

Peace, Love and Unity
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I've encountered the term "Reiki" a few times associated with alternative healing practices - however, I'm not particularly aware of what Reiki is or where it originates from.

Is it an organised group, a "rediscovered" practice, a modern invention?

I'm curious as to what Reiki is, mens, and stands for. Ignorant that I am. :)
I believe Rei-ki (the technique of radiant energies: rei =spiritual consciousness or higher knowledge and ki- the life energy) has its origin in Japan. Its purpose is to reduce the stress and it's one of the alternative healing practices. This knowledge is transferred to the student by a Reiki Master.

As per my understanding there are 8 degrees to attain and not everyone is accepted to study Reiki.
There are three levels of standard reiki. Anyone can learn. It's a healing modality that involves laying the hands on someone while clothes and becoming a sort of conduit for healing. The healer does not heal. They facilitate the healing.

Mikao Usui was a Christian monk. His students asked him about the healing method Jesus used. He didn't know. So he went and studied sanskrit texts, eventually went on a holy mountain and fasted and danced and studied and chanted and whatnot, until a purplish light hit him in the third eye and the symbols of reiki were revealed to him. Then he opened a clinic and started healing people. But they weren't taking care of their own problems, just kept coming to him. So he started charging them to discourage that behavior.

Dear Brian

I said:
I've encountered the term "Reiki" a few times associated with alternative healing practices - however, I'm not particularly aware of what Reiki is or where it originates from.

Is it an organised group, a "rediscovered" practice, a modern invention?

I'm curious as to what Reiki is, mens, and stands for. Ignorant that I am. :)

Reiki originates from Japan, the oral tradition is a rediscovered art, but it is believed to go back 1,000's of years and originally part of Tibetan Buddhism. Some of the symbols that we use are said to be under the seats of Lama's there.

The founder we believe was a Shinto, but the Japanese organisation have kept themselves very much too themselves and not revealed very much to the west. It is a sacred psychic healing art very similar to spiritual healing. The main difference between the two is the sacred initiations received during a Reiki training course, it clears the energy system so that one is a clear channel for the energy to come through. These initiations provide a fast opening of the psychic centres and rapid raising of consciousness, and as such is very powerful very quickly.

There are three degrees (usually) some Reiki Masters extend it to 4.
The first degree is a gift to the self and you learn to heal the self, animals, plant, food and others.

The second degree is the practitioners course where students learn absent healing, how to use the symbols to empower the healing treatments and full professional treatments on other people.

The third degree is the teaching qualification.

When we speak of Reiki we speak of the Reiki community. There is probably somewhere between 300,000-400,000 Reiki healers in the UK, so around the world millions.

It is a pathway to enlightenment. Our founder Dr Usui said 'it is the secret art of bring happiness into your life'.

Recommended books:

Dr Usui's Original Manual by Dr Usui and Frank Arjava Petter
Spirit of Reiki by Frank Arjava Petter, Walter Lubeck and William Rand

I recommend it to everyone, an amazing experience that changes 99% of people's lives for the better. Miracles have been known to happen and the joy,love and compassion flows through the heart till it overflows.

It is divine love

dauer said:
Anyone can learn.
Anyone can learn the theory when available. But you need a Master to learn the secret path and not everybody has the potential to do it. First of all you have to believe in God. Secondly, you have to choose the path. Third, you have to improve yourself to get closer to perfection as a human being.

You are right about the healing. A Reiki operator is an instrument or a chanel of God and not a healer.

Then he opened a clinic and started healing people. But they weren't taking care of their own problems, just kept coming to him. So he started charging them to discourage that behavior.
A true healer do not charge anybody. So, I am not so sure about that kind of discouragement.
Sacredstar said:
There are three degrees (usually) some Reiki Masters extend it to 4.
My infos may be old now, but as I know Mrs Barbara Rei has studied Reiki in Japon for 9 years. She was the only one with an 8 degree about 10 years ago. She has an international foundation in Canada (from 1979). Over 4 degree, only Mrs Rei aprouve the practitioner whatever the country where the course can be.
Dear Alexa

First of all you have to believe in God.


This is incorrect you do have not believe in anyone or anything. There is no belief system attached to Reiki.

closer to perfection as a human being.

Well that is good but not a stipulated criteria.

You are right about the healing. A Reiki operator is an instrument or a chanel of God and not a healer.

A healer is a channel/instrument, but some healers do use their own energy, but not in Reiki.

