Something I read earlier today that I don't know where to put

I can’t get the link to load.

I apologize for the problem. It was basically saying that there's going to be a collection of David Bowie's 1980s albums on CDs in a boxed set. I couldn't get it to load, either (and I was the one who fooking posted it!) :(

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I apologize for the problem. It was basically saying that there's going to be a collection of David Bowie's 1980s albums on CDs in a boxed set. I couldn't get it to load, either (and I was the one who fooking posted it!) :(

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Not your fault. I blame the Internets :)

Interesting news about the boxed set. Thanks for sharing.
Just stuff from Senator McCain's funeral services in the Arizona State Capital Building, including the fact that there was a line already waiting in the 103° weather. His body will be shipped to Washington DC for the second funeral, then transported to Annapolis for the Sunday interment. Both President Barack Obama and President George W Bush are giving the eulogies.

eta: Prince Harry of Great Britain joined the cast of Hamilton for a benefit show. Here's the article:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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I'm following the news about the pipe bombs that were sent to several addresses, including CNN and both former President Obama and President Clinton. All that I can think or say is thank the PtBs that the bombs didn't explode. Here's a link to one of the articles associated with this "situation":

I'm posting here instead of in Media because the story is politically linked, but not necessarily linked directly to the loaded speeches by POTUS.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
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Interfaith does resonate in spite of...

The young man who started the fundraising page just happens to be either Muslim or Zoroastrian(sp?) and he happened to raise through his page over $700,000 for a synagogue that he might not ever see irl (he's in New York City, the shul is in Pittsburgh {two different states}.)

I'm kinda ashamed that he's done more than I have to assist in the rebuilding of this congregation.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine