
Devils' Advocate

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In this so called Reality. Well, most of the time.
Curious as to how many here have a Facebook account. And also how much time you spend on that site. I resisted and resisted for years because of a host of objections (one example: having 200,000 'friends' and not a one you could call at 3 a.m. to help in an emergency).

But a couple of years ago I finally succumbed, mostly because one (real) friend kept telling me it was a good way to keep up with what my (real) friends were doing. So I took the plunge.

I try very hard not to spend more than an hour a day on this thing as I still don't believe it is genuinely 'living' my life.

Again, curious as to other experiences.
I was one of those hold-outs where Facebook is concerned too. Mainly over their total lack of any real security, but as you I finally succumbed. I Use it mainly to keep in touch with family living abroad. I do not however use my real name, birth date or address and everything I post is tagged friends only except acquaintances. Nothing public and any tag or reuse of my posts by friends requires my permission. There's plenty of work arounds for that so I try not to post anything too important.

I have recently started using FB Messenger and Skype. Which for the most part are integrated. Microsoft owns Skype now and they are heavy investors in FB. I like these for video chat mainly. It's great for watching the little ones grow up when you can't be there. The lack of security here is off the chart though so I never use either on my phone only my tablet which only gives them access to FB friends and not my entire address book. That's like a once a week thing and the rest of Facebook amounts to a quick daily check. That's about it for me.
Not sure how other uses it. I have a bunch of friends on it and either plan get-togethers or talk about nothing with someone. I can't possibly say how much time I spend on it because I'm mostly in front of my computer and have a facebook tab open all the time.
I only use FB for my online jigsaw puzzles, nothing else. I might join the anime community (Anime America) that is also on YouTube if YouTube deletes their account.

I'm very behind the times...

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I'm on it for fewer than 15 minutes a day. Like others, I use it for keeping up with friends and family who live afar.
Again, curious as to other experiences.

I try to keep a minimum number of friends on Facebook. Barely more than 100. When I first started using Facebook, I didn't acquaint myself with its user settings. During that time I thought about whether or not a Facebook account is worth having, but, after editing my settings, my user experience on Facebook has been fine.

One does have to be careful. My friend accidentally left her Facebook account open at a public school, and then a stranger started using her account. This anonymous individual was posting stuff for weeks before we were able to delete the account. I didn't like the way Facebook handled this issue.
I closed my first FB account as I did not like the exposure. Exposure in other peoples lives - so killed the account and backed off for a few years. Also found it uncomfortable in having the exposure in my life. When opening a new account, I was a bit wiser and keep it mostly for distant family members. Very selective who I am 'friends' with and have refused requests as well as blocked people.

Time spent on FB, maybe an hour a week - or longer after special events and everyone is posting pics
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I'm not a supporter of FB's reach and influence.

Use Messenger to stay in touch with various family groups, but that's it.
I can understand that. I suppose I am a fairly atypical FB user as I don't post my life on there. I rarely post to my timeline, and when I do it is actually something silly about me. Mostly. I'll admit to have posted some social/political rants when I felt it was imperative but that is really few and far between. I don't have a thousand friends. I don't even have a hundred! Lastly I follow a few groups that are my interests. One for Lost in Space. One on science fiction blueprints. One on the Titanic and a few others.
I don't even have a hundred!

Gregory House has only one friend on Facebook!
