heresy. When I was doing my degree, we started a discussion on the Trinity and were all heretics by the first coffee break! The exasperation! The fun! I might have suggested a 'gong show', where someone has to speak for 30 seconds without drifting into error, but the game was declared too tough, you couldn't win!

But I'm not in the business of challenging their understandings or setting myself up as an alternative church.
And you're surprised when people challenge your notions? Maybe it's because you've put yourself up as a leader and put them out there?
No to both questions. When you present ideas contrary to popular belief you'll always run into opposition. You need look no further than the Holy Bible to see that. So no, I'm not surprised by it. I merely pointed it out and asked others to share their experiences. I never put myself out there as a leader either. I merely express my views like everyone else. Some get it some don't.
But I'm not in the business of challenging their understandings or setting myself up as an alternative church.
Come now. Let's be honest here. You challenge everyone's understanding constantly; whenever it differs with what you've been taught. You're doing it right now. You see yourself as the leading authority on Christianity here and are completely unwilling to accept any other perspective. That's fine, but this is interfaith, you're bound to run across those who see things differently. We're all well educated individuals here with unique perspectives and ideas. You may not see what your neighbor sees, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. I'm not trying to detract, diminish or challenge anyone's faith, but rather expound upon it and show how one belief may possibly tie in with another. That's all.
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Come now. Let's be honest here. You challenge everyone's understanding constantly; whenever it differs with what you've been taught.
Not really. Its more nuanced than that.

I have no idea of your understandings or interpretations of Christianity, nor what you hold to, nor what your interpretations comprise, etc.

I not challenging that.

All I said was, if you go 'off piste' or 'off message' then it's understandable that people will question you. Someone in the congregation who holds different views is one thing, but someone who offers an alternative church experience, which is the impression I have, is something else, or have I got that wrong?
I have no idea of your understandings or interpretations of Christianity, nor what you hold to, nor what your interpretations comprise, etc.
So apparently your accusations that I've put myself out there as a leader and am offering an alternative church experience, whatever that means, is baseless.
I'm not accusing you of anything.
Oh, ok. Apparently I misunderstood.:rolleyes:
Maybe it's because you've put yourself up as a leader... I'm not in the business of challenging their understandings or setting myself up as an alternative church... but someone who offers an alternative church experience, which is the impression I have...
Nj.... Is it accusatory? Isn't that what you have said? That you have established your own congregation? That you lead a church that has both Christian and Hindu aspects?

Or have I misunderstood all this time?
Nj.... Is it accusatory? Isn't that what you have said? That you have established your own congregation? That you lead a church that has both Christian and Hindu aspects?
Perhaps I'm being overly defensive, but it did come across that way to me. Rather like pointing a finger at someone who had done something wrong. As I have explained to you many times. I have not formed my own religion nor have I established an alternate church that I am the leader of. I have a private Madir on my property that several people of different faiths frequent from time to time. Mostly long time friends and family. They started doing this all on their own after seeing it. I have never asked anyone to attend. They ask questions, I answer, but I never tell anyone how to believe or what to believe and I always let it be known, as on this forum, that my interpretations of scripture fall outside of traditional teachings.

At one time I was labeled Minister and did hold regular services, but that was never my idea. It was at the request of the group. Thing is, mostly all who attend and that is sporadic these days, also attend a church. All of the Christian, Hindu and Jewish individuals who enter our Madir are still Christian, Hindu and Jewish when they leave. I have never attempted to change anyones faith, only to show where one faith may possibly align with another. If I am to be accused of anything, let it be trying to promote harmony, peace and understanding among believers in God.
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I fail to see the difference or anything accusatory other than agreeing with what you've done. (Well he disagrees I believe with the mix)

Just because you've been foisted into leading and hosting doesn't mean you aren't a leader and host.

Funny thing....that is his unity started...many people of many denominations coming for a Wednesday night metaphysical bible study class.... Each and every participant going back to their Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic... Whatever church on Sunday.... Until enough insisted they wanted a Sunday service too... And a new boutique denomination started...
I fail to see the difference or anything accusatory other than agreeing with what you've done. (Well he disagrees I believe with the mix)
That's just it. I haven't mixed anything. Only attempted to show where one belief ties into another.
Until enough insisted they wanted a Sunday service too... And a new boutique denomination started...
That's something I would never allow to happen. In my view denomination promotes division, causes undo conflict and detracts from faith on the whole. Especially when that conflict comes from within the same faith. That's what this thread was supposed to be about. Not me. I much prefer it when people define their faith in general terms like, Christian, Hindu or Jew. Instead of Protestant, Shaivist or what have you.
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That's just it. I haven't mixed anything. Only attempted to show where one belief ties into another.
But going from only what you have written on this forum, is it allowed to have the opinion that bringing two faiths together you have in effect set up a new church? And also not thinking that you have done anything wrong.
But going from only what you have written on this forum, is it allowed to have the opinion that bringing two faiths together you have in effect set up a new church? And also not thinking that you have done anything wrong.
More like an incorrect assumption in this case, but either way it depends on the spirit in which it is given. Admittedly, that can easily be misconstrued though.
It was never my impression that NJ believed himself to be starting a new faith, or was trying to combine two faiths. Seems to me he has made it clear over his many posts that his place is open for people to attend, or not, as they please. Yes he has talked about contributions from two religions; always as a commentary on personal experience. Or at least so it seems to me.

NJ, directly to you - an observation. NOT meant as a criticism. You do seem to take statements from an accusatory angle. Not all the time of course. Enough though that I see a trend. It seems as if you are being defensive. Whether you are or not, I don't know. That is just what it seems from my point of view.
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