Why is everyone's life valuable?

Succinctly....religions are like penises...it is great that you are proud of yours...just don't go waving it in everyone's face and don't try to shove it down anyone's throat.
When did I do that?! YOU came to MY thread.
Succinctly....religions are like penises...it is great that you are proud of yours...just don't go waving it in everyone's face and don't try to shove it down anyone's throat.
To be clear... I've been discussing my beliefs for most of my life...not to change anyones mind, but to understand both mine and theirs better.

I've been doing that on this forum for over a decade. I don't expect you or anyone to convert to my way of thinking...I just like people to think.
When did I do that?! YOU came to MY thread.
I didn't say YOU did.. You asked me to clarify on my statement about eschewing all religions... I don't recall who wrote that line...maybe George Carlin... But I do think it appropriate for all...including me.
To be clear... I've been discussing my beliefs for most of my life...not to change anyones mind, but to understand both mine and theirs better.

I've been doing that on this forum for over a decade. I don't expect you or anyone to convert to my way of thinking...I just like people to think.
I asked you "when" did I do that? When did I try to change your belief?
I asked you "when" did I do that? When did I try to change your belief?
I didn't say you did!

#2 in the four agreements....don't take anything personal....it ain't all about you(or me)

G'nite and G!d bless...

Tomorrow morn I expect there to be a lot here to chew on...

I'll duck and cover
Again. WoW! Never have I seen such a picture perfect example of two people talking past each other. You two are typing like crazy attempting to make points, yet there is zero communication going on here. Accusation. Denial of accusation. Counter accusation. Denial of counter accusation. It seems to me you both are talking to yourselves rather than to each other. I for one am completely lost what the conversation is even about at this point!
It was the middle if the night, I had a cold, the sun was in my eyes, and I am an ass...

I don't think we talked around each other completely...there was a lot of cross posting, by the time I was finishing one thought the kettle machine was beeping that there was another post to read before I posted which pertained to the post I was posting...

I surely hope I was not any kind of dimmer switch...let your light shine lux...don't keep it under any basket!
Succinctly....religions are like p****s...it is great that you are proud of yours...just don't go waving it in everyone's face and don't try to shove it down anyone's throat.
An interesting comparison, but not the best phrasing. My editing of original.