Then he opened a clinic and started healing people. But they weren't taking care of their own problems, just kept coming to him. So he started charging them to discourage that behavior.
This is incorrect information. For those are interested I recommend that you read Reiki Fire by Frank Arjava Petter or I can give you some web links.

A true healer do not charge anybody.
How do they pay the rent then?

Healers charge for their time not the healing energy.

Life is about balance and energy exchange, if you do not exchange money and you can exchange something else. The moral of the Reiki history is about responsibility, and the moral taught to us, was learnt by our founder and his followers. That people do not value what is given for no exchange. So you could say it is a fundamental principle of Reiki to accept an exchange of energy no matter what form that takes.

And the moral continues to this day, I am a Reiki Master Teacher and everytime I have done an exchange for a training course, firstly the student did not honour the exchange and secondly they did not complete their homework.

Love beyond measure

PS anyone can learn Reiki our youngest Reiki First Degree was age 11 and our youngest Second Degree was 14 they are both amazing healers. Healing takes a lot more then being an instrument for the energy.Everyone as the ability to be clairvoyant and/or a healer.

Its just like being creative or learning to play an instrument. The abilities are in-built, they just need to be honed in my experience.

The most important thing is the will to learn and pure intent.

being love

Well Alexa I have never heard of her and I do know the top three Reiki Teachers in the world and am in touch with one of them.

I have been involved in Reiki since the mid 90's, the latest information from Japan is that they do not have degrees at all, they do not train like we do in
the west. it is completely different they attend weekly sessions and develop over years.

But I am happy to chat with my sources and see what I can find out about this lady. Can you provide more information and a website address?

being love

I'll be interested in those web links. Thanks, Sacredstar.

As you said, the will to learn and the pure intention are the most important. All those who want to learn only for money fail. That's why I said that not anybody can learn.
I took the info from one of my class notebooks. I don't have any more as I had only one class about the subject ( I had studied radiesthezie). So it's possible to have an incomplete info.

Do you have to do daily respiratory exercises ?
Dear Alexa

Yes i will get you the web links.

Respiratory exercises - NO

Well from my perspective there is no failure in GOD's domain but I would call it natural justice....

being love


This is Arjava's website, he lived in Japan with his Japanese wife when he was given a copy of Dr Usui's Original Manual which is now published. Up to that point it was just an oral tradition and we were told that Dr Usui did not leave any written manuals. Arjava's first book about Reiki was called 'Reiki Fire'. The manual talks about the Japanese Reiki Techniques called JRT for short. JRT is much more intuitive and there are no set hand posiitons as such, although Dr Usui did have some specific hand/finger positions for some specific ailments that are also in the book.

He now lives in Germany.

being love

Here is William's Rand's website there is nice articles written by doctors and nurses in the US.

Walter Lubeck's site

Here is a very nice Reiki Master from Canada that contacted me recently she knows me as Kim if you contact her.

Lilly White

Taggart King's website is also worth checking out.

This Candian Trade Association website is worth a view

and of course there is my own website which is in my profile.

Well that should keep you busy.

Love beyond measure

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Hello everyone reading this forum!

Sorry to add my two cents a bit late in this thread, but here goes anyway. Before I start though, I would like to thank I, Brian, for beginning a thread on this subject. Reiki is gaining much popularity these days, and I'm very happy about that. I am a Reiki student myself, and I feel I learn something new about it every day. I hope that my answers will help shed some light on this subject.

Alexa wrote, "As per my understanding there are 8 degrees to attain and not everyone is accepted to study Reiki."

SacredStar was quite right when she mentioned that "the latest information from Japan is that they do not have degrees at all, they do not train like we do in the west"; there have far more "levels" in Japan than we do here. The fourth level, if I recall correctly from Frank Petter's first book, corresponds to the North American equivalent of the "First Degree" or level. There are 3 or 4 levels in North American schools, depending on the school, but the Usui schools will stick to 3, but some other schools will divide the 3rd level and the Master/Teacher level, but that's the only variation I've seen.

Alexa, you also wrote "As you said, the will to learn and the pure intention are the most important. All those who want to learn only for money fail. That's why I said that not anybody can learn."

