
Gregory House has only one friend on Facebook!


Let me guess ... this guy? Oh I loved the show.

James Wilson.jpg
Due to.fb, I know more about my cousins grandkids than I did about my cousins..

Due to fb I can wish friends happy birthday easily, create events and invitations with clicks, organize groups and provide mass communication to them without mailing newsletters..

Fb has tons of faults...but connecting and mobilizing people is not one of them.
namaste all,

i had resisted joining yet a friend convinced me too and, frankly, i'm glad that i did. when i was about to be homeless a friend in California offered me a couch (really an awful air mattress) to sleep on and so i went there. these days i use it pretty often. most of my friends in Seattle use it so it's just pretty easy... coupled with the fact that i detest smart phones and i don't have a land line.. yeah... keeping in touch is mostly through FB.
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Never got the hang of the whole Facebook thing. Had an account for business once, but seldom used it. Just as soon email or pick up the phone myself. Do use Skype now and then to video chat, but that's about it.
My son's 17. He doesn't use Facebook either or even play video games, but he can text with one hand while driving a combine and drinking a coke! Me... walking and chewing gun at the same time is a challenge most days.
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My space went to facebook to Snapchat to Instagram...

Now they are all over, tweeting, tinder, reddit, chive, and the rest.... And the garage bands have gone back to my space or spotify
My space went to facebook to Snapchat to Instagram...

Now they are all over, tweeting, tinder, reddit, chive, and the rest.... And the garage bands have gone back to my space or spotify
That's not-...you don't use-...never mind...