Can you believe in reincarnation & still be a monotheist?

I think COT is indicating in asking "what is a Buddhist", what defines a the Buddhist belief? Or more to the point what is the goal of a Buddhist?

Otherwise we find a dialogue that goes like this:

Q. So what is a Thing-a-ma-gig?

A. Good question! A Thing-a-ma-giger is he who believes in and follows the teachings of Thing-a-ma-gigism?
As in any Thing-a-ma-gig construct, there are those who identify themselves as Thing-a-ma-gingers, but actually don't really follow the Thing-a-ma-gigism.
As in any tradition, there are those who identify themselves as such, but actually don't really follow the teachings.
Very true. I think it's safe to say that all religions and spiritual ideologies have certain fundamental teachings associated with them. Interpretations vary however and as time passes, these teachings tend to become more and more individualized. Does that amount to not following the teachings though or just working from a different understanding? I suppose it could go either way.
All the prophets summed up into do unto others...

Jesus one commandment...

Buddha don't believe what I say...verify with your experience...

Wil... Do your best an fahgetabout what the rest think.

Life is for living... Maybe again and again...but who knows....don't miss the ride you are on.
Does that amount to not following the teachings though or just working from a different understanding? I suppose it could go either way.
Yep. It all depends on where the heart is.
Our Lord faced the same problem in His own day: "This people honoureth me with their lips: but their heart is far from me" (Matthew 15:8, Mark 7:6) and He was quoting the prophet Isaiah.
All the prophets summed up into do unto others...
Indeed — it's the foundation of a universal morality.

As a directive with regard to how we each relate to each other, it encompasses the 'horizontal' aspect ... but there is the a priori vertical principle which determines the horizontal. I think this distinguishes one Tradition apart from another, and this really is the crux of the original question.

And I would go back to that:
Q: Can you believe in reincarnation and still be a monotheist?
A: Yes ... but the next most obvious question is, why?
Q: Can you believe in reincarnation and still be a monotheist?
A: Yes ... but the next most obvious question is, why?
Why not?

Does being a monotheist mean you ascribe to heaven or hell or salvation or any religion or religious tenet? Nope. Simply means you believe in one less god than atheists.

Now if one were to ask if a member of the Imani Temple African-American Catholic Congregation or the Mariavite Church (not to be confused with the Catholic Mariavite Church) or the Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God...then one could answer specifically to the beliefs of that church.
And I would go back to that:
Q: Can you believe in reincarnation and still be a monotheist?
A: Yes ... but the next most obvious question is, why?
Life experience, conviction, circumstance, what have you. The reasons are many and as varied as believers themselves.

hahaha, I think you lost a bunch of us!
Helps to keep a Google search tab open when Thomas is speaking.;)

Simply means you believe in one less god than atheists.
That's like saying that poor dead skydiver who just landed 'splat' upon the ground, had only one less chute than all the other skydivers.:)
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That's like saying that poor dead skydiver who just landed 'splat' upon the ground, had only one less chute than all the other skydivers.:)

Many skydivers are polychutists....those without chutes atr jumpers...

Now you might as a Believer being implying that it doesn't matter what they believe in God or not there is a God. But I don't believe parachutist just believe in parachutes

Many skydivers are polychutists....those without chutes atr jumpers...
Over-thinking it Wil. Saying atheists only believe in one less God than monotheist, belittles God and all that believers stand for. Just as saying a dead skydiver, who failed to pack his chute, only had one less parachute than the other jumpers, belittles his death and the sport he was engaged in. Put another way, both are insensitive statements.
Therefore it is insensitive to say you are a monotheist to a polytheist?

Just because one doesn't believe as another?

I don't follow....
Therefore it is insensitive to say you are a monotheist to a polytheist?

Just because one doesn't believe as another?

I don't follow....
I'm neither but I would say that monotheism is at the core of monotheism, polytheism is at the core of polytheism, the absence of divinity is at the core of atheism.

I think what you are trying to do is encourage unity but these aspects are important to followers in a way that is meaningless to you.
Therefore it is insensitive to say you are a monotheist to a polytheist?

Just because one doesn't believe as another?

I don't follow....
No, it is insensitive to reduce, belittle, mock or place less importance on ones beliefs. As in saying, you only believe in one more god than an atheist. Just my opinion. Please apply the usual percentage of granulated sodium.
Idk.... If accuracy in definitions hurts ones feelings or knowing that one doesn't believe in god and others believe in multiple gods belittles a monotheists feelings....

I am beginning to understand the atheists that whine about wanting crosses,.ten commandments and Christmas decorations .from public spaces and bill boards!

I've never given that much credence before.

Should we all rally against public identification of beliefs so as not upset others beliefs?
It's not so much a question of accuracy that offends, but the way the message is conveyed. There's a right way and a wrong way to say just about everything.

Take my skydiver analogy for instance:

"Oh no. That poor fellow forgot to pack his parachute."-Sensitive

"Ut-oh, looks like that fellow had one less chute than all the rest huh?"

"Many Hindus believe in more than one God, while Christians believe in a single God and Atheists don't believe in God at all."-Accurate and sensitive to the beliefs of others.

"Atheists only believe in one less God than Christians."-Accurate, but insensitive as such statements tend to belittle the beliefs of others.
I get it...

You mean like pastors and preachers.saying hurricanes punish New Orleans for Bourbon Street and Gays...

That kind of insensitive.

And the millions of.Christians who made this movie a hit... That kind of insensitive.

Invention of Lying...
I get it...

You mean like pastors and preachers.saying hurricanes punish New Orleans for Bourbon Street and Gays...

That kind of insensitive.

And the millions of.Christians who made this movie a hit... That kind of insensitive.

Invention of Lying...
Perhaps not the best representation of interfaith...
Yo yo Hold up! Cut the music!
Check it!

I just googled the following:

"samsara definition" [cuz that's wha I do]

And got this:

1. (Hinduism) the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.
2. (Buddhism) the transmigration or rebirth of a person. Sanskrit, literally: a passing through, from sam altogether + sarati it runs.


Saṃsara (Sanskrit, Pali; also samsara) in Buddhism is the beginning-less cycle of repeated birth, mundane existence and dying again. Samsara is considered to be dukkha, unsatisfactory and painful, perpetuated by desire and avidya (ignorance), and the resulting karma.


Might there be a "Vast right-wing conspiracy" going on here ???