Something I read earlier today that I don't know where to put

Pennsylvania family ordered to take down Jesus Christmas display after neighbor said it was ‘Offensive’

...and some Twitter comments

Lol, hoa, you know the agreement the owner signed to keep up their property values and keep riff raff out of the neighborhood says no signs in the property.... Not an assault on Christmas, religion or
Christians. No need to remove the lights or manger... Just the sign...

In my HOA they complained about a wreath that was made like a peace sign!
LOL... I'm not buying it. The HOA made no attempt to invoke the 'No Signs' clause until after a resident complained that the display was offensive. If you're going to give such a clause that broad a definition, address placards, names on mail boxes, etc. are also in violation. Such clauses are usually meant to keep Realtor 'For Sale' signs and such from cluttering lawns and giving the impression people are moving out. Trying to use it to bulldoze a Christmas display is quite the stretch, IMHO.

BTW, you may not be aware, but most HOA rules are not enforceable in our state. There is a law on the books here that essentially voids any neighborhood covenant that impedes someone's basic rights. WJZ's Dick Gelman once used it to win a case against a Columbia HOA. I'd be willing to bet there's something similar on the books in PA.
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I chuckle everytime I hear about these attacks on Christmas... I swear white privilege is unrelenting. The poor downtrodden majority is scared it will become a Minority and treated like it Has others for thePast 200 years
The HOA made no attempt to invoke the 'No Signs' clause until after a resident complained that the display was offensive.
Wonder if the sign identifying the complex is in violation of the HOA agreement?:D

Reminds me of the apartment complex I lived in over there. One day we got a letter from management because someone had complained our balcony curtains didn't have a white backing as stipulated in the lease...:rolleyes:
Just a note for folks, this is a repository for odd and sundry topics.

I don't think anyone really thinks our meager management has any time or inclination to contemplate starting new threads or where to place these links.

I expect if you want to discuss any of them it would be up to you to cut and paste into a new location with your assessment of the situation.

Side note, any articles indicating our current president to be racist, lying, ignorant, or possibly have a debilitating health challenge.... Are simply redundant and can be added to the mountain of evidence at hand