Absolutely, the will to learn and a heart with pure intent are the most important ingredients. The money issue is a bit controversial, however, as it is with Reiki and other forms of energy healing. I can safely say that money has no absolute value with Reiki, but I agree that it's also important to have an exchange of energy between the Reiki practicioner and the person receiving healing. Personally, the amount of money is irrelevant to me, since my primary purpose is to offer Reiki, but I really appreciate it when the person receiving the healing returns the time and energy spent for the healing. The amount would also support me in continuing my education as a Reiki student. Another way of seeing this is that when I spend an hour in a Reiki treatment with someone, I could also be building a website in my spare time and would also be paid for that. Either way, there is an energy exchange, and the format many people are comfortable with these days is to use money as a universal currency. I'm not sure if this explanation is necessary really, since SacredStar explained it very well (and in fewer words, I may add), but this is my view on this topic.

As a word of advice to anyone reading this however, I would steer very clear from a Reiki practicioner that has money as his or her primary goal for offering healing sessions.

SacredStar wrote, "anyone can learn Reiki our youngest Reiki First Degree was age 11 and our youngest Second Degree was 14 they are both amazing healers. Healing takes a lot more then being an instrument for the energy.Everyone as the ability to be clairvoyant and/or a healer."

Absolutely. Children are wonderful Reiki students, and often better than adults. Why is this? Simply because that children are not as much conditioned by society as adults normally are and usually have a better grasp of how energy works--it's almost second nature!

Alexa, I've never heard of Ms. Barbara Rei, and like you, I also live in Canada. Does she teach in Québec?

I'll also add a few comments to what Alexa wrote:

"But you need a Master to learn the secret path and not everybody has the potential to do it. First of all you have to believe in God. Secondly, you have to choose the path. Third, you have to improve yourself to get closer to perfection as a human being."

I'm not sure what you mean by "secret path", Alexa, but can only suppose that you mean that there are symbols taught at the master's level that are not in the other levels. If that's the case, you're quite right.

Dr. Usui clearly states that you do not need to believe in God to practice Reiki nor to receive a Reiki treatment.

I'm also unsure what you mean about "choosing the path". Would you care to explain this a bit further?

Your third point I think is a universal one. I haven't really met anybody yet that has not, in any way, shape, or form, tried to better their lives or themselves.

Alexa, you also asked us, "Do you have to do daily respiratory exercises ?" My answer to that is that depending on the teacher, you may or may not, but it's not a compulsory requirement for learning Reiki. You have to remember to breathe during a Reiki treatment... and in daily life too! (*chuckle*) Seriously though, from what I can see, the only purpose for incorporating breathing techniques in a Reiki class would be to stimulate the flow of Chi (energy) through your body, using meridian points in your body to further stimulate this flow. Again, though, this is not compulsory to a Reiki class.

Thanks again I,Brian, for starting this thread, and to anyone reading this, please do not hesitate to ask any further questions.

Dear Sacredstar,

Thanks a lot for the links. They'll definetely keep me busy for a while. I have a question in my mind for quite some time now and I might ask you about it if I cannot find the answer in those links.:)

Best regards,

Hello Ryuuko,

The info I have about Barbara Rhei was from an old class of mine. I still have my notebook, but it seems my teacher didn't gave us a complete information on the subject. Maybe she tought we didn't need it as the purpose of the class was to teach us radiesthezie. That was 10 years ago. I also met tow persons, one who was practicing Reiki and the other one who attained level one only. The second one was not aloud to do level two and that was not because he didn't want to learn.

You are right, I should speak about levels and not degrees. Sorry, it's been a while since I didn't give a thought on the subject. So it's not easy to find my words in this domain.

About choosing the path. Well, not everbody want do learn and practice Reiki, for example. In fact, you may find people who think that's only rubbish. As a student in Reiki, you have chosen this path in life. I've personally chosen the radiesthezie and not Reiki.

Now about the money issue. You are a student and Sacredstar is a Reiki Master Teacher. If a candidate presents himself to learn Reiki, but in his mind has only the idea of gaining a lot of money from it and not helping the others, is this candidate accepted or not as a student ?
alexa said:
Hello Ryuuko,

The info I have about Barbara Rhei was from an old class of mine. I still have my notebook, but it seems my teacher didn't gave us a complete information on the subject. Maybe she tought we didn't need it as the purpose of the class was to teach us radiesthezie. That was 10 years ago. I also met tow persons, one who was practicing Reiki and the other one who attained level one only. The second one was not aloud to do level two and that was not because he didn't want to learn.

You are right, I should speak about levels and not degrees. Sorry, it's been a while since I didn't give a thought on the subject. So it's not easy to find my words in this domain.

