... my person is more interested in how Jesus and his disciples, and those followed them, used to live on, meaning, did they trade or took what was given?
Maranguape, Sadhu, supported means what? Certain trade, by money, silber and gold, or just by the four requisites: food, cloth, shelte, medicin?
Good question.
Some of the apostles were fishermen. It is mention often, but the gospels do not say how Jesus earned a living, during the three-and-a-half years of his ministry, though he was bought up as a carpenter.
I'm sorry if I'm repeating what others have said.
He was a popular teacher, was often invited to stay and dine with all sorts of people.
Jesus said: foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the son of man has no place to lay his head.
At one time he and the apostles are picking and eating corn as they walk through a cornfield. (Another time) He blasts a fig tree for having no fruit for him when he is hungry. (The same day he whips the moneylenders out of the temple.)
He told his apostles not to take a spare robe or spare sandals, to stay in whatever house invited them and take what was given them, as they went from town to town healing the sick and preaching the gospel.
He healed leprosy and other incurable diseases and conditions, cast out demons, gave sight to the blind and even raised the dead.
He turned water into wine, and fed 5000 with five loaves and two fishes.
Once when required to pay a tax, he told his apostles to throw a net, and it came in with a fish with a piece of money in its mouth, which he told them to use to pay the tax.
He says, essentially: God clothes the lilies and feeds the ravens, and you are worth more than them So have no thought of your material needs (tomorrow) Only live (today) for God?
I may have missed something? That's basically all the gospels say. That's where all information about Jesus' life comes from.
Have you read John's gospel?