About choosing the path. Well, not everbody want do learn and practice Reiki, for example. In fact, you may find people who think that's only rubbish. As a student in Reiki, you have chosen this path in life. I've personally chosen the radiesthezie and not Reiki.

Now about the money issue. You are a student and Sacredstar is a Reiki Master Teacher. If a candidate presents himself to learn Reiki, but in his mind has only the idea of gaining a lot of money from it and not helping the others, is this candidate accepted or not as a student ?
Dear Alexa,

Thank you for your post. If I may ask, what's radiesthezie?

Thank you also for your explanations--the point about choosing a path is well taken. Although everybody has the potential to become a Reiki practitioner, not everybody chooses to do so, and I very much respect that. We need different people in differents areas of life.

You are right, I should speak about levels and not degrees. Sorry, it's been a while since I didn't give a thought on the subject. So it's not easy to find my words in this domain.

That's fine Alexa, we're all here to learn. Please don't be sorry for that. :)

I'm not a Reiki master yet, but would like to one day. As a Reiki Master herself, perhaps SacredStar will correct me here, but if I follow my intuition with this, I would not accept a student that has money as his or her primary motive for Reiki. Reiki is all about helping others and not about making a profit.

As for the Reiki master denying further access into the study of Reiki, I believe it's up to the Reiki Master to discern whether the student is ready for the next attunement. The student may feel ready, but perhaps he or she has not completed enough homework, or simply does not have a fuller understanding of Reiki. Here's a comparison: it's like completing grade 3 math class without having fully understood the principle of addition. It would make grade 4 math exponentially harder. Hawayo Takata, the Reiki Master who brought Reiki from Japan to the United States, required students to wait at least a year before the second and third attunements. And so perhaps your friend was "denied" the level two attunement because of the reasons mentioned above.
Dear Alexa

alexa said:
Hello Ryuuko,

About choosing the path. Well, not everbody want do learn and practice Reiki, for example. In fact, you may find people who think that's only rubbish. As a student in Reiki, you have chosen this path in life. I've personally chosen the radiesthezie and not Reiki.

Now about the money issue. You are a student and Sacredstar is a Reiki Master Teacher. If a candidate presents himself to learn Reiki, but in his mind has only the idea of gaining a lot of money from it and not helping the others, is this candidate accepted or not as a student ?

Well Reiki is not a straight line like a path for some it is a simple and wonderful stepping stone on to something else. Reiki itself is just one of the many tools I have in my tool box, the more the merrier as a metaphysician.
Reiki developed me so for instance I am now able to use Reiki to remote viewing and working with the energy system, mind, body and spirit remotely, to the extent that I have been able to do soul retrieval and past life healing remotely. Also access the cause of disease that doctors were unable to locate or diagnose.

I would never turn anyone down for a Reiki first level unless they had a serious mental health problem e.g. severe schizoprehnia. The reason being that level one can help everyone to heal the self (and is a gift from GOD) and also heal the relationship with money. Reiki opens the heart centre and people find it very difficult not to live in their hearts of truth and integrity. Those that are motivated by money are rare indeed, in the 4 years that I have been teaching, I have only had 2 people ask me what they could expect to earn as a practitioner or teacher. These people change while in training and those that are motivated by money rarely make the grade! Dr Usui sees all!

Do I give level two on demand, no I do not. I assess the people on level one.
Some I have asked to postpone and some do not qualify by fulfilling the criteria. My standards are stringent as my name is carried with their work and I need to know that practitioners are confident, coming from pure intent of the heart, compassionate, sensitive and efficient amongst other things.
50% of the level 2's that I teach qualify. I ask for a minimum of 8-12 weeks before level II and a year from qualification of level II before students consider level III. They have to learn to drive the car before they can teach others to drive.

Blessings in Abundance

Sacredstar said:
I would never turn anyone down for a Reiki first level unless they had a serious mental health problem e.g. severe schizoprehnia. The reason being that level one can help everyone to heal the self (and is a gift from GOD) and also heal the relationship with money. Reiki opens the heart centre and people find it very difficult not to live in their hearts of truth and integrity. Those that are motivated by money are rare indeed, in the 4 years that I have been teaching, I have only had 2 people ask me what they could expect to earn as a practitioner or teacher. These people change while in training and those that are motivated by money rarely make the grade! Dr Usui sees all!

I think that makes a lot of sense. Level 1 does open up the heart chakra, and often money matters (associated with the root chakra) are quickly dissolved as people are operating at a higher frequency through the heart chakra.